
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Noise Horror. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Noise Horror. Kuva kõik postitused


Rickolus - Coyote And Mule Cassingle (2010)

/Indie folk, Singer-songwriter, Psychedelic, Anti-folk, Experimental pop, Folk indie, Electronic, Lo-fi, DIY/

Comment: this very short-running issue (6 tracks feeding back up to 9 minutes only) includes different glimpses of alternative pop music – extending from slightly dreamy and psychedelic folk insights and reverberating noise driven indie rock propulsions to naivety laden electronic melodies full of cunning innocence and charm. Of course, this issue can be considered a piece of the cassette culture movement which was to have arrived in the 10s little by little. The outlet is publicized on such US-based label as Noise Horror.        


Rickolus – Coyote and Mule (2010)

/College rock, Indie rock, Americana, Shoegaze, Alternative rock, Chiptune, Electronic pop, Primitronica/

Comment: Richard Colado aka Rickolus` 6-track issue embraces contrasty facets by stylistic consideration. It starts off with a spaced-out, shoegaze-y tumult which will be softened into organ-driven college rock and gentle Americana glimpses in next compositions. However, the last tracks are already measured in electronic terms. The finishing one Fantasy and Lips is fairly startling because of taking on a primitive, doleful progression by revealing the artist`s love against chiptune/tracker music. The issue is released on Noise Horror, an American tape label providing shelter for such combos as Chappaquiddick, Felipe Casey Cardona, Dairy, DOTH, no one, Dream Love, Critter, and Scram Brothers.              


Dream Love - Love Juice (feat. Raw Thrills) (2011)

Noise Horror


/Space disco, Electro rock, Synth pop, Synth fusion, Glo-fi/

Comment: first of all, this 2-track release reminds me of some notches from the Latvian space disco/electro pop/synth rock/cosmic fusion combo Zodiac`s album Disco Alliance (1980, Melodija), one of the best Soviet pop albums (and more general too) ever. Those gurgitating synths are bucking with marvellous dash, however, displaying its retrodelic core and offering up futuristic possibilities as well. In a word, the past is the present is the future. The future was hidden under the veil of the past. By the way, the title track features Raw Thrills, one of the nowadays USA-related underground stalwarts. The publisher is Noise Horror, an outstanding platform for cassette music and singles. A God`s touch indeed.


Dairy - Transcendental Device (Machine) (2010)

Noise Horror


/Post-hardcore, Angst rock, Avant-rock, Noise rock, Crossover, Post-metal, Experimental rock, Trashcore, Avant-punk, Avant-metal/


Felipe Casey Cardona Casio Nightlife (Noise Horror)

Having a speak about Felipe Casey Cardona`s 4-track cassette single Casio Nightlife it is not realistic to ignore a nowadays musical situation, this kind of which was rooted by Ariel Pink`s low-tech doings in the middle of the 00`s having attracted so many attention and (re-)launched a new home recording wave, developed mostly into chillwave/glo-fi/stargaze, or witch house/drag/haunted house music nowadays, which relies on a blend of the roughness of the do-it-yourself aesthetics and dream-alikeness of the bedroom music. However, the situation is greatly changed to date and the greatest of them (Ariel Pink, Devendra Banhart, Wavves) are being signed up by well-known labels, moreover, the aforementioned artists have managed to move on toward the centre of pop music, though.

Cardona takes his path in a direct and downright way. Low-end synths and noir-alike vocal sequences with some sense of violet-y colorings are ready to be instantly thrown to the forefront from the very start to the end. The opening and self-titled track seems to be a tribute to the erotic music, on the other way, the finishing Subjective Paradoxical Argument is a deep inner space noir. Two tracks in between do conjure naivistic synth chords and merely discernible distorted backcloth, by having the singing in English and in Spanish. In fact, he does prevalently drift in a lucid and high spirited mood, yet, in the ending phase his conception is used to seem a little bit monotonous and weary. But he is a talented guy anyway. Lets wait what will the sophomore issue bring with.

Listen to it here



Felipe Casey Cardona Casio Nightlife (Noise Horror)

Felipe Casey Cardona 4-looline kassettsingel "Casio Nightlife" on järjekordne tunnistus Ariel Pink`i hindamatust panusest uue ajastu popmuusikale rohelise tee sillutamises. Muusika, mille essents peitub lo-fi- ja DIY-liikumise robustses esteetikas ning magamistoapopi sulnis unenäolisuses, mis kombinatsioonina hoiabki tõrvikut kõrgel uue ajastu tarvis. Muusika loomine ei ole enam elitaarne tegevus, kuivõrd low technology on rehabiliteeritud ning ausse tõstetud. Kalifornialane demonstreeris ilmekalt, et meeleolukat muusikat võib luua odava tehnikaga või suisa mittemuusikaliste vahenditega (suuga tekitatud rütmistik), vajamata selleks ulmeliselt maksvat tehnikat (meenuvad kohe Eesti muusikute jutud, kuidas nad omal ajal maksid süntesaatorite eest autohinda ning Benny Andersson`i väidetavalt pool miljonit dollarit maksnud klahvpill). Muidugi, hetkel seostatakse seesugust muusikat veel ekstsentrilisusega, kuid ajapikku artistide lisandudes ning laiemalt uute harjumuste juurdudes olukord kindlasti muutub. Tõsi, hetkel on see veel vastastikune - plaadifirmade ja artistide vaheline - kompromissidele seatud protsess, milles artistid ise liiguvad (päris)perifeeriast keskme poole nagu on juhtunud Devendra Banhart`i, Wavves`i või Pink`i endaga.

FCC läheneb asjale otse ning ilustamata, lihtsalt trillerdades süntekaga noir`ist nakatatud purpurset tooni vokaalmaneeri saatel (või on see vastupidi). Nimiloost avang on catchy tribuut erootikale, lõpulugu Subjective Paradoxical Argument on (inner) space noir. Vahepeale mahub naivistlike akordide ning õrnalt distorted fooniga liuglemist, laulu nii inglise kui hispaania keeles. Siin on erksust ning meeleolukust, mis siiski lõpupoole kipub instrumentaalse üheplaanilisuse tõttu kaduma. Kuid potentsiaali mehel kahtlemata on. Ning kassetid helikandjatena ei ole aegade hämarusse kadumas.

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Chappaquiddick Chappaquiddick (Noise Horror)

Chappaquiddick on Taylor Ross, Jeremiah Johnson ja Mark Lynn Jacksonville`ist. Taylor Ross`i (Picayunes) muusikat olen siinses blogis ka varem tutvustanud. Trio 14-looline ja 31-minutiline debüütalbum on segu psühhedeeliast, avangardprogest ning improrock`ist. Intensiivselt esitatud helikihid moodustavad muljetavaldava terviku. See pluss pillikooslus - bass, trummid ja klahvpillid - toovad mällu ennekõike Canterbury legendi The Soft Machine`i. Tõsi, Chappaquiddick`i kohati pilti-eest-viskavad trummeldamised ja vokaalapoteoosid lähenevad hardcore-numbritele, olles seeläbi suguluses Witchporn`i ja The Moon Runner`iga. Muidugi, võib üksnes oletada, kas vihahood on spontaansed või teeseldud-kontrollitud (kahtlustan viimast). See on uus underground-muusika, mis defineerib end sarnaselt 80ndatele kassetikultuuri-liikumise kaudu. Veneetsia progegeenius Gianluca Missero alias Hox Vox andis tagasisidet, öeldes, et omal ajal USA`s elanuna nägi ta küllalt seesuguse taotlusega (clean psychedelia eclectic mix-up) punte, kelledest mitte keegi ei osanud oma kontseptsiooni niivõrd impressiivselt välja mängida kui Chappaquiddick. Ta võrdles bändi "muskleid pumpava Slint`i" ning teiste Louisville/Chicago (jazz`ist mõjutatud) post-rock-ansamblitega. Kahtlemata väga värskendav kogemus ning üks selle aasta üllitisi.

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