
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Holiday Records. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Holiday Records. Kuva kõik postitused


Holiday Friends Christmas Treasury Volume III (2011)



/Alternative rock, Indie rock, Conceptual/

: let`s continue with the Christmas theme (the previous week The Gifted Children`s Christmas album was reviewed at RMH). There are 8 enthralling indie ditties by artists related to Holiday Records, one of the best indie labels all around the world. Acorn Boys, Greater Varsa, Palms On Fire, Saints & Children, Historical Society, The Arctic Flow, Church Library, and Francis of Nome are proudly represented there.


Bonfire Kids - We Are Telephone Friends (2009)



/Alternative pop/rock, Shoegaze, Fuzz pop, Dream pop, Indie pop/

: Bonfire Kids is an indie pop group from California whose mould is made up while standing firmly on the basis of DIY aesthetics, cellophanic guitar and mandolin-based magic dust. No doubt, there can be detected for the stature of The Smiths (which is previously the biggest indie band worldwide by far), Slumberland-related roster, and longing-tuned Slowdive. The album was issued on the Holiday Records, an indie pop records comparable to the likes of EardrumsPop, and Bubbletone Discos´Club 7. However, a wondrous effort by any means.


The Heather - HOLIDAY 0061 (2011)

/Indie pop, Neokrautrock, Electronic, Baroque pop, Glo-fi, Poptronica/

Having nothing more to add but this is a catchy, balanced, well-grown indie pop on its own. The second track Like There`s Now Tomorrow is a case of neokrautrock having a decent pop melodic hooks, the lead-off notch Why Do You Laugh, on the other side, is relied upon crumbly focused poptronica.


Victory VIII - Vermont (2011)

Holiday Records


/Poptronica, Electronic pop, Bedroom pop, DIY, Lo-fi, Glo-fi, Chillwave, Avant-pop, Experimental indie/

Comment: Victory VIII in his well-known quality. This time lo-fi-esque rhythm sources meet introspective and even melancholic layerings above it reminiscent of Morricone-esque sadness (actually I have no idea why I have met so many groups during last weeks resembling heavily the Italian film score maestro). As he said this is an attempt to make a soundtrack to a National Geographic magazine about New England. Also, he wishes he was dead.


A Holiday Friends Christmas Treasury Volume Two - Part One (2010)

/Conceptual, Indie pop, Alternative pop, Twee pop, Poptronica/

Comment: It might be this moment is not the most proper time for the Christmas events and reflections, though, indie-based Christmas songs on its own are not usual phenomenons in any cases and any time. Holiday Records is a tough indie label who has offered lots of charming tunes during many years. On this compilation can be met the songs by the label`s essential guards like Victory VIII, Arctic Flow, Travelogue, Jes Maybe, and She`ll Be Eating Her Nails When I`m Famous. Especially outstanding is a track by Arctic Flow`s Memories To Hold which could be considered as one of the most beautiful songs ever created. Let`s add it to the bookmark of songs of the closure of year.


[Vana ning oluline] Victory VIII International Travel Scenarios (Holiday)

Victory VIII 10-looline ning (kõigest 16-minutiline) "International Travel Scenarios" on üks ütlemata kaunis teos. Ühe ilmekaima leibli Holiday Records`i üks silmapaistvamaid üllitisi avab imetabase nurgakese muusikauniversumis. Arvestades nimetet plaadifirma ning artisti(de) tihedat sidet ning kokkukuuluvust, ei ole võimalik konkreetse projekti - mis kaudsete tõendite järgi on ühemehebänd - kohta lähemalt infot hankida. Helipilt balansseerib magamistoa lo-fi`liku synth pop`i, twee pop`i, baroque pop`i ning americana vahel. Pluss orkestrimuusika-ja bebop-sämplid aegade hämarusest. Tõepoolest, arvestades artisti sämplikesksust, võib käesolevat käsitleda kui kokkukleebitud popalbumit. Teisalt, see kindlasti ei ole ka mashup-eksperiment, v.a Kids Got Rhythm. Näiteks, sama õrn ja kerge lennult kui on seda helikeel, on ka lüüriline pool - nartsissistlik kurtuaasse armastuse liin - kohati tungiv, kohati häbeliku või veiderdava mõõtmega -, kuid alati hajuv ning uues kohas esile kerkiv. Pluss natuke diletantlikkust, kergelt haavatavust, mis kokkuvõttes muudab "ITS"`i veelgi orgaanilisemaks. Mõjusid on kuulda erinevaist paigust ning erinevailt artistidelt - The Housemartins, Beirut, The Magnetic Fields, The Russian Futurists, Final Fantasy, Mercury Rev. Näituseks lõpulugu You Know How Much pärineks justkui viimatinimetatu albumilt "Moon Is Rising".

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[Kogumikud] Holiday Records Pop Music Compilation Volume One (Holiday)

Kogumikud - ning iseäranis head kogumikud - on tõhusad sissejuhatajad uue muusika maailma.

Mineval aastal ilmunud üllitise ümbriselt võib lugeda, et tegemist on "maailma parima muusikaga". Mul jääb üle üksnes sellega nõustuda. Ning Holiday Records on järelikult üks neid plaadifirmasid. Kindlasti. Ning õigustab täielikult oma nime. Kuulake seda kogumikku (millele on ilmunud juba 2 järge) ning te leiate endile uusi lemmikuid. Mina leidsin siit endale Jes Maybe`i, Bonfire Kids`i, Sunshower Kids`i, Girl Alliance`i, Canoe, Victory VIII`i, Acorn Boys`i, Winterlish`i, Uranium Lake`i. Ühesõnaga, eranditult kõik artistid. Siin on shoegaze`i, fuzz pop/power-indie`t, lo-fi/elektroonikat/electro-indie`t, indie pop/twee pop`i, indietronica`t, avant-pop/baroque pop`i jpm. Servapealset indiemuusikat. Stiilipuritaanlust ei ole sellel kompilatsioonil mõtet taga ajada. Kogumik demonstreerib ennekõike USA (alternatiiv)skeene ammutamatut potentsiaali, kuid esindatud on ka Ühendatud Kuningriigid (Uranium Lake) ning Rootsi (Girl Alliance). Teisisõnu - see on harmooniline tervik. See on POPMUUSIKA!

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