/Drone folk, New Weird Finland, Psych-folk,
Improvised music, Free folk, Psycho-acoustic, Weird folk, Experimental folk, Psychedelic
folk, Forest folk, Avant-folk, Space folk, Post-industrial/
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga OM HA SVA HA KSHA MA LA VA RA YAM. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga OM HA SVA HA KSHA MA LA VA RA YAM. Kuva kõik postitused
Kulkija - Autio Valo (2009/2012)
Rene Kita – Polkimellisuuksia (2013)
/Avant-garde, Experimentalism,
Non-music, Noise, Improvised music/
Comment: it can be said Turku, Finland-based
artist Rene Kita has much to say though he does not say anything in direct
sense actually. Indeed, the artist`s music is exclusively made up of codas of
the syllables which in turn are looped and amplified into an idiosyncratic
result. At times it rings like the performance of a brown noise artist which
used to be abstract and funny at the same time. Indeed, regarding that Rene
Kita`s music reaches the dimension beyond contradiction and being free of a
burden of theoretical bodywork. It is just a flow of sequencing loops and coincidental
noises for your pleasure. Otherwise, the former is the first fractal to constitute
another fractal of noise somewhere below or atop it. Indeed, they are causally related
to each other though being clearly separated from each other either. It is like
discovering different universes in the outer space, which, however, have had the
same initial source and impulse. By kindred souls I recommend listen to such
vocal artists/improvisers as Roomet Jakapi, Iris Garrelfs, Michael Schiefel, Meredith
Anti/Uton - These Rains Were Tales Before (2003)
/Psych-folk, Drone folk, Forest folk, New
Weird Finland, Improvised noise, Avant-garde, Improvised music, Experimental
this set of nine improvised compositions comes out of Porvoo, Finland by the
duo Anti/Uton later also known as Hunton Quintet. The issue consists of
strained drone progressions and galvanized noisy basses, and rattling drum kits,
and over amplified yet quite static guitar noises subordinated to stoned noise
ideology and radical sonic aesthetics. Of course, it is kind of a folk music
because of being designated by raw plucked guitar chords around. It might be
you would think of it as an appearance to depict your very obsessive thoughts
you are being hinged on. Indeed, emotionally the result seems to be highly labile
ready either to attack you or caress you. The album could be considered a part
of the so-called Finnish forest folk movement, however, representing the most
extreme branch of it (Kemialliset Ystävät, Vierivä Viiksiportieeri, Jamabansku).
By listening to it you can discern monotonous developments and rough sonic bits
which are obviously as resulting goals as creating process on its own. Such sort of improvised music was born in 1967 when AMM issued their two-track issue Ammmusic (Elektra). The issue is part of Uton-led imprint OM HA SVA HA KSHA MA LA VA RA YAM. Could you repeat it?
Aan -Kultainen Kupoli (2011)
/Drone, Avant-garde, Space
music, Experimentalism, Electro-acoustic, Improvised music, Forest folk/
Comment: Aan is a Finnish
combo whose sound could be classified as forest folk in a general manner,
though, the combo´s aesthetics does have embrace enough other experimental
elements either. More concretely, Aan`s soundscape is constituted by bristled
improvised electro-acoustic progressions, throat singing, vowel experiments and
heavy spaced-out drones thereby reminding a little bit of Vibracathedral
Orchestra, Uton, and Kemialliset Ystävät, for instance. All of that results in convincing
shaman-alike insights and outer space explorations. The album starts off with Aurinkotanssi, and finishes off with Aurinkotranssi.
Muuttuvat Kasvot - Muuttuvat Kasvot (2007)
/Forest folk, Free folk, New Weird Finland, Drone folk, Avant-garde, Experimentalism, Improvised music, New Weird Europe, Weird folk, Post-psychedelic electronica/
Comment: this 11-track takes on obscure yet charming reflections of an inner space which are made up of creeping raga-alike vistas, heavily droning psychedelia and loose compositions-improvisations. Jari Koho`s project comes out from Finland and can be compared to the likes of Vierivä Viiksiportieeri, Uton, Kemialliset Ystävät, and Keijo, all of them are Koho`s compatriots and part(s) of the so-called forest folk scene.
Uton - Taivaan Joka Kolossa (2008/2011)
/Noise, Psych-music, Improvised music, Experimentalism, Avant-folk, Avant-garde/Comment: Uton is a nom de plume for Jani Hirvonen who is known as an ambassador of the Finnish avant-folk/psych-folk/psychedelic folk/electro folk generalized as "forest folk". Here are represented 15 tracks veering from rough freeform improvisations to psych-ish and nihilistic noiseful overthrows. First of all, the album reminds of Vierivä Viiksiportieeri`s vehement, open-aired works and Kemialliset Ystävät`s crawling, layered metaphysics (if to speak in the context of the Finnish folk scene).
Jani Hirvonen: Field Recordings From India & Nepal (2007/2010)
/Field recording, Found sound, Audio documentary, Musique concrete, Non music/
Comment: This is an audio documentary based on one man`s wandering and recording in the Hindustan Peninsula and Nepal. Although not always used to be the best in the quality of sound, however, during those 103 minutes you can be a witness to the street sounds, temple incantations, wedding outtakes and nature sounds (birds and camels) surrounding you tightly right and left. Juxtapose it with an analogous yet more elaborated and purposed output by Oscar Coen Polack, titled as The Skipping Monk (Recordings Of Nature And Culture In India) (2009, Narrominded). Deserving thanks in any cases.
The Ghost Dance Project - The Ghost Dance Project (2007/2011)
/Improvised music, Jam sessions, Experimental folk, Psychedelic, Drone folk, Live session, Avant-folk/
Comment: Such sound used to be called "deep" indeed. The Finnish forest folk/drone ambient stalwart Uton is jamming with a German-based hippie couple and an Australian guitarist in an island of Diu, Gujarat, India. The dropping rhythms of tablas and frame drums, sensible guitar fingerpickings and shamanic vowel experiments (just throat vocalisation) are the basic instruments for conjuring up a magical soundscape consisting of silentfully fluttering drone-ish key changes searching relentlessly for an optimal state of mind. During those 34 minutes, however, it has been found many of times either.
Keijo & Uton - Alun Ääniä (2009/2011)
/Forest folk, Free folk, Psych-folk, Avant-folk, Experimental folk, Drone folk, Improvised music, Psychedelia, Krautrock, New Weird Finland, New Weird Europe/
Comment: The Finnish underground folk does have much to say for all of us. For instance, Laulu Laakson Kukista (2008, Fonal) was the best album of 00`s or Kemialliset Ystävät`s album Ullakkopalo (Fonal) was one of the best album of 2010. However, Keijo Virtanen and Jani Hirvonen, two legends from the Finnish psych-folk/forest folk scene representing their stream of sub-consciousness, i.e potent vision via shamanic rhythm sections, off-kilter blues chords, psychedelic bottomlessness and shivering krautrock-esque mysticism. Improvised jam sessions which are built on repetitive loops, quasi-ethnic drumming, at times reverb-loaded singing, restrainted yet electrified strings and droning hiss. And as customary to the forest folk scene the reflections through silence are proudly represented here. A great event indeed.
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