
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Textural Records. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Textural Records. Kuva kõik postitused


Toxic Toys Zone -- Crisis Creatures (2014)

17 Sons/Textural

  • Experimental rock 
  • Ambient 
  • Micronoise 
  • Abstract 
  • Post-rock 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Illbient 
  • Dark ambient 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Sound art 
  • Guitar ambient 
  • Avant-rock

Tänapäeval vaieldakse sageli mõttetute asjade üle, mis veelgi sagedamini on poliitilist laadi; on mõistlik naasta pärisasjade manu -- mis on hoolega valmis tehtud, käega katsutavad ja kõrvaga kuuldavad. Näituseks kuulata muusikat, mis kõlab hästi sõltumata taustast ja ajast(ust), millal kuulaja seda kuulab ja mõtestab. Mitte vaielda teemal, kas professor või muusik on suurem patukott, kuigi mõlemad käisid vaenuliku riigi propat toitmas, nägemata külastuses probleemi (eelduslikult on tõde mõistust rakendavale inimesele teada). Hea asi ei ole suhteline -- hea on siiski absoluutne. See album sisaldab viit kriisilooma, kes on pinges ja pingul -- justkui vibunöör, olles valmis noole väikseima võpatuse peale välja laskma. Siinne muusika põhineb kitarridel, ent pillidelt on võetud (rokkmuusika) võitja strateegia -- käigud, rifid, akordiarendused-noodi ülesehitused. Ühelt poolt minimalism on siinse võitja nimi elik kuidas artist oma viha taltsutab, lastes sellel vaikselt paisu tagant välja immitseda. Ent ometi on see rokkmuusika -- rokkmuusika algses ohtlikkuses nagu seda tajuti 60 aastat tagasi (mitte ontlikkuses nagu seda tajuti 40 aastat tagasi) -- kus kitarr oli masinavärgi käitaja, kui prepareeritud elutu mehhanitsistlik loom, millesse oli elekter sisse suunatud -- väljendades varem instrumendile omaseid jooni moonutatult, valulikult, liialdatult et mitte öelda ebaloomulikult (nagu ütles suur Briti muusikaline vabamõtleja Mark Edward Smith, et rokkansambel ei ole midagi muud kui instrumentide piinamine, nendel laamendamine). Siin on ka see piinamine esindatud, ent salakavalalt ning peeneviisiliselt läbi viidud. Näide sellest, kui mürane ja väänatud helipilt on trumbiks pööratud. Väljaandjaks oli peamiselt eksperimentaaltehnot ja -elektrot edastanud Prantsuse netiplaadifirma 17 Sons (ning Textural Records).


Mihidea - Sites (2013)

/Experimental, Drone, Microscopic, Electro-acoustic, Ambient drone, Experimental electronica, Dark ambient, Dystopbient/

Comment: if to explore the track titles of the issue you can see the artist is obviously activated by pessimism and failure of human activity. Eroded Homeland, Displaced Technology, and Buried Desires are all lengthy progressions in sound due to microtonal shades and veiled shards. The soundscape used to sway between ominous dark ambient/illbient currents and austere electro-acoustic bits as if communicating impending doom or catastrophe to the listener. Or is it just the wind coming out of uncharted areas into your room loaded with dreary messages and awful murmurs? Anyway, it just one example – there is also up a more lucid, signal-alike droning component with phase shifting and microscopic electronic ornaments and sonic effects on the top. Ultimately the issue offers up a nice listening time with underlying density.     


Data Snow – Phases (2014)

/Dark ambient, Abstract, Dystopbient, Sound art, Epic, Illbient, Soundscapes, Minimalism, Microtonal, Avant-garde, Experimentalism, Post-industrial/

Comment: although Data Snow`s 8-piece issue is formally starkly bleak and austere its emotional impression renders into something remarkably significant and striking. The project`s thoroughly experimental approach emerges through minimally composed music predominantly providing hints at classical music, ambient soundscapes, and minimal music. Indeed, some sonic details are barely within earshot and the narrative used to meander without blasts or crackles. However, all the aforementioned stylistic firmaments are contaminated with evil-sounding stances and visages. Instead of outer space it is rather music composed for the visualization of abandoned junkyards and nuclear test territories foreboding an impending catastrophe coming out of there. Ironically, it is fairly beatific and arching composition at its core. Less is more...imaginative.          


Lethal Bronze - Lost Knowledges (2013)

  • Ambient
  • Microtonal
  • Experimental electronica
Outstanding tracks:
Lost Knowledges #3


Zoÿ Archa - Tremendous Fury (2013)

  • Ambient noise
  • Ambient drone
  • Experimentalism
  • Avant-electronica
  • Abstract
  • Post-industrial
  • Noise
Outstanding tracks:

Obscure Blood - Dead Water (2013)

  • Drone ambient
  • Abstract
  • Avant-garde
  • Experimentalism
  • Post-industrial
  • Dark ambient
Outstanding tracks:
Dead Water 3
Dead Water 4


Empty Flat Resonance - Cephalothorax (2013)

  • Drone ambient
  • Sound art
  • Abstract
  • Microsound
  • Experimental electronica
  • Noise
  • Avant-electronica
Outstanding tracks:


Transparent Body - Black Lights From The Wandering Stars (2013)


/Ambient drone, Microtonal, Abstract, Dystopbient, Ambient noise, Minimalism, Drone, Avant-garde, Psycho-acoustic, Experimentalism/

Comment: firstly, the title says everything. Indeed, this handful of compositions is dark/black, filled in with a huge array of full and half shades, monochromatic, subdued noises and hissing drones which used to sprout, undulate and blossom in the background. Sometimes the whole resounds like a mechanical device at a short distance. Maybe the only exception is the opening track due to the exploitation of some pitch effects channelized into the mix. All these elements have been managed to result in the so-called holophonic soundscape - while you are listening to it you have been equipped with new imaginations and impressions, however, some of them might be chiming quite otherworldly and abstract. For instance, Light #4 sounds like a shimmering, mystical sea of microtonal chants, soothing brown-ish noise bits, and reverberating effects overhead. It can be assumed it is a very profound, even psychedelic experience. Indeed, less is much more you are even able to perceive. Furthermore, the density hovering above the aforementioned elements can be cut with the knife. One of the best albums in 2013 to date.