Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Experimental electronic music. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Experimental electronic music. Kuva kõik postitused
AnalogNoiseMaster The Aural Enthusiast (Parafago)
AnalogNoiseMaster`s aesthetics and ideology seems overtly to hark back to those days when full-electronic scoped krautrockers kicked off proceedings on repetitive sonic patterns and developments of their inner spaces in the mid of 70`s, for instance, if to come over to the workouts by Conrad Schnitzler and Cluster. The 9-track set is relied mainly upon propulsive and abrasive sounds, sometimes lopsided by having subtle swayings from one channel to another or sheer proto-industrial/old school industrial music alchemical experiments or producing slightly dream-alike fabric layers above those hard cored lookouts. Beside krautrock it can be considered minimal music as well, more detailly, if to consider the austere supplements of analogue/modular synth-based whimsical chords and overthrows. At times it will be exploded into noise-infused rhythms and brown noise-backed examples (noise techno?!). For sure, the ANM`s recent brainchild is ebullient, playful, and fruitful, all in all, full of aural fun. Check it out the other issues under Parafago Records as well, however, this Italian label has developed into one of the most solid experimental music records nowadays already.
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Dmitriy Rodionov Experience - Invisible Parts of Absurd Images (Noecho)
Since 1999 the Russian guitarist Dmitriy Rodionov has recorded lots of albums, having revealed his sympathies on diverse record techniques and sound collages. His recent, 3-track album (initially recorded in 1999) kicks off proceeding with mystical poem snippets and dense electrified drone (in fact, the issue will be finished off in the same vein). In between it is fulfilled with the effects of reverse guitars, another kind of spoken word, dark ambient shreds, unclassified sonic dust, and cock-eyed guitar jams. A solid cutting edge work, reminding of some Muhmood`s (guitar and spoken word) work and the two collaboration results made out by Alexei Rafiev & Alexei Borisov (mysterious spoken word/poetry).
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[Old but important] Birds Build Nests Underground Cold Dreams (KlaNGundKraCH)
Birds Build Nests Underground is a profilic duo consisting of Michal Brunclík and Petr Ferenc who had used turntables, vinyl records and loops for a pair of tracks to be improvised and recorded at home in winter 2008. Cold Dreams is relied upon lopsided soundscapes and propelling centrepoints for aspiring toward a new sonority via weird and dystopic effects. By having exploited lots of vinyl records in the recent case the issue (subsequently over 40 minutes) does hint at ancient symphonic samples, psychedelically repetitive sonic units, electro-acoustic-alike crackling hisses. In fact, this is an album where old touch meets new one and analogue formation meets digital approach. Indeed, Cold Dreams is a case of turntablism which is impressed via unexpected prevarications and dodges. No doubt, if you have listened to some music by Philip Jeck, Martin Tetreault or Christian Marclay or the kind of someone else, however, you should be experienced with the sort of "perverted language". An interesting accomplishment and different view about the (pop) music.
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c0ld l▲k3 - °∆° (Parafago)
The appearance of the Italian label Parafago was highly welcomed in the ending of the previous year having revealed an interesting mix of peripheral and whimsical electronics which at some of its points is related to witch house/haunted house/drag appearances. For instance, the second release in the label`s discography is issued by c0ld l▲k3, which is probably the best known artist in the roster. So far c0ld l▲k3 has got some attention with his/her previous accomplishments in the circle of blogs closely related to witch house/drag hype. Indeed, I have no idea about who she/he is but I have experienced his/her excellent touch of sound.
By obsessed with murky, industrial-infused sonority the recent case is related to a 16-minute track which is fulfilled with propulsive shards, layer changes, (over)shadowed borders, delay effects and stomping beats. Being properly channelized, balanced and dosed for the impression will overwhelm a listener in the first place for sure. And it makes the difference on its own.
Listen to it here
Alexander Martovsky Libidolove, Mortidowar (Foundamental Network)
A young, 23 year-old musician from Minsk, Belarus, Alexander Martovsky has been active throughout the ending year, having issued no more or less albums than 3. The album Libidolove, Mortidowar, after his previous workouts M42, and Keep Quiet, Everybody Is Sleeping, reflects upon his skillfully aesthetical and professional aspirations, and it might be, still searchings for certain realms to get landed somewhere for having a possibility to be settle down into a mould for his personal future. Actually the last intention may not make much difference at all, as a final result being ideally reached off in principle and represented as one of the best notches in 2010. In a more concrete way, there are 14 tracks building up a exhilarating whole between lush shoegaze-filled soundscape, mesmerizing poptronica and post-rock-ish blowups, minor symphonic arrangements a la Ennio Morricone, and rigid/austere electronic music experiments, subtle IDM-cadenced opalescence and malignant drum and bass-based motorik whips, and for much more, and for much more. All in all, it reminds of 2010`s superb works of Monokle & Galun (In Frame), and Foxes in Fiction (Swung from The Branches). No doubt, listening to the tracks like You, and Heaven, what should it be described for? Would this album predict Martovsky`s position as a further experimental rock star or, on the other hand, shows up the overally screwed-up substance of pop business?
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Raw Moans + LAY BAC beko_70 (Beko DSL)
There is a fine joint release by LAC BAC and Raw Moans, the kind of one-man-bands, coming from Austin and San Diego, USA, respectively. More detailly, two tracks by both sides, used to be quite similar to each other, however, it can be drawn the gap between them. Raw Moans is up here, to reflect upon minimal, dreamy floating, though, doing it that way which will show up the devoid or at least restraint of his feelings. It is mainly a blend of hazy monotonic chord array and loose motorik rhythms. LAC BAC does play up disco house-drenched, heavy-filtered bedroom visions similar to Ariel Pink`s early doings, on the other side, the second track Ralf Goes Out is based upon a highly down-pitched cadence to offer the platform for Jsef Calamusa`s murky voice to be appeared everywhere.
All in all, it might be seemed as a following example riding on the chillwave and witch house hype, yet, undoubtedly it is a split masterfully composed and played out.
Listen to it here
Beko DSL,
Dark synth,
Experimental electronic music,
Witch house
Steven Porter Vacu Sessions 3 (Vacu Sessions)
The first and last time when I reviewed an artist (Sturqen) under the label/blog/community Vacu Sessions, I mentioned then the label is "obviously from Finland". Actually it is the Portugal-based label, having been offering solid help for soundscapes classified between music and non-music (or a peripheric side of music) to be surfaced again and again.
Steven Porter is an artist`s pseudonym behind which are hidden Yuji Kondo, and Katsunori Sawa from Kyoto, Japan. Lots of things will be happened in those 27 minutes of one track recorded in Honen-in Temple. The issue is fulfilled with a lot of turns, breaks and variable gears shifting forward and back and having its irritating outputs through effervescent facets, however, thereby it is not wrong to be considered the whole a kind of radiophonic art, for instance. More detailly, besides the chopped-and-cut-up singing at the beginning the entries of opera singers and baroque-esque wraiths are intentionally represented here, bringing forth an emotion-loaded side. On the other side, the basic core is carried along on musique concrete-infused electro-acoustic overthrows which side-effects will be developing and channelized into broadening yet intense buzzscapes and desolate industrial ambiences. In a word, it is an interesting, open-minded construction through the forging of diverse genres and evoking of wide-scale perceptions.
Listen to it here
Phaseone Thanks But No Thanks (Lefse)
The St Louis-native Phaseone is a producer having in an excellent way remixed Animal Collective, Radiohead, Banjo Or Freakout, Fool`s Gold among others. Previously I smacked my mood up listening to his second issue White Collar Crime, basically created of the abovementioned artists` tracks/remixes. Thanks But No Thanks is his debut album (of 13 tracks) demonstrating his idiosyncratic approach to music compiled mainly of hip-hop cadences, scintillating soul/r`n`b vocal examples, trip-hop/downtempo-alike cinematic approach, digital funk-drenched shreds, delicious microscopic electro-touched synth buzzes, sometimes embellished with murky or stomping bass sounds, having even a bit of a lo-fi/DIY-esque odour at times. The second half of the album, however, is accomplished out in a more astral-like and futuristic way. Moreover, in the wake of his indie-propensity and regarding the musical situation at the beginning of the 21th century this album has much more stylistic potential than it is possible to catch with the first listenings, yet. For instance, sometimes it is getting close upon a level strongly reminiscent of the touch of chillwave music. Indeed, Phaseone`s music does have an experimental soul/funk/hip-hop backbone, the kind of de/reconstructing strongly the core of urban music at the moment. More concretely, his approach can be compared with the likes of Flying Lotus, The Gaslamp Killer, Outasight, Teebs, Yuk and others. An astonishing accomplishment, indeed.
Listen to it here
Experimental electronic music,
Urban music
Sturqen Radio Inoculation (Vacu Sessions)
Vacu Sessions is a sound art/sound design environment/community/label/blog, offering gently live sessions, mix sets, and uncommon DJ-gigs. Obviously it is located in Finland somewhere. Their slogan is as clear as the following one: heavy or light, new and old, predictable or totally unknown: the important here is the dynamic of the music. A continuous exploration of sound.
Here is a track from Sturqen, called Radio Inoculation, specially recorded for RadiaLx 2010, an International Radio Art Festival. With the longitude of 27.58 it seems to be an endless journey via sound exploration and observant knob-twiddling manipulation. Actually Radio Inoculation do tallow our visions and preconceptions about sound art as a kind of. Undoubtedly Sturqen`s conception is rigid, minimal and doggedly insensitive. Imperative even malicious signals, digital crackling of brown noise, throbbing monotonous drone lines and spacious layers are the agents up here presenting their very role to enact an intriguing conception between music and sound design, between a kind of music and non-. In fact, it does mean that there are even some little edges for warm feelings as well. What else can I add to for you - take your time and check it out for the more releases on Vacu Sessions. It is sometimes quite purposeful to listen to it for purifying of your mind.
Listen to it here
[Compilation] Artificios 3 (Sincro)
The Argentinian label/experimental electronic music platform Sincro is back after for a while. It is their third compilation consisting of musicians coming from Argentina, Peru, and Spain (Catalonia). Asolaar, GUM, Ivliss, Juan Dub Silva, Mezzo, and Omar Lavalle are the names up there to get set up with an excellent smorgasboard of industrial/noise-infused repetitive cadences, the abstract abysses of noir-esque soundscapes, microtonal/monotonal manipulations, rough audio processing, and the blaze-framed pavements of pulsating glitchtronics. Although you can hear some similarities with the nihilistic approach of the 70/80`s industrial music, the borealic senseless of Pan Sonic, or the frightening neuroticness of Suicide, it is an universe regulated by its own rules. In fact, while it is an impressive compilation, you shall have to listen to its two precedessors as well.
Listen to it here
Head In Body Not So Empty EP (KLaNGundKRaCH)
Head In Body, the Czech-based project`s new EP sounds most time like a tribute to Suicide, a legendary no wave band from the USA. More specifically, it sounds as the album of a kind of variations dedicated to Vega & Rev`s creepy (anti-)hit Frankie`s Teardrop. Sonically it does mean that certain elements are nicely represented here - psychotic, chopped, and through delay-channelized mutated vocal effects bring forth themselves as the dominating pannel of the sound. On the other side, the EP build up a bit difference, succeeding keep moving elsewhere. And the different elements do base upon the experiments of profoundly low bass drones and brown noise crackles to have brought on the other side, and driving in the wake of Pan Sonic. Anyway, in a good shape balanced ominous album.
Listen to it here
Jacques de Villiers More Wind For Lonely Suburbs EP (2010, Jacques de Villiers)
Jacques de Villiers on käesoleval aastal oma teise üllitisega tagasi. Muusik, kelle helikeelt võib võrrelda Tim Hecker`i digitaalkrabinatest seestunud boreaalkosmosega aastaid 6-8 tagasi. Sarnaselt Montrèal`ile puhuvad ka Kaplinnas külmad tuuled ning sajab palju lund. Lisaks elavad seal läheduses ka pingviinid. 24-aastase aafriklase aasta alul ilmunud "Sleepsongs"-i (hinne: 8.9) hõllandustele on lisandunud uued dimensioonid, asi on käändunud veelgi rohkem ebamaiseks ning unistuslikuks. Žanriliselt tähendab see keskendumist üksikute piaanoakordide ruumis laialihajumisele ja sulni mikromüra süvahoovustele; kadunud on drone- ja shoegaze-varjundid, lihtsalt kinemaatiline ja emotiivselt plahvatuslik helipilt on lahti rullumas. Teisisõnu, seda võib vaadelda ka kui harmooniate ja müra piiride seiklemist, segunemist ja hägustumist. Aga jah, siin on kõigest 3 lugu: Oceanic Preamble, Written For You After You Left Us ning Wednesday, 18 July 1945 (A Perfect Winter's Day).
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