Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Argali. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Argali. Kuva kõik postitused
Luxurious Dagger – Glue Factory (2023)
Plunderphonics Sound collage Mash-up Electronic Experimentalism Avant-garde Sampledelic Freeformfreakout
Üldiselt plunderphonic-albumitega kohanemine võtab arusaadavatel põhjustel aega -- esiteks on tegu eelmiste kontekstide lõhkumise ja uute tähendusväljade loomisega. Kogu see kohanemine uue konteksti mõtte ja tõeväärtusega võib kuulajal aega võtta. Eks see on muusikaliselt etendatud juhtum, mille poliitika on kaaperdada ja nihestada, sageli juhtida tähelepanu elu kitsaskohtadele. Tõsi on, et seesugune üllitis ei muutu kunagi n-ö pärisalbumiks, jäädes pigem sensatsiooniks ja kurioosumiks. Ei saa öelda, et siin 6-loolisel häid momente poleks -- nt lugu nimega "Barbara", mis illustreerib südantlõhestava loo ühe noore neiu elust pisarate, etteheidete ja lootusetust süstivate fraasidega. Koduvägivalla ilmekas helind, kas pole mitte nii. "Bye Cycle" on nutikas faasinihkele ehitatud lugu ühe Briti glämmdinosauruse hitist, milles kinnisideeline kleepumine ühte fraasi väljub kiiskavalt kontrolli alt. Kas sellist Queen'i me tahtsimegi?
The Game Owls - So The Heavens Can Hear Us, The Earth Will Be Our Sound (2010)
/Post-rock, Ambient rock, Psych-folk, Psychedelic, Avant-blues, Epic, Post-metal, Avant-rock, Doom metal, Experimental rock, Crossover/
Comment: the album with an epic name involves lots of slow paced yet noiseful progressions and mesmeric guitar walls and psychedelic flickers. But not only - Punching at the Meteor conjures up ghosts rather like an instance of demented psych-folk/blues music full of repetitive guitar gears and overdriving rasping effects. And additionally cosmic rock sonic effects. Is it krautfolk? Obviously it is. And this handful of tracks is a solid and uplifting one worth to be enjoyed for many times in a row.
The Jesus Fish Experience - Magnitudes Of Infinity (2011)
/Doom rock, Drone doom, Post-metal, Epic, Experimental metal, Psychedelia, Ambient rock, Post-rock/
Comment: there are up 2 lengthy compositions where the aesthetical approach is spotted upon the mix of fuzzed long chords and powerful yet still soothing guitar penetrations. The second, eponymous track does include the singing by The Game Owl`s Jordan Hyman, more concretely, based on hypnotic repetitions and anxiety-induced exhausting reveries. It is an instance of controlled, exactly channelized psychedelia, isn`t? Impressive. This is heavy metal to be ours.
The Game Owls - Trinity Ocean And The Zero Desert (2011)
/Post-metal, Avant-metal, Post-rock, Experimental metal, Doom metal/
Comment: a bunch of 9 "tortured" metal explorations which does mean to have scattered on the (post-)metal/and less post-rock basin and incorporating more stylistic elements outside of it (blues, electronica, even folk-ish glimpses). A little bit moaning and mourning throughout its course and in its curse. In true, I don`t think it is thought for usual moshheads in the first place; rather it is directed upon such kind of melomans who used to evaluate innovative, whimsical sound.
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