/Sludge, Doom, Post-metal, Psychedelic, Avant-metal, Experimental metal, Drone metal/
Comment: For instance, similarly to Nadja, Sunn O))), and Talbot, to their soulmates, Flora is a duo consisting of zero nowhere (guitars) and fdj (electronics, samples). They represent three long-running tracks (from 12 minutes to 16 minutes) laying out a mesmerizing sludge/doom/drone mix which is decorated with incessantly overdriving synths/electronics. Its seems to be static, yet, not being this way actually (or having the opposite sites simultaneously). I don`t symphatize with the claims by those intellectual solipsists who tend to insist on that Mozart`s and Beethoven`s symphonies and their otherwise styled musical works were the one and only (as if the Rolling Stones (or Fauna) is less moral (?), for example). (Or the way round, Mozart or Beethoven`s music would have been an instance of black metal in the recent context). Trip is one of the most righteous answers to them. Indeed, is is another tremendous discovery of mine behing Wreck And Reference`s album Black Cassette in the realm of metal music.