
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Yuki Yaki. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Yuki Yaki. Kuva kõik postitused


Glander - Variations (2010)

  • Dub house
  • Tech-dub
  • Minimal dub
  • Alternative dance
  • Chilltronica
  • Club dance
  • Electro-dub
  • Mood music
Outstanding tracks:
Variation a2
Variation b2
Variation c2
Variation e2


Emmerichk - 4th (2008)


/Minimal techno, Dub, Dub-tech, Deep techno/

Comment: it can be assumed that the best tags to describe this 7-track issue are to hint at "electronic dub" and "minimal techno". Indeed, crispy yet bleak rhythms are set to the foreground within a nebular universe which in turn are made up of outstretched sonic bits and swaying layers. Indeed, the Mexican artist Emmerichk`s music ingratiates itself to be highly cerebral, intimate and sensitive.


Glander - Variations (2010)

/Dub-tech, Minimal dub, Deep dub, Funk dub, Tech-dub/

Comment: if to trying to categorize it somehow this 6-track release can be tagged "funk(y) dub". And if it used to be funky it is sexy either. Refined grooves are seamlessly laced up with thick oscillations and uplifting vibes. Of course, as the title hints at it the album does not always flourish throughout its course in the abovementioned way, however, being rather charmingly subdued and minimal and profound. A smart sort of music for sure.


Maps And Diagrams - The Giant Woods (2009)

Yuki Yaki


/Ambient, Ambient drone, Drone, Epic, Abstract, Microtonal, Soundscape, Minimal noise/

Comment: An exhilaratingly epic effort by Tim Martin who played out some ambient music with subtly infiltrated (noise) hisses and into abstract mould designed dronescapes. Yeah, it sounds so warm and sensible via its amazing microtonal growings as the sweetest pop song album ever, anyway, reminding of Tim Hecker`s masterpieces like Radio Amor, and Haunt Me, Haunt Me, Do It Again. The Giant Woods harkens back to following statements that less is more and the beauty is covered behind (manipulated) imperfection. In a nutshell, one of the hallmarks of ambient music.


[Vana ning oluline] Lackluster Proof Of Concept (Yuki Yaki)

Möödunud, 2009. aasta oli Soome elektroonikule Esa Juhani Ruoho`le üks viljakamaid (7 üllitist). Yuki Yaki alt tulnud 5-looline EP näitab kõrglendu. Tänapäevane klassikaline elektroonika, mille peamised eeskujud pärinevad süntesaatoritega vormitud tantsu- ja elektroonilise muusika algusaegadest - 70ndate teisest poolest-80ndate algusest. Otseseid viiteid Kraftwerk`ile on küllaga. Lackluster`i helipilti süüvides torkab kõrva mehe armastus sündisämplite vastu, mis annab tema helile kokkuvõttes meeldiva pehmuse ja soojuse. Psühhedeelne ning atmosfääriline elektroonika lainetab, valgub ja ähmastub. Teiseks mõjufaktoriks - võttes arvesse träkkide kohatist tumepoolsust ning kramplikke kokkutõmbumisi - võiks ilmselt arvata legendaarsete rahvuskaaslaste Pan Sonic´u masinliku šamanismi ning teisalt Autechre`i intellektuaaltechno. Sarnasusi on ka varase Isan`iga - mis ei ole ka ime, kuivõrd mõlemate artistide eeskujud pärinevad samast ajast -, kuid erinevalt Briti duo laisast helipildist suudab Soome legend hoida kuulajat oma mõjusfääris, pakkudes algusest lõpuni konsistentsi, vaheldust ja koherentsi.

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