
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Bestiar. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Bestiar. Kuva kõik postitused


Vaga-Lume -- Champion Hill (2017)


  • Math rock 
  • Art rock 
  • Experimental rock 
  • Post-hardcore 
  • Avant-rock 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Yacht rock

See 7-looline taies Kataloonia pundilt sama piirkonna netiplaadifirma Bestiar'i all on kujundatud rokkmuusika konventsioonide ja katsetuste piirimail, sillates pungi jõulisust, sirgjoonelisust ja toorust meloodiate, nurgeliste kidramustrite, korduste ja neile ehitatud uute kihtidega. Meetod on arusaadav, ent muusikasse kätketud korduste ja improvisatsioonilise elemendi segunemine tagab teosele piisava sügavuse, et seda korduvalt ja korduvalt kuulata. On nii matemaatilise kidramuusika mõõdet kui jahtrokilikku pastelsust. Normaalne, et ei pakuta pakendatud eimidagiütlevust.


Xavier Corbera – El Comiat (2019)

  • Post-folk 
  • Folk indie 
  • Electronic music 
  • Folktronica 
  • Musique concrète
  • Ambient 
  • Improvised music 
  • Experimental electronica 
  • Indie folk 

Katalaani muusiku album koosneb 11 loost, aga kogupikkus hõlmab kõigest 23 minutit. Ent need sekundid-minutid ole piisavalt pikad selleks, et asjad välja arendada, kooskõlastada ja lausuda lausumatut. Koduse plaadifirma Bestiar`i leheküljel on tema muusikat lakooniliselt kirjeldatud kui “folk” ja “kinemaatiline”. Ütleme, et artisti (instrumentaal)muusika kategoriseerimisega on asi märksa raskem, ning nimetet žanrimääratlused jäävad sageli kitsaks ja problemaatiliseks. Siin on nii abstraktset kui ulakat eksperimentaalelektroonikat – milles ühisosa leidmine folkmuusikaga on pelk ettekujutuse teema – ning teisalt folgi ja elektroonika sulnist kokkusulamist ning kolmandaks elektroonika, folgi ja konkreethelide põimumist. Kohati muusika kõlab kui viimaste aurude peal kulgev ämbient. Albumi pealkiri tähendab “nägemiseni”/”head aega”, aga see ei jäänud artisti viimaseks. Pärast seda eelmisel aastal ilmus “El Comiat 2” ning käesoleval aastal “La Culminaciò”. Kuulajad võivad tema otsustamatuse üle üksnes head meelt tunda.


Vaga-Lume – Vaga-Lume EP (2015)

/Post-rock, Indie rock, Lo-fi, Alternative rock, Jazz rock, Math rock/

Comment: by listening to this duo of Catalan heritage from London, Great Britain I feel myself delighted because this set of 7 tracks being conjured up by Max Feriche and Javi Carles contains joyful post-rock progressions as if performed either in open air or recorded in the unplugged way. Furthermore, the duo used to add some gales of laughter, occasional samples of everyday and previously recorded environmental sounds to the mix. By the way, one of the pieces was recorded in the bathroom. The latter, Parece Vela (Baño) is an instant improvised excursion for simple guitar twanging, vowel induced hum and harmonica solo. All of that renders the chugging of their melting pot in a way to seem even more enjoyable and organic and seamless rather than by the case of just following only one orthodox pace. By their post-rock side the Catalans play bold post-rock progressions with some math rock and some lighter alternative rock influences. The composition Jab involves a saxophone solo played by Dudù Bongo. Amusing.


Tarannà – L’Era D’Aquari (2013)

  • Free jazz
  • Improvised music
  • Post-bop
  • Experimental music
  • Jazz rock
Outstanding tracks:
Vibracion De Granada
Suite Autogestonaria
El Pes De L`Aguia


Mamut - Mamut EP (2012)


/Psych-rock, Alternative rock, Acid rock, Post-punk, Surf rock, Avant-blues, Psychedelia/ 

Comment: arrghhh, this set is a tremendous punch comprised of the overdrives of brisk surf guitars, post-punk esque intense pummeling, muddy blues overthrows, and slight shades of math rock frames brought forth somewhere in between or backwards the abovementioned elements. More detailedly, some vocal appearances surfaced now and then are buried under wheezing keyboard progressions, angular reverb-heavy guitar tweaking. Inspite of those hirsute elements the issue sounds almost like a representative of "odd chill out" music. By kindred souls Indeed, by going down to the clichè - the Barcelona, Catalan quartet rocks your holey sock off. By an ineluctable side to be described for, there can be drawn parallels upon such influences as The John Spencer Blues Explosion, Sonic Youth, Man...Or Astroman. The release is publicized on a Catalonia-based records, Bestiar whose roster of artists and catalogue is really worth to be divided into. The Catalans have always had much to say regarding poignant outlets in art and culture.           


Clavicula - Erosion (2011)

/Hard rock, Classical rock/

Comment: Clavicula, in general, is a bone locating in the upper part of the body. This is a quite fragile and easily breaking one, especially after falling down frontward from the heights (for instance, if you are riding on a bike or horse). An ensemble, called Clavicula used to be remarkably more powerful in their doings playing masculine, Spanish-sung rock on their 8-track issue. Basically their power comes out of the flirtation with the riffs of hard rock-ish guitars and lighter metal music appearances or being a little keen on the glamorous charm of hair rock at times. They do represent classical hard rock reminiscent of Van Halen, and Led Zeppelin (of course!), for instance. This is such kind of music which had been popular throughout 1980s. Enjoyable.