Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Experimental electronica. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Experimental electronica. Kuva kõik postitused
Aloo Klangbild (Astor Bell)
The first track (TreiToTrei) by the Leipzig-based artist and musical activist/disc jockey Aloo is built up on melodica-injected chords, dub-inflected shades and 4/4 beats, sounding like a electronic remix of Augustus Pablo`s oeuvre. And indeed, the Jamaican-influenced vibe will be presented in the coming tracks too. Though, on the other side, his further sonic outlook will be grown over into a more atmospheric and soothing shape, having apparent hints at ambient music on its own. For instance, at Ambient Vall can be detected for dystopian, digital-based experimental ambient. At Harmonium Pump can be heard beauteously progressing orchestrations, "occasional" sonic minutiae, all in all, suiting into downtempo moulds. The rest of 3 tracks have also drenched in masterful sensitivity. Something similar from the dub perspective is Duanel`s Noches de Repilo (2010, Camada) I am listening to now as well.
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Astor Bell,
Experimental electronica
cerBlc :NoMean Yes (Bubblectro)
The German musician Christian Vogel suggested in the Wire magazine approximately 6 years ago that by his option he would close all the recent electronic musicians into a locked room with some recorders and tapes. Tommy Smurthwaite aka cerBlc has apparently no problems with the presumptions of perceiving of early electronic music and its complicated technic approach and historic specificity. Moreover, he has played in different rock groups, including being punk (indeed, genuine punks have always loved dance music).
Here are represented only two tracks (Hongu; Yusus) being inspired by 90`s electronic music, yet, having no strong appeal toward dance floor and more generally by the past of music. Hongu is a psychedelic, sample(delic)-based shuffle incorporating the elements of hip-hop scratches and cool jazz elements. Yusus is an example of brain-focused motorik alchemy, reminding of Autechre`s early workouts first of all. In a more concrete way, strongly stomping rhythms are blended with atmospheric IDM-esque under/uppercurrents, showcasing the close liaison between earth and heaven.
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[Artists] v4w.enko
HARMONIC RATIO: Statement1___03 from V4W.ENKO on Vimeo.
focus-reboot from V4W.ENKO on Vimeo.
Vacu Sessions
Abstract electronica,
Abstract techno,
Experimental electronica,
Glitch techno,
Vacu Sessions
YouSir Hostile Takeover (Jamendo)
YouSir is first of all known as a netmusic activist from The Foggy Albion who has run the blog Another Goddamn Music Blog some years ago and been very profilic in reviewing the albums at Jamendo.
His debut album Hostile Takeover kicks off proceeding with Kraftwerk-esque cadences to come over into some hip-hop overthrows (A Message From Our Sponsors (The Dogstar Corporation). No doubt, YouSir loves coming down into a kind of DIY-near fun, shuffling around rigid sonic matter, burbling synths, crisscrossed electronics and angular rhythm stuff. And it works quite well out. My favorite track is Office Party thanks to its blasting bass steps. The kinds of I would like to hear much more.
Listen to it here
Atlas Sound Bedroom Databank Vol. 2 (Atlas Sound)
This release is my personal favorite exemplar of the 4-part Bedroom Databank series. 16 tracks do show up a crafty balance between strumming, guitar-relied pop and computer-processed electronic experiments, or thirdly, a mix of both which, more detailly, reminds on its fluctuant approach of Deerhunter`s Weird Era Cont. (2007, Kranky). No doubt, Bradford Cox is a hero between so-called established, commercial music and free webaudio world. Moreover, his special juxtaposition to those realms does not even make so much sense as much of his workouts under the moniker Atlas Sound and Deerhunter-related deeds which can be considered as one of the most essential hallmarks on contemporary indie music. Obviously his later profilic approach occurred in letting out music from his old tapes might closely be related to his health condition. By having managed to push down more musical fingerprints over into the present, past, and forthcoming future, by this point of view, his action may have a metaphysical and religious background. As I noticed above the album is a fluctuant integration of both electronics and natural strings realized off into a warble, merry-go-round-alike whole, being at times folk-ish, the second time blues-infected, on the other hand, the last track Here Come The Trains is an embarassing cosmic blues-y, krautrock-heeled notch.
Listen to it here
Muhr Her Fall Themes (Bandcamp)
The Montrèal-based musician Vincent Fugère can be considered a webaudio legend, having released countless albums under his aliases during the last 12 years. Indeed, aside as Muhr, he has also used such aliases as Koei, Vizion, Kaminari Synthesis, A Few Days Until Never Again, and Life As A Tree and managed 2 records - Apegenine and Camomille. By having been heavy-drifted above the realms of subtle electronica, drone, ambient, post-rock, and modern classical/chamber music Fugère has been a part of the conscience of his hometown`s famous experimental scene. More concretely, the albums like Drames Et Précipies (2006, Zymogen), Poussière (2007, Serein), Anthèmes pour les Regrets (2008, 12rec), and Farewell Anthology (2009, Soft Phase) can be labelled as pure gold by conjured stunning accents based upon the meandering on and between the area of elemental appearance of the nature and invisible closeness to the civilization. So if someone is really into the sound of Hauschka, Daniel Maze, Bosques de mi Mente, GY!BE, Max Richter, Sylvain Chauveau, The Sight Below, Fugère`s soundscapes may complete the kind of array for you.
In fact, after Farewell Anthology the quebecois has had serious hesitations either to continue or to make the final closure as Muhr, but fortunately decided to trundle on with his new numbers. At Her Fall Themes are represented 10 tracks of minor, piano-based insights stepping over to the more brighter voyages directed over to imaginary landscapes being sometimes seasoned with march-infused cadences are beautiful appearances which, in principle, may be stayed for the last examples regarding his creation so far.
Listen to it here
Weldroid Attitude Indicator (Kahvi)
I suppose, there is no question about Tamas Zsiros aka Weldroid`s ability to proof himself as an artistically established musician among the IDM-niks in worldwide. No doubt, his previous releases Stranglehold (2008, Kahvi), and Splines (2010, Soft Phase) has showcased his strength to reach off mesmerizing rhythmic patterns, playing out in abstract cadences at the one time, or keen likely to harmony-based occurences at the second time, or infused versions of the two abovementioned ones at the third time. Yet, it is not a kind of near-softcore IDM appearance, having its flow on a blend of motorik gears and electro-esque blurbing of the robot-alikeness in the style of Autechre or Dopplereffekt, respectively. In a word, based upon a sheer cutting edge conception.
However, the Hungarian`s third release (15 tracks within approximately 80 minutes) under the legendary Kahvi Collective seems to be more outstripping vis à vis with the two previous issues. Aside every kind of obligatory nucleus-based angular metallic techno beat variations around here you can detect for krautrock-alike Moog-based blurbs in the vein of Tangerine Dream or its members` solo projects (Silicon Man Extraterrestrial), deliciously malicious sonic effects, in-deep-psychedelia-poking-around synth brooding or elemental cosmic layers to overlap and spice up the whole record. One of the best electronic albums of 2010 to date.
Listen to it here
Atlas Sound Bedroom Databank Vol. 1 (Atlas Sound)
Nowadays (experimental) indie music golden boy Bradford Cox is back again. No doubt, he was one of those remarkable newcomers - besides the tandem Avey Tare-Panda Bear, and Ariel Pink - whose conception poisoned profoundly the understandings of music lovers throughout the previous decade. At first, with Deerhunter, as the singer of the Atlanta-based quintet (now quartet), he has been evolving a blend of art-rock, noise rock, space pop/ambient, and shoegaze, all wrapped up in expansively psychedelic ambience. As Atlas Sound, his one-man-band, he is used to exploit the most of the abovementioned stylistic elements while showed up more electronic and laptop-based approach as well. By the way, besides the extraordinarily lank look he is also known by his exclusive songwriting method via stream-of-consciousness.
During last years he has released a lot of concert outtakes and bedroom demo recordings of the both projects via his/Deerhunter blog. Bedroom Databank Vol. 1 compiled of 11 tracks is the last appearance in the array (in Wikipedia has already mentioned the numerical follow-ups to the Bedroom Databank). The album is stilistically a wide-scale one, extending from minimally bleeping laptop-based lo-fi electronics, and Stereolab-esque light-filled synthetic pop to harmonica-leaded introvert alt-folk/indie folk songs (though it is mostly managed to be fulfilled with every kind of electronic effects). However, by my opinion, Lanterns is an outstanding ambient track, encircled by ticking icy-tinged IDM-beats. Really profound and sensitive, remembering a bit of Pulp`s Seductive Barry. There are also two covers represented here to get coated into new appearances (Bob Dylan`s This Wheel`s On Fire; Kurt Vile`s Freak Train).
Listen to it here
Plantae Pinguin (Qulture Production)
Plantae comes from Izhevsk, the Udmurtian Republic, the Russian Federation, having previously released the albums Feld, and Distance under the likes of Datenbits, and 8081, respectively. Pinguin does offer 7 tracks within 35 minutes. On the site of Qulture Production, on the record site, the album is being described as "minimal toy techno", "acoustic", and "IDM". No, doubt, any kind of experiments with toytronica, with its mellow sense of fluctuant harmonic crests has been quite popular in those days, giving some different touches and angles of views to our weary listening experiences to be changed, at least a little. In addition to it, however, it can be mentioned to have a cute cartoon-esque coverprint and all the track names are titled in German (Wanderung; Entspannung, Schwimmen; Niedergang etc). However, regarding penguins (or pinguins as a kind therefore showing up its deviation in reference to the IDM-based conceptions), such an infantile soundscape, and folktronic-infused album, it is impossible not to see a connection between Plantae`s recent issue and the minimal approach of Penguin Cafe Orchestra (Pinguin is used to express itself especially on this mode in the beginning of the album). No doubt, all of those samples of unconventional instruments imbued with synthetic cadences do construct an organic whole here. A solid work indeed.
Listen to it here
[Artists] Illnathix
Qulture Production
Nihilistic Droid
Punk Ist Pop
Skrow! Media
Mind Noise Disintegration
Sarutra`s Music
Qulture Production
Nihilistic Droid
Punk Ist Pop
Skrow! Media
Mind Noise Disintegration
Sarutra`s Music
Experimental electronica,
Nihilistic Droid,
Primitive pop,
Punk Ist Pop,
Qulture Production,
Sarutra`s Music,
Skrow Media,
Sun-inside Speed Beauty (Section27)
The Ukrainian project`s first track is named as Transparency Palm which might semantically have a reference to Faust`s first, so-called X-ray album, and the album title might referentially be related to krautrock style in a bit broader sense as well, though its surrealistic and shimmeringly sounding approach is more keen to hauntologic and sampledelic outputs rather than come to over for manipulating with motorik and hypnotic conceptions. Indeed, 13 tracks consisting of weird low-end synth effects, have been played out via high-key sonic patterns, though mainly on the lo-fi mode, remembering strongly of Cagey House, and Manuel Buerger sometimes. In fact, weird can be perceived without the weirdest ones. For example, Tragic Ceiling has been brought forth through mystical spiritual music, respectively to the Russian orthodox tradition. This track could be associated with the collaboration acts of Alexei Rafiev and Alexei Borissov (two albums under Clinical Archives).
Listen to it here
Bmind Uncommon Things EP (Tranzmitter)
Jätkame muusikaga Brasiiliast. 23-aastase Jaime de Almeida Simões`i aka Bmind`i aasta alul ilmunud 3-looline (ning 35-minutiline) EP on siinkirjutajat juba pikemat aega irriteerinud kui üsna hoomamatu taies. Iga kuulamisega on üha enam ilmnenud, et see on prog-muusika tänapäevaste mallide järgi. Ei, mitte ses mõttes, nagu oleks sel stilistiliselt pistmist neoprogega, vaid see sätestab ise omad reeglid, olles tugevalt mõjutatud 70ndate aastate intellektuaalsest kitarrimuusikast (a la Adrian Smith, Randy Rhoads, Jake E Lee, David Gilmour). Kaks esimest, pikka - umbes 15-minutilist lugu - kätkevad elemente kesktempolikust trance`st/bubblegum techno`st, millesse on integreeritud keelpilli- ja etnotrummide sämplid, mulksuv psühhedeelne elektroonika, dub`ilik kaja ning loova produktsiooni ja tämbriga vokaliis pluss tõnupedarilik manifesteeriv mana (ah jaa, teises loos lööb kaasa leiblikaaslane Holocaos). Erinevad kihid on kenasti üheks sulatatud, üksteise suhtes nihkuma pandud, võimaldades sünergiavektoril esile liikuda. Emotiivses plaanis on helindid hillitsetud, pigem mängides vastaspooluse võimalikkusega. Lõpulugu (ühtlasi nimilugu) on akustiline, peegeldades noormehe kitarrioskusi - omandatud muusikakoolist nullindate alul -, sisenduslikku vokaalmaneeri ning portugalikeelse laulu kaunikõlalisust.
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ArnAck To mars (Breathe Compilations)
Liegè`i produtsentide Arnaud Rosoux` ja David Schreder`i (Dio2xide, Kingfisherg) 6-looline debüütreliis on täis seesugust helisegmenti, mis viib mõtted paljudesse suundadesse rändama. (Et reisimuusika, või mis? Marsile?). 34 minutit hõlmaval EP-l võib kuulda sulneid kosmilisi analoogkajasid, õrnalt lo-fi`likke kesktempos rütmistikke, IDM-külgnevusi (kaks viimatinimetatut kombineeruvad tugevalt omavahel) ning manuaalselt klahvkadega laotud bassisaunde (igasgune robustsus ning haavatavus helikeeles muudab kontseptsiooni orgaanilisemaks). Ning ka kosmilise kõlaga minimalismi ja poptolmu ühitavat süntesaatorieksperimentalistikat, mis oli omane 70ndate krautrockalkeemikutele (Elektriktus, Konrad Schnitzler) või siis mõnele 90ndate ja nullindate krautrockesindajale (To Rococo Rot, Kreidler, Tarwater). Teisisõnu, "To Mars" kulgeb sci-fi ja lo-fi vahepeale jäävat niiti mööda. Võtame näiteks Sorry, Dog!-i, mille rohmakalt pinda puutuvad rütmikäigud ei ole ülejäänud helipilti vahetult integreeritud, andes seeläbi kuulajale võimaluse oma ettekujutused ümber mõtestada. (Igasugune muusika, mille "portfoolios" ei sisaldu etteennustamise elemente, on tegelikult ekstraordinaarne). Dünaamiliselt ja (üleüldse sugestiivses tähenduses) on eeskujulikem näide The Mome Raths in my Studio. Väga hea EP.
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