- Plunderphonics
- Alternative dance
- Sound collage
- Mashup
- Sampledelic
- Electronic music
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Free Sample Zone. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Free Sample Zone. Kuva kõik postitused
The Sand – Deck Honey (2005)
The Walcker Crew – Emergency Exits (2006)
- Sampledelic
- Alternative dance
- Electronic pop
- Funk
- Breaks
- Plunderphonics
- Dada music
The Walcker Crew – OK Robot (2005)
- Sampledelic
- Plunderphonics
- Electronic music
- Psychedelic
- Afrofunk
- Alternative dance
- World music
- Afrofuturism
- Crossover
- Mood music
- Easy listening
Chenard Walcker – The Pusher (2006)
/Funk, World fusion, Soul,
Afrofuturism, Psychedelic, Cut and paste, Art rock, Delta blues, Plunderphonics,
Sound collage, Sampledelic, Experimentalism/
Comment: the French surrealist Chenard Walcker
started off his music career in the beginning of the 00s additionally his
visual collage projects. He had been very prolific during the next 4-5 years in
producing music before he fell in diabetic coma. Most of his sound is produced under
his own Free Sample Zone though some of them are being parts of the discography
of WM Recordings, Comfort Stand, and Laboratoire Moderne. Musically he continued
to solidify the tradition of plunderphonics and sample-based music (John
Oswald, People Like Us, Pogo, Cagey House, Christian Marclay, Cassetteboy, The
Evolution Music Committee, Ergo Phizmiz etc). The Pusher is built up on the black music tradition (mostly
US-based but also suggestive of some Africa centred futuristic progressions) but
also adding some volatile art/prog music whiffs and ecclesiastic Catholic
singing into his melting pot. The result is seamlessly mesmeric, persuasive and
may be introducing to discover the rest legacy of the French juggernaut.
Chenard Walcker - Heartbreak Pain Cafe (2005)
/Breaks, DIY, Plunderphonics, Sampledelic, Cut and paste, Psychedelic, Conceptual, Sound collage, Experimentalism/
Comment: firstly, I am being very far from the opinion this case of a handful of tracks is somehow lame or even the lamest thing (as one reviewer suggested at it). For instance, think of DJ Shadow`s compositions (including his critically acclaimed debut album) which are also made up in the same vein - composed of other musicians` samples, though, the result is craftily channelized and accomplished. This time the prolific Frenchman and copyleft activist meets the sounds of Captain Beefheart, a psychedelic/avant-blues legend`s music, however, giving it his own touch and outlook. The release (as the most portion of his other ones) is issued on Free Sample Zone, Walcker`s own label
Chenard Walcker - Haut Le Coeur (2002/2006)

/Mash-up, Plunderphonics, Avant-garde, Crossover, Sound collage, Samplecore, Sampledelic, Cut and paste/
Comment: Chenard Walcker was a French artist, thinker, visionary and fervent protagonist for the copyleft movement. He had basically been active in the first half of 00`s before he was diagnosed with the serious health condition. More detailly, he created a blog named Free Sample Zone and having had approximately 30-40 albums on his own account. In fact, a true legend in any cases and one heroes of mine.
This album contains of 18 tracks within 71 minutes, lifting its core from the Gregorian chants, old school soul music, rumbling pace shufflings, film score samples, easy listening, hip-hop, psychedelia, near-ethnic/ethno-pop and much more to be chopped up and re-conceptualized into a new form. Actually any of his tracks would freely be a subject for the quizzes with the purpose to figure out all of those hints coming forth from the concrete track.
[Vana ning oluline] Chenard Walcker Houseplant (Free Sample Zone)

See arvustus oleks pidanud märksa varem välja tulema...
Nähtavasti Chenard Walcker`i nimi ei ütle enamusele midagi vaatamata tõigale, et prantslase diskograafia jääb 30-40 albumi vahele (seda kõigest 4 aasta jooksul!). Ta pani aluse leiblile Free Sample Zone. Nagu sellest välja lugeda võib, olid sämplid tema muusikas olulisemal kohal kui enamusel muusikutest. Tõepoolest, teda võib õigusega lugeda plunderphonics/sound collage/ cut and paste-liikumise üheks järjepidevaimaks ning huvitavaimaks esindajaks viimase dekaadi jooksul. Mida kõike ei või tema muusikas kuulda – jazz`i ning funk`i erinevad standardid, latiino- ning kaasaegsed linnarütmid, soul, bossa nova, bhangra, disco house, šansoon, torupillihelid, gregoriaani laulud, Bollywood`i skeene. Tuntud helikätkeid jookseb tema muusikast üksjagu läbi. Teisalt oli ta üks esimesi vaba muusika kontseptsiooni juurutajaid. Tema tegevuse ideoloogiliseks lähtekohaks oli, et varasemast muusikast sämplite kogumine ning nende rekontekstualiseerimine on eetiline tegevus ning sisaldab eneses uut autorlust. Tõsi ka - tegelikult on ju see recycling-tegevus! Lõviosa tema muusikast ongi reliisitud Free Sample Zone all (paar albumit on tulnud ka WM Recordings`i ning Comfort Stand`i alt välja). Muideks, FSZ all on oma muusikat üllitanud ka tuntud Iisraeli kirjanik, näitleja, poeet, muusik ning vabamõtleja Roy “Chicky” Arad, kes esindas Iisraeli 2000. aasta Eurovisiooni lauluvõistlusel poliitiliselt skandaalse ansambli Ping Pong koosseisus, lehvitades esinemise ajal Süüria lippu. Nende lugu Sameach oli muuseas NME võitjasoosik. Tegelikkuses jäädi tagantpoolt teiseks... . Arad`il on Walcker`iga mitu albumit kahasse tehtud. Ka FSZ diskograafia viimaseks albumiks jäänud, Iisraeli-Liibanoni (Hizbollah`i) konflikti vastustav “Streets (Haifa-Beirut)” oli “Chicky” ning Walckeri koostöö. Prantslasest rääkisin ma minevikuvormis seetõttu, et ta langes 2006. aastal diabeedi tagajärjel koomasse ning pärast seda on ta maailmast arusaamise viis võrreldav väikelapse omaga. Õnneks jättis ta endast korraliku pärandi maha. Varem või hiljem saavutab Walcker oma aujärje, pole kahtlustki!
Tegelikult ei olnuks vahet, millise albumi ma Chenard Walcker`i repertuaarist välja valinuks. Albumid esindavad ju üht ja sedasama sämplimoolokit. Käesoleva albumi 42 lugu annavad hea ülevaate Chenard Walcker`i loomismudeli(te)st. Sisulise poole pealt on kuulda Kesk-Ida etnorütme, psühhedeelset flöödi- ning kammermuusikat, musta funk`i ning rnb`d, afrofuturismi, tantsubiitidega vürtsitatud spoken word`i. Koguni kaks hümni on esindatud – smooth-jazz`ilik Prantsuse ning riffkitarridest kiiskav kiiretempoline USA oma.
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