
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Zorch Factory. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Zorch Factory. Kuva kõik postitused


Tot Licht -- In Fear Of The Light (2009)

Zorch Factory

Batcave/Coldwave/Gothic rock/Post-punk
Ei ole kuigi sage tumelaine kuulaja, mistõttu ei oska öelda, kuivõrd oluline komponent on selles huumor. KäesolevaI 12-loolisel on seda hulgi -- alates liialdustega-klišeede ülevõimendamisega nii laulusõnades kui bändi nimes ("Tot Licht" tähendab toortõlkes saksa keeles surnud valgust. Martin Heidegger'i (olemus)käsitlust aluseks võttes on "licht" midagi sellist, mis toob mingi asja olemuse nähtavale. Seega selle bändi nimi loomuldasa on käändunud varjatusse ning allilma). Muusikas näikse asi vähem kahemõtteline olevat, ent see kahtlemata taandub tõlgendamise küsimuseks, kuivõrd helid sõnalist poolt toetavad. Tõsi, mõnes loos omandab deklameerimine groteskse mõõtme või tekitatakse ebaharilik kontekst. Igatahes kuulaja saab osa reibastest sündisaundidest ja rütmimasina kaasahaaravusest. Kas huumor on asjakohane ja mõjus, seda peab igaüks ise otsustama.

7.0 (6.0-7.5)


Cold Flesh Colony – The Mind Sculptor (2013)

  • Electronic
  • Post-industrial
  • Trashcore
  • Industrial rock
  • Dark wave
  • Piano music
  • Industrial electro
  • Neoclassical
  • Alternative rock

Rääkides industriaalrokist tõuseb siinkirjutajal klimp kurku – see klimp ei ole meeldiva maitsega. Esiteks on see vana kooli industriaalmuusika solkimine ja tähenduse-kavatsuse muundamine negatiivses suunas. Reeglina tähendab see juhmi masinlikkust ja nürimeelset korda armastavat digitaalset nuudeldamist vastandina vana kooli industriaali analoogkõladele ja nihilismile. See ei ole enam vaba muusikalise mõtte edastamine, vaid umbne institutsioon. Needsamad negatiivsed elemendid on kahjuks esindatud ka käesoleval üheksaloolisel albumil (väljaandjaks Zorch Factory), kuigi Viinist Austriast pärit projekt suudab seda leeevendada, väljudes siin-seal eelpoolmainitust. Näiteks pakkudes aeglasi darkwave`ilikke orkestreeritud kaemusi klaveriklimberuste saatel, mida saadavad mahasurutud raevu sisaldav vokaal ja konkreethelide müra taamal (“Glimpse the Unthinkable”). Või siis modifitseeritud (pool)kajadesse uppuvad klaveriakordid, mis rõhutavad ruumi ja aega meie ümber (kuigi võivad aja seisma panna). Seesugused suhted elementide vahel ning tõhus fokusseerimine teatud detailidel ja võtete kasutamine lisavad efektiivsust kuulamiskogemusse. Eklektiline on see album igatahes – siin on isegi kõige tavalisemat alternatiivrokki, millega ei oskagi midagi peale hakata. Kohatäide nimega “Reprise”. Teisalt jälle raevukas metalli needmine tasakaalustab tühisust (nimilugu) või siis teeb seda lihtsalt tumeämbientne kompimine sügavustes (“Abandon Hope”). Kokkuvõttes võib siiski nentida, et positiivseid momente on hulgim.


Drunken C – Whisper (2012)

  • Post-punk 
  • Singer-songwriter 
  • Cover 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Indie rock 
  • Gothic rock 
  • Deathrock

Comment: first of all, this album of handful of tracks is adorned with a fabulous cover print depicting a girl being embellished with a snake tattoo and obviously following a (Neo-)Pagan religion. It may be the girl depicted on the cover print is Cécile Raynaud who is one and the only behind this project. She has issued a couple of EPs under the Paris-based Zorch Factory Records. One of them is Whisper which showcases her ability to pull out convincing goth and desert-inspired compositions with galvanised guitar pounding and tortured appeal of singing. Her timbre and singing manner and (prepared) guitar signature remind of Kim Gordon, and Sonic Youth, respectively. In general, Whisper can be considered an exquisite bridge (or outlet) between the Francophone-centered coldwave and a more experimental approach. One track is her take on a My Bloody Valentine`s classic, Only Shallow by adding more electronic effects to the classic of sliding guitars played through a keyboard/sampler input. In a word, it is an example of truly convincing girl power, i.e without any childish postures and numb clichès.


Crimson Muddle – Crimson Muddle EP (2008)

  • Post-punk 
  • Chamber music 
  • Art music 
  • Minimal synth 
  • Vaudeville 
  • Cover 
  • Art punk 
  • Synthwave 
  • Neoclassical 
  • Post-classical 
  • Coldwave 
  • Crossover 
  • Contemporary classical

Comment: 12 years ago there was panic due to economic depression, there was panic pertaining to swine flu. In a word nothing has changed for better or worse if to compare it to the recent time. What could be predicted for a near future? It might be the world, our beautiful planet called Earth unveils its primal and more mystical and envious side with the aid of its primordial beings like bacteria, reptiles and trees being accompanied by destructive weather conditions to severely punish relatively juvenile yet arrogant species, first of all, a primate called the human being. We will see the superior frightening wisdom of them. They cannot stand for a stupid ape anymore.
Maybe all is triggered because of the absence of Crimson Muddle's music which had produced off-kilter artsy punk inspired chamber and classical music by showing the human being's ability to step aside from inferior clichés and moronic patheticness sometimes. All seems to be sustained all seems to be fucking dying, there is no ebbs and tides anymore – such frenetic juggernauts and mad idealists as Mark E. Smith, and Jared C. Balogh are also gone forever. Could you imagine a cover of Joy Division being brought forth by a convulsive art group in the vein of a mutant Kronos Quartet? Or a Vaudeville-soaked playing the fool on the base of catabolic piano arrangements and string hooks? Or hysterical operatic singing accompanied by a needle-sharp drum machine cadence and a layer of drunken cellos atop? Metabolism reversible? Here it is as a part of the library of Zorch Factory Records.


Guilty Strangers – Oracle (2012)

  • Post-punk 
  • Deathrock 
  • Gothic rock 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Experimental rock 
  • Avant-rock 
  • Art rock

Comment: this bunch of 10 tracks comes out of the discography of Zorch Factory, now defunct imprint dedicated to post-punk and its a bit darker derivatives like gothic rock and coldwave. The latter one was initially related to French-speaking regions like France and Wallonia. It is not surprising because Zorch Factory Records was a French one. However, not all bands were the aforementioned regions related, like Guilty Strangers hailing from San Antonio, Texas, USA. Yeah, the release is about the gothic yet it is different at most times from the UK-based gothic juggernauts due to deathrock influences thereby resulting in more fast paced and galvanized songs. However, female singing and high registered yearning and cellophane-alike guitars bring in mind Siouxsie and the Banshees unintentionally. At Snake one can partake in slowed-down ragged incantations based on the improvisations of a staccato guitar. In any cases, the second part of the issue embraces more sonic experiments and unusual tempo signatures and song structures. The album includes witty one-liners and dark theme considerations like violence, (ancestral) sin, weird dreams. All in all, it is thoroughly good.


Anémic Cinema - We All Dream, We All Die (2009)

  • Gothic rock 
  • Darkgaze 
  • Cinematic 
  • Post-punk
  • Alternative rock
  • Coldwave 
  • Ethereal Wave 
  • Darkwave

Comment: I have not reviewed many post-punk albums which could be tagged "cinematic" anyhow. Anémic Cinema (what a great name for a combo!) is one of such acts by straddling on the border of moderate powerful and strongly dreamy, in other terms, it is something which conveys an existential anxiety of one's burden of living and impending descending into death. It may be the former is even worse because the perspective of the human being who could live forever it would be truly horrendous. However, many people act against it as if the rules of cosmic power and Eternity were erroneous and as if we were God-alike creatures. Maybe we are but we don't have the omnipotence of Lord. So we are not ultimately, though. Most of us can see nothing more than just bare shadows on the wall of a cave (reference to Plato). Just like living in an idiot joy showland (reference to MES and The Fall). Thirdly, the drift between life and death is something natural and...dreamy and of course mystical. Like something based on a plot by David Lynch. Thanks to the existence of death one could more appreciate his/her life. These 5 compositions of clocking in at a 24 minute and being a bit of the discography of Zorch Factory Records are a blend of such tendencies previously brought forth by Joy Division, Lycia, The Durutti Column, Dream City Film Club, Siouxsie And The Banshees but showing up their own measure within this trademark of floating atmospheric synths, pounding drums, and thundering basses, and expressive guitar licks. Unfortunately I could find out the issue from within the discography of Zorch Factory anymore so I decided to hint at a Mediafire link.


Covered Faces - Lobiep EP (2011)

/Electroclash, Art punk, Mood music, Alternative pop, Krautrock, Electro-indie, Synth-punk, Indie dance/

Comment: this handful of ebulliently energetic compositions comes out of Basque Country/Euskadi, by Covered Faces whose music is a seamless blend of electroclash and synth punk compartments led by the female voice. Indeed, it is thoroughly puzzling to draw the line between those stylistic elements. However, it does make sense in theoretical mind-set only. Emotionally it is overwhelming due to those overdriving synth gears at different paces depending on certain pieces. Mostly it is intense and fast-stepping, though Abandoned Dogma has been managed in the way to chime like a majestic, epic one which could be compared with the aesthetics of Siouxsie & The Banshees, for instance. In contrast to it, Stroppy, the following piece is an example of lovely, childish melodies ringing almost like an instance of lounge music, however, hiding a spellbinding motorik groove beneath it. It is a pre-eminent piece either. I like their lead citation loaned by Oscar Wilde - give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. Indeed, it is truly relevant today as well regarding the so-called democracy around us. You are not allowed to talk about certain themes unless you want to get fired and get stigmatized or even go to prison. The more you steal the taxpayer`s money the more righteous person you are appears to have been frequently a formula for acting. In a nutshell, it is a solid electro-punk issue. 


Gazar Strips - Happy Valley EP (2013)

  • Post-punk
  • Alternative rock
  • Goth rock
Outstanding tracks:
Happy Valley
L & M


Madame B - Shadows (2013)

  • Avant-punk
  • Post-punk
  • No Wave
  • Experimentalism
  • Art punk
  • Angst rock
  • Electro-punk
  • Leftfield
Outstanding tracks:
This Morning
Bleeding Help
Soul Out Of Control
Noises In My Head
The Land of Callings

Ugo And The Bad Boys - Carnivore EP (2013)

  • Post-punk
  • Lo-fi
  • Garage rock
  • Alternative rock
  • Art punk
  • Fuzz pop
Outstanding tracks:
All The Day
Do Something


Dusklands - Embrace EP (2013)

  • Post-punk
  • Gothic rock
  • Alternative rock
  • Math rock
  • Coldwave
Outstanding tracks:
You Think You Know
Everything Must Go


SSiCk - Shift EP (2013)


/Alternative, Synth pop, New Wave, Electro-indie/

Comment: this handful of tracks created by Angelo Russo is spreaded out over 19 minutes has been filled in with some alternative pop feels being tightly mixed up with the New Wave esque synth wobbles and paces. That`s Ok.


Den Haag - Trials And Tributes EP (2012)


/Alternative rock, Post-punk, Gothic rock/

Comment: Den Haag is a British quartet who prefer to play post-punk and goth inspired alternative rock ditties. More concretely, their soundscape consists of the vocal lines which nature do coerce to drift between subdued (or a tiny bit tortured) and blossoming pitches - the same can be said about those hirsute guitars in the background. Anyway, their soundscape seem to be influenced by such revered artists as Joy Division, Bauhaus. The more you listen to it the more it works.


These Are Them - Real People Enjoy Life EP (2013)


/Post-punk, Alternative pop/rock, Electro-indie, Synth rock, Dance rock, Alternative dance/

Comment: this set of 4 ditties by the London, UK-based trio These Are Them takes on either on dashing synth-driven electro indie/rock or less debilitated, more stunned post-rock noises and strikes. Indeed, there might be the tension between these elements throughout the course. On the other hand, the aforementioned differentiation is a little bit artificial because these elements are closely and frequently seamlessly imbued with, though. However, the best piece is Not Always, on the strength of remarkable leaning on jangly guitars and permanently varied drumming patterns. Highly epic and convincing. Pop music at its best for sure. However, the other tracks are on the ball as well. The EP is issued on an unrivalled post-punk/coldwave/art punk label, Zorch Factory.     


Les Enfants Sales - V.I.T.R.I.O.L. (2011)

/Art punk, No wave, Avant-garde, Dark wave, Apocalyptic folk, Neofolk, Post-punk, Noir, Experimental rock, Noise rock, Gothic punk, Crossover/

Comment: Les Enfants Sales is anything but ordinary. The French band consists of Chris Zèro, and Madame B, the latter of them has been very profilic in her doings, who, by any means, could be compared with such outstanding vanguard-ish (female) punkers as Lizzy Mercier Descloux, Lydia Lunch, and Linder. This 10-track album showcases a brooding art punk/no wave/gothic punk/cutting edge post-punk approach, yet on the other side having murky flirtations with apocalyptic folk/dark wave-esque muses. More detailly, those slowed-down incantations are craftily varied with noisy mayhems, in the midst of it Madame B used to intone or even groan her wraithful manifestations. Furthermore, the closure track Exi ab eo is a martial anthem centered around Zèro`s angst-filled shouting, Madame B`s reverberations, all of that assisted by medieval flute whiffs and ghastly sounding theremin. A superb issue indeed. This is our punk rock for sure.


Espejos Muertos - Espejos Muertos EP (2010)

/Art-punk, Blues, Art-rock, Power pop, Post-punk, Goth punk, Psychedelic/

Comment: This is a silly goth-punk/rock attack in the best sense of the word. More concretely, this spanish-spoken combo comes from Chile and is influenced by the texts of altered states so finely written by Edgar Allan Poe and is keen for launching of the torrents of blues-inflected power pop with lots of astonishing, near-epic guitar overdrives, drum blasts, and obsessively repeated lyric phrases. Might it be described as Manjana-punk or Mariachi-punk for?