
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Abstrakt Reflections. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Abstrakt Reflections. Kuva kõik postitused


Adrien d'Elzius -- Silent Revolution (2023)

Abstrakt Reflections

Ambient techno/Experimental techno/ Remixes/Electronic music/Avant-techno

Kaks nädalat tagasi Argentina leibeli Abstrakt Reflections'i all üllitatud Belgia produtsendi muusika ühendab Mandri-Euroopa Uduse Albioniga. Adrien d'Elzius ei tee saladust, et teatud katsetusliku suunitlusega  plaadifirmade artistide looming on teda mõjutanud. Märksõnadeks on intellektuaaltantsumuusika, abstraktne tehno, algoritmidest sündinud murtud rütmid; ning teisalt harras ent punktuaalne sfääride muusika. Mandri-Euroopa traditsioon ulatub ajaliselt muidugi märksa kaugemale -- klassikaliste heliloojateni (nt kuulda-kuulata Autechre'it kõrvuti Vivaldi ja Bach'iga). Euroopa on olnud lõputu -- nagu laulis Kraftwerk'i-nimeline eeltehisintellekt. Nii teaduses kui kunstis, nii mõttelistes järeldustes kui helikombinatsioonides. Siin 6-loolisel kõik õilmitseb ja hingab, pakkudes sügavust ja elurõõmu. Siinkirjutaja eriti naudib peenetundelisi vokaalvõbelusi, mis meenutavad Mille Plateaux'i artisti Curd Duca vastavasisulisi tegemisi nullindate algul.

8.5 (8.0-8.5)


mōshonsensu – Solemn Grandeur (2021)

  • IDM 
  • Ambient techno 
  • Electronic music 
  • Remix 
  • Breakbeat 
  • Dubstep 

Daryl Robinson`i 5-looline üllitis on kaunis...nii kenakene-kaunikene, et sellest verbaalselt kinni haarata on suhteliselt keeruline ülesanne – domineerib bassine põrgatamine ja dubstep`ile omased madalad sagedused, sekka murtud rütme; teisalt pakuvad tasakaalu hõllanduslikud teemaarendused süntesaatoritel ja juhuslikud vokaalsämplid siin-seal. See on IDM-ilik album (see on ka autori-plaadifirma väljendatud), aga keskmisest nimetatud žanri albumist on see kindlasti põhjalikum nii basside-rütmide sügavuses ja varieeruvuses kui kosmilise temaatika arendustes. Kolmandaks on ruumiline kvintessents –  kujutatav kosmos ei ole õudu sisendav, seda kuulates ilmneb hoopis kodune tunne. Kogeme universumit külana, mille struktuure lahutab üksteisest miljardeid kilomeetreid. Õndsa grandioossuse ja sfääride korrapära kauniduse väljendamine näikse olevat käesoleva albumi pürgimus. Üllitise on välja andnud Argentiina leibel Abstrakt Reflections.


Bean Machine – Scrap Brain Material (2018)

  • IDM 
  • Experimental techno 
  • Tech-electro 
  • Electronic music 
  • Breakcore

Kui sattuda elektrooniliste ritsikate platoole, siis huntidega analoogiale mõeldes tuleks nendega üheskoos siristada. Võimalik et putukate puhul oleks samane teguviis veelgi õigustatum, arvestades, et putukad hõlmavad faunast suurima massi. Üksikisikute arvust rääkimata – äkki on enamus neist samuti isiksused, kes teab. Aga kui palju kaaluvad elektroonilised ritsikad (kokku)? Kas albumi heliline intensiivsus osutab massile ja massiivsusele? Mis on selle ekvivalent? Palju biite, sirinaid, helgekõlalisi süntesaatorite trillerdusi-sämpleid on sellel 11-loolisel üllitisel keerisena ülesse kerkimas ja alla vajumas. See on risttee, kus digitaalsele kuradile on võimalik anda näpp, et vastu saada nullidest ja ühtedest koosnevast koodireast destilleeritud IDM, elektro ja tehno võlumikstuur. Analoogpagan on surnud, elagu digitaalkurat – või mis? Või on see hoopis digiritsikas-kuninganna oma tundlatega meie pertseptsioone mudimas sääl teelahkmel pimedas. Ilushelge mürgine simulaakrum keset tohutut digidüstoopiat. Nagu pealkirigi vihjab niivõrd mürgine, et pärast kuulamist tuleb oma aju kokku kraapida. Inglise keeles “gift” tähendab kingitust, andi; saksa keeles seevastu mürki. Etümoloogilisest mängust lähtununa võiks hoiatada, et ärge kinki vastu võtke, sest see on midagi negatiivset, st adressaadile karuteenet osutav. See meisterlik album võtke küll vastu, tajuge selle vaimu ja füüsist ärgitavat efekti. Abstrakt Reflections`i viljakast põuest on see meile antud.


Bean Machine – Scrap Brain Material (2018)

  • Breakbeat 
  • Ambient 
  • Breakcore 
  • Psybient 
  •  Electronic music 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Crossover

Comment: this set of 11 tracks chimes like a workout and accomplishment on dance music by a hyperactive producer. Indeed, it is a permanent shooting of broken beats, high-pitched signals and glitched-out noises to be mixed up into a frantic killing example of dance music. Indeed, as the title suggests it is thought for stimulation of one's brain in the first place by employing a recycling method, however, it is provided with such an intensity and vigour one is compelled to showcase dance movements voluntarily. Given that the aforementioned description some of you may think of it as a rigid, rough one. In fact, it is adeptly intertwined with soft timbres and atmospheric undercurrents. At some extent it can be considered even psychedelic because of a reminding psybient touch and drive. Due to the fact the issue is quite unique because of merging together post-industrial and psy-related genres. One is not expected to find out a skeletal glass bead game with all its different and intricate combinations only. By the way, there is up one clear-cut ambient exception called Metastasis. The release is the case of hidden merits and attributes. In a nutshell, it is a great issue being released on such a great imprint as Abstrakt Reflections.


MediaData – Submersion (2017)

  • Ambient 
  • Downtempo 
  • Breaks 
  • Ambient 
  • Shoegaze 
  • Electronic music 
  • Breakbeat 
  • Alternative 
  • Art music 
  • Post-classical 
  • Remix 
  • Space music 
  • Kosmische Musik 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Ambient techno 
  • Soundscape

Comment: I am truly glad to be back at the discography of the Argentina-based record label Abstrakt Reflections of which soaring has been impressive since its starting point. Yesterday I felt myself a bit nauseous with regard to softened values in music today actually I do not. A human being's life is full of contradictions it might be even better not to thoroughly analyse yourself and your doings from one day to another. I can feel this huge bunch of 16 pieces includes some softened elements too though in overall it is the balanced whole of crispy rhythms and spaced-out synthesised orchestrations which will take you far away, bringing you out somewhere there is no place for distress and pain. You are allowed to see a big picture. Indeed, beauty saves the world. There are up enough examples of the kind, for example, Symptomatology. With regard to the title and on the other hand relying on the otherworldly feeling of the outing it can be compared with the doings of such adventurous heroes as Hans Hass, and Jacques Yves Cousteau who had spent much time of their life spans under the water. However, is it either the sound of underwater or Outer Space? I guess the both variations are right because the music over there is thoroughly immersed in divine touch. From highly lofty plateaus to going down into mystical abysses. By listening to this thoroughly balanced and organically multifaceted set you can think of heretical thoughts of having no necessity for music criticism as a phenomenon. Indeed, the words are excessive to convey it. Some tracks are remixed by such producers as Huron, r.roo, and c0ma. Denis VAs is a mastermind and these 49 minutes and 20 seconds constitute a best outing in this year.


Lokom – Nyctalope Ponies (2016)

  • Post-dubstep 
  • Electronic music 
  • Experimental electronica 
  • Alternative 
  • Rhythmic noise 
  • Techno 
  • Drill and bass

Comment: this bunch of tracks is an intriguing combinations of refined rhythms and airy layers atop as if a whiff coming out from outer space to remedy our existential pain and physical finiteness. Despite its rhythmical complexity and bass frequencies it can be said it is beautiful and even beatific. Even rhythmical noise impulses and extended sway between the stereo channels at Symbiose Anatomique are appealing features. Its harshness is not repulsive at all. Tiny glitches, drilling drones, signal-alike physical perceptions, microscopic noises, electronic effects are up there to add an extra colour to the melting pot. And it is an intriguing melting pot by any means. By rhythmical side it is mostly an interface to fuse together post-dubstep and drill and bass tendencies. Emotionally those yearning echoes do impose a hefty impact upon the listener. The issue is a part of the discography of Abstrakt Reflections.


Enkephalin - Scntst (2016)

  • Folktronica 
  • Dubstep 
  • Post-dubstep 
  • Electronic music 
  • Remixes 
  • Electro
  • Experimental electronica

Comment: the opening track The Darwinist chimes as a whimsical blend of folk-based guitars and acid-drenched synthesizers and tectonic rhythms yet the piece does not set the pace for the rest of this 9-track issue. Later on, the guitars are abandoned or at least withdrawn to a lesser trajectory and massive dubstep frequencies and exquisite post-dubstep cadences being imbued with some electro flickers are about to going to predominate the first row within it. However, Galileo is another track where the guitars are to come back and zap a composition. The Belgian artist has a proficient touch to wrench these beats and frequencies in the way of finding the ending point in the listener’s brain and heart and coccyx. That is most important. The issue is ended up by a set of three remixes by the likes of c0ma, Andrew Course, and Max Greening aka Flatland Sound Studio. I like a remix of Tesla`s Dream created by Flatland Sound Studio, which used to sample hilariously enthusiastic words with the operatic kind of singing. In formal, it is not mentioned as a studio album but rather as a case of EP plus remixes. However, the result is grand in its rhythmical alchemy and moody meandering. The issue is a part of the discography of the Argentinian Abstrakt Reflections.