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Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Textural Healing. Kuva kõik postitused


Thuuooom – Neo EP (2023)

Textural Healing

Musique concrète Avant-garde Lobit Organic electronica Experimental electronica Experimentalism Abstract Field recording Electro-acoustic Ambient Post-psychedelic Minimalism

Soomlase Tuomo muusikat olen jälginud ja kajastanud selle algusaegadest -- nullindate lõpust -- saati. Kindlasti kuulub ta kümne kõige olulisema artisti sekka, kes on võrsunud netiplaadifirmade skeenest (sama võib väita Soome artistide tasandile laskununa). Selle eest on hoolitsenud ta ise, olles oma muusika väljutamiseks loonud Textural Healing-nimelise plaadifirma. Piltlikult öeldes on ta eksperimenteerinud metsa serval seistes, ühes käes elektroonilised vahendid ning teises puuoksad ja tühi pudel. Elik kasutanud pärispille kõrvuti suva vahenditega; tsivilisatsioonis looduga tõrjunud inimtekkelist. Nagu paganlik mitme käega jumalus. Eelmisest üllitisest oli möödunud kolm aastat -- nii suurt ajalist auku varasemalt teoste vahel ei olegi olnud --, et jätkata metsaelektroga (Tuomo väljamõeldud määratlus) -- mis käesoleval juhul tähendab kunstlike ja pärishelide põimumist peadpööritavates helikeeristes, tektoonilisi bassimüdinaid alusvööndis, äratuntavate ja abstraktsete helide paralleelset kulgemist eri fraktaalides. Kõrge ja madal kohtuvad -- kusjuures elektrooniliste efektide bitisagedus on keeratud madalaks ja roostekõlaliseks. Pean möönma, et viimatimainitud joon on läbiv pikimas 25-minutilises loos "Soidin", jättes albumile veidi...roostese pitseri. Seda on liiga palju, liiga kaua; liiga kapseldunud näikse kõik. Ka lõpulugu on tüütu -- nadi minimalism. Samas kolm esimest lugu on vanade (heade) päevade tasemel (parim neist on "Huuto"). 


Thuoom – 10 Years In Noise (2017)

  • Noise 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Psychoacoustic 
  • Microtonal 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Abstract 
  • Musique concrète 
  •  Glitchtronica 
  • Acousmatic music 
  • Non-music 
  • Drone 
  • Minimalism 
  • Micronoise

Kui Soome artist Thuoom (aeg-ajalt ka Thuuooom) oleks saanud võimaluse luua muusikat kolm-neli dekaadi varem, siis saaks ta kogeda samaväärset avastamise ja ajalukku kirjutamise au nagu tema kuulsad eelkäijad Erkki Kurenniemi ja Pekka Airaksinen. Võib-olla isegi siis, kui ta muusika olnuks üllitatud 90ndatel nagu Pan Sonic tegi. See on siiski kõik hüpoteetiline, ent viljaka soomlase kvaliteeti on olnud võimalik nautida nullindate lõpust saati personaalleibeli Textural Healing vahendusel. 13-loolise albumi pealkiri võib jätta mulje autorist kui müraartistist, ent see siiski on vaid üks tahk tema loomingus. Ta ise on tembeldanud oma muusikat metsaelektrona, mis ühelt poolt püüab osutada sugulusele ning teisalt distantseeruda kaasaegsest Soome eksperimentaalmuusikast, mida tuntakse metsafolgina. Ühelt poolt Thuoom on olnud silmatav, ent samas jäänud omaette hoidvaks. Arusaadav ju, kui metsi raiudes pühadust teotatakse. Mulle on selle mõistatusliku artisti muusika alati meeldinud, sealhulgas tema mürasse kaldumised; pigem siis, kui see esineb teiste elementidega kõrvuti või läbisegi. Mis asi see müra õigupoolest on kui mitte lühiste, katkestuste, obsessioonide, kõrvalekallete, hallutsinatsioonide, meeleolukõikumiste, ebameeldivate kogemuste, alaväärsuskomplekside, surmahirmu-surmatungi võimendamine elusuuruses meeste ja naiste poolt. Võrreldes popmuusikaga on see otsekohene et mitte öelda karjuvalt aus. Kokkuvõttes tuleb nentida, et Thuoom näitab käesoleval albumil taset, ent avanemine teiste albumitega võrreldes toimub laugemalt, hingamine ja kooskõla kerkib hiljem. Algne närvetav tundmus kasvab tasahilju isevärki orgaaniliseks pulseerimiseks. Näiteks ühtelangemine poolte lugude pealkirjades ja sisus, mida võib mõista pelga protsessi edastamise ja lakoonilise kirjeldamisena ning seeläbi eelpooltoodud inimlike omaduste peegeldamise tõrjumisena; ent iga samm, mida artist püüab teha, on niikuinii laetud märkidest ja tähendustest. Seega püüame mõista seda mitmekesisust. Mis Thuoom'i lähenemise puhul meeldib on see, et helikeelt ei ole ära steriliseeritud ja tooteks muudetud, st ei ole seda töödeldud tämbriliselt värvivaeseks monokroomseks kulgemiseks. Monokroomsust ja värvivaesust tuleb mõista ette prognoositava kujundlikkusena.

7.5 (7.0-8.5)


Thuuooom – Natur (2020)

  • Experimentalism 
  • Micronoise 
  • Organic electronica 
  • Ambient 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Musique concrète 
  • Microtonal 
  • Ambient drone 
  • Abstract 
  • Field recording 
  • Drone 

Kolme nädala eest Tuomo albumit “Luonto” arvustades sai väidetud, et on pelgalt maitseasi teha eristus projektide Thuoom (rohkem looduskeskne) ja Thuuoom (rohkem tehislik ja fookusega ämbiendil) vahel. Muideks, nii “Luonto” kui “Natur” üllitati samal päeval artisti isikliku plaadifirma Textural Healing all. Olles kuulanud albumit “Natur” kordi järgemööda pean tõdema erisust. Kui “Luonto” muster põhines loodushelidel, millest genereeriti huvitavaid šamanistlikke tehnorütme, siis “Natur” uurib pigem helisid, mis jäävad tavalisest kuuldeulatusest eemale – mõned helid-kuminad ilmuvad justkui maa- või vee alt, on üldistatud ja ebamäärased; on helisid, mis võtavad konkreetse, teravakõlalise kuju – justkui tohutu parv mesilasi lendaks üle pea, omandades masinliku kõla nii vormis kui tämbris. Või on need pelgalt merelained, mida on mõneti abstraheeritud. Või on eelpoolmainitud helid omavahel kokku segatud. 7-loolise albumi rütmistik on aeglane ja kalkuleeritud, mille abstraktsioon ilmneb rütmimustri olemasolu ja olemasolu puudumise interaktsioonis. Soome artist mängib peitust kuulaja mälu ja sensoorse tundlikkusega. Eriline lemmik on “Jungle Spirit”, mille 16-minutiline droonmanifestatioon miilab mitmeti-setmeti, milles sfääride segment ühineb maisega. Eepiline ilu keset boreaalset džunglit.


Thuoom – Luonto (2020)

  • Avant-garde
  • Ambient
  • Microtonal
  • Abstract
  • Experimentalism
  • Drone
  • Musique concrète
  • Organic electronica
  • Field recording
  • Minimalism
  • Avant-techno
  • Non -music
  • Electronic

Soome ühemeheprojekt Thuoom on tagasi kaheksanda albumiga "Luonto". 13-looline album on rajatud üksnes pärishelidele, mis on kas ehedal, st töötlemata kujul või on seda vähem või rohkem töödeldud. Näiteks lood "Unipuu" ja "Syvä puu" kõlavad kui laias laanes salvestatud kõlksatustest ja kajast läbiimbunud transsilangenud tehnomuusika. Leida transis meelte ja vaimu puhastumine (ka füüsise korrastamine ja laiemalt terviklikkuse saavutamine). Väga soomeugrilik lähenemine – oma privaatruumi hõivamine, selle laiendamine ja isikupäraseks kujundamine. Meie rahvaste õnnis paganlik embrüo, mis aeg-ajalt end meelde tuletab. Ühelt poolt inimene tagasihoidliku sekkumisega looduse keskel või äärel, piirnedes aukartustäratava kimalasparve lennu või hirve haukumisega. Just nimelt seesugune peab olema keskkond, et inimese kui eraldi isendi ja ühe loomaliigi esindaja ilu saaks esile tulla. See on kahtlemata eskapistlik album pääsemaks eemale ühiskondliku-sotsiaalse pasarahe eest. Ainult looduse keskel ei pea inimene pretendeerima olemaks teine, kolmas või neljas jne; surumaks alla oma viha ja emotsioone, mõtlemaks ette mitut käiku ja kulutamaks tarbetult oma energiat. Sarnaselt Tuomo eelmistele albumitele on käesolev üllitatud isikliku blogileibeli Textural Healing all ((muideks, samaaegselt üllitas albumi "Natur", peitudes pseudonüümi Thuuooom (selles ilmnevat Tuomo ämbientlikum pool – siinkirjutaja arvates on see pelgalt maitseasi) taha (järjekorras neljas)).


Thuoom – Organism (2019)

  • Experimental electronica 
  • Avant-electronica 
  • Glitchtronica 
  • Experimental electro 
  • Drone 
  • Abstract 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Forestelektro

Comment: it is nice to see the Finnish one-man-project Thuoom is back with his brand new album Organism by perpetuating the glorious tradition of Finnish experimental music being created by such artists as Erkki Kurenniemi, Pan Sonic, early Jimi Tenor, Kemialliset Ystävät, Keijo, Uton. Of course, Tuomo continues trudging his personal path by constituting an uncanny whole of crunchy debris, bleeping techno-alike throbs and bent drones and galvanized electronic effects. In fact, the glitches the outing consisting only of are conjured up by exploiting a sound card in a wrong way. And it is a bit different approach in comparison to the artist's previous issues. First time I wrote comments on his first album more than 10 years ago but so far I had avoided the artist's invented term forestelektro. Regarding the recent case it would be sinful to reject it – at times it chimes like the most provocative and mud-eating moments of Throbbing Gristle, at times like a slowly melting substation to get eventually fucked up. However, the aforementioned examples can be handled inseparably as well. As similarly as before the 11-track outing is issued on Tuomo's own Textural Healing. A purgative asylum for all of those who would like to stay far away from bullshit and from superficial appearances in our everyday's life.


Thuoom – reCycle 2 (2017)

  • Electronic music 
  • Electro-acoustic 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Abstract 
  • Minimal techno 
  • Drone 
  • Live 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Psycho-acoustic 
  • Abstract techno 
  • Experimental electronica 
  • Avant-electronica 
  • Avant-techno

Comment: as the Finnish artist Thuoom did close his second grand cycle in order to begin a studio hiatus, there are up a couple of compilation issues released simultaneously (10 years In Noise, and reCycle 2). These ones gather together a bunch of unreleased tunes having no particular fit with the albums he composed during the second cycle. Indeed, there is represented a bunch of 13 tracks full of different sort of sonic experiments with uncanny rhythms, heavily boreal infused soundscapes, throbbing techno cadences of recent Finnish witches, amplified electricity and elliptically trudging noises, interrupted yet still loopy circuits, extended guitar chords and bold drones from the tundra. All is changing permanently around the listener yet fulfilling it through slowly changing cycles the ultimate effect will grow even bigger. At a time one can discover he/she has stepped unremarkably into another forest or landscape. Without any doubt, there can be drawn parallels upon his outstanding compatriots Ilpo Väisänen, and deceased Mika Vainio aka Pan Sonic, obviously one of the best artists having ever existed within the history of electronic music. Furthermore, I can personally say I am very proud of my mighty paternal grandmother who is Finnish. But such sort of music adds an extra charge to it (of course, I know such sort of feelings are not very supported in the contemporary highly tolerant Western Europe). A must-have listening for any experimental music fan by a man who has established himself as a symbol within the weblabel world. And as usual, this mighty and cathartic miscellany is released on his own imprint called Textural Healing.


Thuoom – Circadian (2017)

  • Ambient 
  • Soundscape 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Electronic music 
  • Minimalism

Comment: the term "circadian" does mean of relating to biological processes at 24-hour interval. I guess the main adjectives to describe the process are iterative, analogous, unvarying and consistent. The Finnish artist's 10-notch release is thought to illustrate it through the language of sounds. Minimally changing elements and rhythmical impulses within Thuoom's breathing and organic universe. There are up a thousands of ambient releases worldwide but Thuoom's power is to find out an idiosyncratic slot within it. Of course, I have described it a little bit in a negative and artificial manner because I don't think altogether his premise is to face off against someone's music; instead of it his plan is to think off his own sound in an organic and natural way. In general, he employs natural and artificial electronic sounds to bound them together which in turn adds a breathing and thereby mystical substance to the whole (by that point the outing can be compared with such an artist as Alio Die). As the artist's previous issues the recent one has been issued on his own imprint Textural Healing. Quite simple by its initial elements to embark on yet highly impressive by establishing the album as a whole.


Thuoom – Fokus (2017)

  • Electronic music 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Sound poetry 
  • Minimal techno 
  • Improvised music 
  • Minimalism 
  • Microtonal 
  • Abstract 
  •  Microsound 
  • Glitchtronica 
  • Drone 
  • Experimental electronica 
  • Electro-acoustic 
  • Avant-techno 
  • Post-psychedelic electronica 
  • Clicks'n'cuts 
  • Leftfield 
  • Forest folk

Comment: a Finnish musician behind nom de plume Thuoom is back again with his brand new one. His last three or four albums (most of them had been issued in 2016) were quite abstract ones as if recorded with the onyx-tinged needle and cartridge. Fokus resembles more his earlier records at the end of the 00s where he did employ instruments and non-instruments colourfully to set out his aesthetical pieces of cake. In fact, it is a platform wherein much used to happen throughout the course due it seems to be cursed. I am wondering by myself is it either improvised music or determined sound. The term "Fokus" should be related to the last one though you cannot be thoroughly sure because playfulness is an essential part of the 12-track issue. And that's very pro. More profoundly, microscopic schemes are set up to constitute a macroscopic sonic universe and therefore revealing a perfect circuit as the whole. The butter between the parts to be functionally fulfilled ultimately is the aforementioned curse. Or magic. Or witchcraft. Furthermore, Thuoom as an artist represents the idea that all the kinds of sound are music or at least all these sounds could be morphed into music. From inferior crackles, signal-alike humming and cut-up vowels to wondrous droning and elliptically shaped electronic grandeur and techno pulsations at the most minimal extent. It can be considered as a next level within the so-called forest folk scene. On the other side, you can perceive similarities with another Finnish masterminds like Mika Vainio and Ilpo Väisänen. Get it and try to crack the core of this gem.


Thuoom – Contact (2016)

  • Rhythmic music 
  • Ambient 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Alternative
  • Experimentalism 
  • Post-rock 
  • Art music
  • Post-classical

Comment: Tuomo aka Thuoom aka Thuuooom (he reminds of such avant-garde/experimental music legend as Big City Orchestra in the name regarded case) has issued four albums in 2016 so far, and this 7-notch one is such a sort I cleaved to it more closely. Thereof it could be admitted the title is not at odds with the content. The Finnish producer two previous issues Kaiut, and Aste EP I had commented at Recent Music Heroes as well were remarkably more abstract and austere and I have had some problems to get into them because they did not connect with my soul though did it with my intellect. At the opening Sinking Lift it takes off with catchy rhythmic propulsions to be evolved into a tight labyrinthine poly-rhythmic outfit. Later on, the organic touch will be kept going due to merging together acoustic instruments such as acoustic guitars, toy pianos, and non-instruments as kettles, tables with the sounds of contact microphones which eventually will result in such appearances as smouldering post-rock chugging, and panning ambient insights, and artsy interactions between throbbing cadences and faux-classical/post-classical music (at Coined) where the artist teethed on. For instance, Solarius is a fabulous incantation based on a longing panorama imbued with poignant emotions and beatific melancholy thereby ennobling the listener eventually. Its intellectual approach does not turn you down emotionally. In a nutshell, it is one of the best issues in 2016 so far.


Thuuooom – Kaiut (2016)

  • Ambient drone 
  • Minimalism 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Microtonal 
  • Drone 
  • Microsound 
  • Abstract 

Comment: behind the project Thuuoom is a sonic experimentalist Tuomo from Finland who has been issuing music since 2008 under his own imprint Textural Healing. In the meantime I was quite worried because of having had no releases by the artist for a while. However, in the recent year he has issued four outings so date. I did recently review his three-track issue Aste EP, which was the chaser of the album Kaiut because the music for both albums had been conjured up in one and the same session. Aste EP was a highly microtonal, even abstract case, which contains a very few information you could have dealt with it. It was rather a state of mind. Kaiut is a longer issue physically containing 6 pieces and clocking in at a 65 minute. Its soundscape is more bright and more evocative. For instance, the opening composition Electride starts off with tanpura-alike drones, which later will convert into more restrained yet somehow burning drones. Indeed, one could perceive some lurid frequencies coming out of it. The same will be represented in the next tracks yet with slightly different modifications in tonality and intensity (I guess Tuomo uses some sounds of found sound origin). At times it sounds as if coming from a remote wasteland to ghost you with uncommon sounds and a conception. One could imagine that the artist exploits the tape head for recording music being made up of coal and lignite. From the album`s sleeve you can see he has used an acoustic guitar though you could not hear clear-cut guitar sounds on it. Thereof it can be admitted these instruments he has exploited on it are not things on their own but just the bare matter for further sonic processings. Indeed, those brownish sounds predominate on the issue with some brighter slots and slight turns and subtle changes. In a word, get it. It is a specific yet intriguing issue for all drone and sound art inflected devotees. 


Thuuooom – Aste EP (2016)

  • Minimalism 
  • Microtonal 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Drone 
  • Microsound 
  • Abstract 
  • Space music 
  • Non-music 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Sound art

Comment: behind the project Thuuoom is a sonic experimentalist Tuomo from Finland who has been issuing his music since 2008 under his own imprint Textural Healing. In the meantime I was quite worried because of having had no releases by the artist for a while. However, in the recent year he has issued four outings so far. The three-track Aste EP is one of them clocking in at a 28 minute. Technically it is a little bit different than his previous ones because on it he operates with an acoustic guitar and an Elka Consolette organ. Previously Tuomo had been relying on such proper and non-proper instruments as music boxes, plastic bags, wine glasses, acoustic guitars, toy pianos, faucet, elevator, kettles, coin, contact microphone, balalaika, bottles, human voice, midi, whistles, Excel (!), electric guitars, dices, shelves, tables etc. Later on, of course, he mixed them up into solid electronic compositions. Back to the topic again, partly because of that his soundscape is more restrained and buried yet being enough abstract and stimulating at the same time. One has to crank up the volume of his/her volume system to hear exquisite nuances coming out from there. By listening to such sort of music I cannot bypass the comparison with a space rocket flying in a very remote distance from Earth being totally alone and seeming like a very small dot in an immense space while emitting such sort of sound being barely hearable on the outing. First of all, the recent issue is all about the shapes of microscopic waves, which used to drone at different frequencies. At times it is more bass-drenched, at times more demonstrating lighter tones. In fact, it is the most austere and minimal issue I have heard by the artist and because of that I needed more listening times to get related to it in a more close manner. In a sense, it is more mathematics than music, just being a physical representation of sounds. It is not post-psychedelic electronica and forestelektro anymore. On the other side, it is said on the page of the release that these tracks were conceived during the Kaiut Sessions, another issue, but did not fit on the said album. By my opinion, to understand these compositions better it would be better to listen to Kaiut additionally as well. 


Thuoom - Through This Dark Rain (2012)


/Abstract electronica, Sound-art, Organic electronica, Space rock, Psycho-acoustic, Experimental rock, Musique concrète, Psych-rock, Forest folk, Glitchtronica, Post-psychedelic electronica, New Weird Finland, Avant-electronica, Microtonal, Glitch ambient, Minimal, Experimentalism/

Comment: Tuomo aka Thuoom, a Finnish artist is back with the third full-length output which may be the most obscure issue of him so far. He exploits more and less conventional instruments and sonic sources like bottles, clocks, electric guitar, field recordings, human voice, metal jar, music box, sine waves, speaker feedback. Sounds intriguing, isn`t? The result is evocative due to sundry experiments with some disparate magnitudes of the soundscape, vowel effects, repetition-heavy (rhythm) structures, however, which are either wrapped up in lethargic, or ghostly vapor. Moreover, some tracks used to curve downwards as more obsessive, noisy and psyched-out than others (for instance, Underf).  On the other side, there are up some places ready for more bright, redemptive developments (Novembrane, Drunken Lullaby). However, there is the remarkable exception, Indigo St, which relies on hirsute but spaced-out guitar strums therefore getting closer to psych-rock/space rock realms rather than dwelling in compulsive electronic courtyards. The ending part of it is especially breathtaking. You can be sure I am waiting for Tuomos`s proper rock album in future. The last track Ff beseems to the Finnish forest folk tradition more clearly than the rest bunch of pieces or parts of them. Similarly to his previous issues this 9-track album is released on his own Textural Healing imprint. By the way, two weeks ago Tuomo issued an enormous set of 35 tracks called reCycle.
Thuoom deserves to be signed up by some eminent Finnish record label (for instance, Fonal Records, or Wooden Sherpa) already.


Thuuooom - Uinua (2012)


/Black ambient, Ambient drone, Drone, Minimalism, Avant-garde, Abstract electronica, Sound art, Experimentalism/ 

Comment: Thuuooom is an one-man, Finnish-based experimental/avant-garde combo whose nature is quite problematic to categorize properly for. Some albums of him seems to be more concept-relied or some instrument-centered ones. This time Tuomo`s 6-piece album is about intense, minimally treated ambient and drone explorations which in turn are embellished with obscure, black-coloured dust. Yet, the power of the album are brought forth thanks to some sonic minutiae, i.e barely audible, repetition-heavy oscillations.Furthermore, the closing track Release is built upon shimmering loops and adjacent, ascending synth chords. Very beautiful indeed.   


Thuoom - re:EP (2011)

/Abstract techno, Minimal, Noise, Experimentalism, Avant-garde, Forest folk, Experimental electronica, Post-psychedelic electronica/

Comment: first of all, it is a big event that Tuomo, A Finnish musician arrived at us after a while. If you have listened to his previous soundscapes on his own Textural Healing label then you are aware of the high quality of his oeuvre and became ready for new, innovative expectations. At the time he offers up a cluster of 4 tracks, made up with the assistance of 4-string acoustic guitar, digital camera (Samsung Digimax A7), electric guitar, music box. Moreover, he exploits digital reverb, pitch bending, even distortion, on the other side his sound is highly elusive and faery. Indeed, you can generalize it as elfin noise, brownie techno, or something like that. In a word, it stands outside the recognized places of our world, reflecting upon the hypnagogic statuses of the human being.


Thuoom sun resonate my summer (Textural Healing)

Metsad ning veekogu kaldad on läänemeresoomlastele pikka aega loomulikuks elukeskkonnaks olnud. Seetõttu ei ole imestamisväärne, et suured metsamassiivid laiuvad jätkuvalt Põhja-Euroopas, olemata “turvalisteks” parkideks muudetud. Mets ei ole “võõras” ega “ohtlik”, see on tugevalt identiteedi osa. Samuti nimetavad soomlased oma underground-folgi liikumist “metsafolgiks”. “Metsafolk” ei tähendagi mitte niivõrd kusagil metsade vahel salvestatud muusikat, vaid omab ennekõike sümbolistlikku tähendust. “Metsafolk” on oma horisondis sama läbipaistmatu kui mets ise - folkmuusikal kui sellisel on omad “puud” ees - psühhedeelne ning post-psühhedeelne elektroonika, elektro- ja psühhoakustilised keskkonnad, drone, ambient/illbient, noise ja lo-fi.

Üks selle liikumise esindajaid Tuomo aka Thuoom (vahetevahel ka kui Thuuooom) klassifitseerib oma muusikat kui "metsaelektro”. Mees, kes umbes 10 aastat tagasi mängis veel metalbändis ning katsetas popelektroonikaga (isegi millede nimesid ei pidanud ta oluliseks mulle mainida, tõsi, vihjates, et raskemuusikabänd jõudis lokaalselt tuntust koguda), on sellest seosetult kaugele irdunud. Katsetused marginaalsete tehnikate ning avangardžanritega on selle ilmseim tõestus. Drone, improvisatsioon, child music, elektroakustika, minimalism, circuit bending, ambient, vokaal(häälikute)eksperimendid, avant-folk- ja elektroonika. Kogu diskograafia - 7 albumit - on üllitatud veidi rohkem kui aasta jooksul (2008-2009) omaenda leibli Textural Healing all. 2009. aastast pärineb 4 albumit.

“Sun resonate my summer” on jätk albumile “EL EP”, mis hõlmas üksnes inimhäält (ning katsetusi kahe foneemikombinatsiooniga). Tuomo uueks lähtekohaks on pärishelide miksimine arvutimanipulatsioonidega. Kuigi lood nagu rubicon delayed, 3000 ning grilf vihjavad jätkuvalt eelnenud üllitisele, on see hoopis teistsugune teos. Tegelikult on ka äsjamainitud träkid varasema edasiarendus - näiteks rubicon delayed kõlab kui minimalistlik vokaaltekno. Jõulisus ning intensiivsus, mis oli nii iseloomulik albumi “Aava” domineerivates drone-liinides, paljastub ka loos smooth reversi. Tagurpidi käiatavas repetiivsuses, selle minimeeritud nihkes peitub võimas psühhvarjund. Avangu 6star folgilik kitarriläide areneb elektrooniliseks lainetuseks. Psühhfolgi liinid suunatakse loo kulgedes rohkemal ja vähemal määral läbi digitaalfiltrite. Ka lugu k`bomm algab õrnalt robbiebasho`liku ragamuusika mõjutustest kantud kitarritinistamisega, kuigi õige pea avastad ennast mesilaste motoorse sumina keskelt. Kuigi see ei ole ähvardav vaatepilt - pigem tekib kujutluspilt suurest putukasülemist lendamas kusagil kauni ja avara loodusmassiivi taamal. Kuigi akustilisi ning kitarridega loodud saunde on sel albumil märksa rohkem kui mõnel varasemal, kõlab muusika sellest hoolimata täiesti ekstraordinaarselt. Teisalt on see üks neist reliisidest, mille puhul on etem vakka olla ning muusikat nautida. Noil hetkedel, kui ma Thuoom`i kuulan, näib see maailma parim muusika olevat. See on album, mida võib iga päev kuulata, vajamata mingisuguseid õigustusi. Loodan, et Tuomo`l jätkub veel jõudu uusi albumeid seesugusel viisil hingestada.

Kuula albumit siit
