
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Insubordinations. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Insubordinations. Kuva kõik postitused


Nicht Rio - Title Turtle (2011)


/Improvised music, Electro-acoustic, Experimentalism, Live session, Avant-garde, Musique concrete, Acousmatics/

Comment: Lionel Malric (prepared piano), Yannis Frier (table guitar, amplified objects), Sebastien Bouhana (drums, percussions) are being a part of the Grand Chahut Collectif. This session was shot during their first tour in 2010 while the trio was travelling in the South of France with a hundred-year-old baby grand piano. They shared the stage with the likes of Sébastien Cirotteau, Emmanuel Cremer, Charles Fichaux, Bastien Pelenc, Heddy Boubaker, Olivier Germain-Noureux and Laurent Rochelle. However, their introducing gig as a trio was performed in the Notre-Dame Chapel in Fabrezan at the "Son MiRé" festival. More profoundly, the particular session does last approximately an half-hour being filled in with squeaking bits, intriguing signal-tweaked effects, buffoonish turns and detours, a little whistling sounds and surrounding dense ambience therefore honouring the kind of electro-acoustic, acousmatic and concrete music. By describing the impulses of the track the listener can detect a course getting grow more intense and noiseful with every subsequent step the ensemble is taking toward the final seconds.


Insub Meta Orchestra - archive #1 (2011)


/Acousmatics, Psycho-acoustic, Electro-acoustic, Noise, Improvised music, Avant-garde, Experimentalism, Microtonal, Musique concrète, Conceptual/

Comment: the lineup of Insub Meta Orchestra consists of a formidable amount of artists who used to exploit unusual instruments and "instruments" in addition to the conventional ones. For instance, besides guitars, violin, saxophone and laptop the listener will get aware of the presence of theremin, tone generator, tennis racquet (sic!), and buzuki. On the other side, in rough sense this 6-piece album can be considered a cooperation (or exploration of) between acoustic and electronic sonority which is tightly spiced up with the snippets of concrete sounds and amplified sonic effect-relied washes. This erratic universe results in flourishing psycho-acoustic noises and cagy microtonal contemplations where the inner borders are blurred and could only be fixed contingently. Is it an instance of meta sound then?         



/Sound art, Electro-acoustic, Abstract electronica, Avant-garde, Microtonal, Experimental electronica, Improvised music, Experimentalism, Noise/

: there is a connection between Switzerland-based musicians, and between accordion-induced music and nuance-filled live electronics. Three laptops and one accordion. There are 4 long-running compositions which comprise a shitloads of improvised tendencies and refreshing variegations. More concretely, this is a dialogue between organic sounds and more or less treated microscopic sonic explorations, between the acute washes of noise and barely perceptible silentful oscillations drifting between music and...mhh...physics. The album is a shift between the pixels and voxels of white and grey and black-hued minimalism. Or on the other side, this is an intricate and intriguing set of improvised tracks wrapped up in the electro-acoustic/acousmatic environment.


Jonas Kocher - solo (2011)

/Improvised music, Microtonal, Minimal, Avant-garde, Electro-acoustic, Experimentalism, Live session, Live recording, Conceptual/

Comment: Insubordinations is a label known as a platform for improvised music based mainly on jazz music and electro-acoustic ambiences. Jonas Kocher is an accordionist who had performed this set of 36 minutes at the zoom festival in Bern. Using only his main musical instrument (and objects in addition to it), however, his sound is actually much more than just an instance of the squiffer-based sound as general. By its main characteristics it is rather an electro-acoustic outtake where silence is hybridized or variegated with loader (drone) tones and brooding sometimes even threatening progressions coming from one phase to over another one. Indeed, it is not an accidental arty-farty spasmic set instead offering carefully treated phenomena which makes much impression and sense.


HARGREAVES/NOYES/DUPLANT Malachi (Insubordinations)

Phil Hargreaves, Lee Noyes ning Bruno Duplant. Kolm muusikut, kellede sünniaastad algavad erinevate aastakümnetega, musitseerimas Prantsuse leibli Insubordinations raames. Inglane soleerib siin tenor-ning sopransaksofonil, uusmeremaalane trummidel ja perkussioonil ning prantslane kontrabassil. Muusikud, kelledest üks olla väidetavalt autodidakt, teine müraansambli taustaga ning kolmas punkmuusikast ning selle idee(de)st mõjutatud. Kogenud muusikud – kõigil kolmel on palju koostöid ning (ühiseid) albumeid seljataga. Näituseks ka pärast selle albumi ilmumist on Noyes`i ning Duplant`i koostöö jõudnud kahe albumi näol jätkuda.

Albumil "Malachi" domineerivad rütmi ning liikumist "prääksuvad" saksofonid, trummitaldrikud on vaevukuuldavalt kõlisemas ning akustilised bassihelid vahetevahel vahele saagimas. Seesugune muusika, õieti küll esitamisviis, on ennekõike nauditav visuaalses vormis - jälgitav kontserdisaalides. Albumi jaoks jääb see lahjaks (tõsi, hommikuti virgudes võib sellel muusikal rohkem mõju olla). Akustiline, hillitsetud improjazz kohati cool jazz`ilike elementidega. Muusika muutub õige pea etteaimatavaks. Institutsionaliseeritud improd. Improjazz žanrilises tähenduses. Kuigi albumil on 9 erinevat lugu, sumbub see kõik üheks pikaks looks (50 minutit). Järjestikuse kuulamiskorra ajal ähmastub mälupilt lõplikult. Korra pääsesid minu kaasabil sellesse helipilti skrätš-efektid (hip-hop video Youtube`ist) ning siis kõlas saund põnevalt. Viisakalt saalis istumise, koosistumisest rõõmu saamise ning kaasaplaksutamise muusika. Turvaline, nahka mitteärritav muusika. Kanoniseeritud sootsiumimuusika. Sellele vaatamata allutan albumi hinnangule.

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