
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Crunchy Human Children. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Crunchy Human Children. Kuva kõik postitused


Nac/Hut Report – Absent (2023)

Crunchy Human Children

Dream pop Electronic Avant-pop Experimental pop Indietronica Art pop Radiophonic art Hauntology Sampledelic

Hetkel näikse aktuaalne olevat Oasis'e laulja ja The Stone Roses'i kitarristi singel, mis on jaganud arvajad kahte leeri -- siinkirjutaja kuulub kolmandasse leeri, keda see asi absoluutselt ei huvita. Nii huvitavat muusikat sealt ei tule -- nagu ei tulnud nimetet bändide poolt omal ajalgi -- kui teeb seda Poola duo Nac/Hut Report. See on elektrooniline unenäopopp -- sugereeriv, sügavuti minev ja kummitama jääv; palju enam kui oli näiteks Slowdive'i viimane pealiskaudseks pastiššiks jäänud teos. Käesolev tantsib jeekimina poolunes ühe koha peal, püüdes mitte minna väljapoole raadiolainete sagedust. Armeenia raadiost (ei tea nad vist selle anekdootlikku tausta) Leedu raadioni, Taškenti omast Prahasse, Varssavist Koreani. See tants on pöörane, tugevalt laetud raadiolainete kahinatest-sahinatest ning mikromüradest. Edison'i salvestatud jõuluõhtu raadioprogrammist on välja destilleeritud viiulid ning seejärel helikokteili segatud (kuigi neid on raske märgata). Sinna vahele on pikitud hüpnootilist kellamängu, ent kogu trajektoori suunab Brigitte Roussell'i kummitav-sensuaalne vokaal. Kõlab terviklikult -- et mitte öelda ühe loona algusest lõpuni. Seda muusikat võiks vabalt ette kujutada mängituna 130 aastat tagasi -- kummitusena kaugest tulevikust; kohast, kus on ületatud entroopiline lävi. Üks selle aasta albumeid -- unenäopopi uus kvalitatiivne tase.


Nac/Hut Report – DOM 1919 (2021)

  • Avant-rock 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Hauntology 
  • Psychedelic 
  • Electronic 
  • Dream pop 
  • Experimental rock 
  • Shoegaze 
  • Art rock 
  • Noise pop 
  • Oldie music 

See 9-looline album Poolamaalt on selle aasta üks väljapaistvamaid – seda nii rokk- kui üleüldiselt eksperimentaalmuusika vallas. Nimelt on ristatud kitarrid ja vokaal muusikaga, mis loodud ajavahemikus 1901-1919. (Enne)muistne muusika on toodud tänapäeva sämplituna, täis saviplaatide kriginat-kraginat-praginat-sahinat. Kasutatud on artistide muusikat, kelledest enamus on teadmata. Lauljatari kussutav vokaal resoneerub imetabaselt eelpoolmainitud helidega, milledest muidu reeglina on püütud vabaneda. Ent siin on heliprügi muudetud kunstiks, milles praginad toimivad mälestuste ja nostalgia vallandajatena. See on kummastavalt irratsionaalne, kuna ei ole hetkel enam inimesi meie keskel, kes seda ajastut mäletaksid. Loodud on aegade ülene sild, milles elavad ja surnud on kokku saanud. Esteetiline nekropolis oma õõvas ja lummas täiskäigul õõtsumas. Kui The Caretaker ja The Fucked Up Beat on siiani hauntoloogias ämbiendi ja elektroonika põhiselt suunda näidanud, siis Nac/Hut Report näitab sama suunda kidramuusikas. Nagu tavaliselt on väljaandjaks Crunchy Human Children.


Mikołaj Janeczko – Planowo Ciszej (2019)

  • Ambient drone 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Avant-rock 
  • Electro-acoustic 
  • Experimental rock 
  • Guitar ambient 
  • Abstract 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Post-rock 
  • Psychedelic

Comment: It has always been great pleasure to put own hand upon a release of Crunchy Human Children though I personally have done it at a criminal rate. Mikołaj Janeczko, also Polish, invokes such sort of music which may seem to get lost on the fog. More profoundly, languid guitar drones are wrapped up in a grayish, mild cyclone which face to face create a hypnotic state of mind through different patterns of this sparse yet fertile kaleidoscope. One can hear elegant, ellipse-shaped iterations with a proper psychedelic hint or a bit more abrasive electro-acoustic brushes. Otherwise the first three compositions could be described as a Glenn Branca under the waterfall. In any cases it adds enchanting power to contribute to one`s better way of life. At the final track, Drzwi balkonowe, the course of 4-track loses some gravity and power to succumb to a more loose improvisation set with the assistance of flute playing by Przemysław Wojtaszek. All in all, it is a nearby perfect outing due to being ultimately uplifted to ceaseless feel of a continuum.


Nac/Hut Report – Transmisja Z Przesilenia (2020)

  • Improvised music 
  • Electro-acoustic 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Avant-rock 
  • Experimental rock 
  • No Wave 
  • Noise rock 
  • Minimalism

Comment: Nac/Hut Report is an uncompromising duo from Poland whose intention is to explore intrinsic value of noise rock and improvised noise. If you think of Sonic Youth and especially their more experimental offshoot projects and collaborations then you could properly imagine it. Abrasive guitar noises and spasmodic squalls are incessantly varied with sublime yet more or less oppressed melodies and broken harmonies – due to reminding of the main idea of My Bloody Valentine's Loveless. At the same time those melodies used to get vivid thanks to harmonies created by Brigitte Roussell's sensual murmurs and vowel effects. Is it powerful sex or just a restrained seedy caress? Throughout the 9-notch course this is the main knot which is about to produce swirling energy, bitter sweat, bittersweet pain and lucid nightmares squaring off in the middle of a deafening hell. The astounding issue is a part of the discography of Crunchy Human Children. One of the most preeminent albums in the new decade.


Nac/Hut Report – Wszystko Jeszcze Jest (2019)

  • Avant-garde 
  • Shoegaze 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Guitar ambient 
  • Avant-rock 
  • Experimental rock 
  • Dream pop 
  • Noise rock 
  • Abstract

Comment: Nac/Hut Report is a duo from Poland who are inclined to make up mighty noise experiments with electric guitars and processors and effect blocks. More detailedly, this 8-track whole which was released on the imprint Crunchy Human Children is about crushing guitars and crushing with guitars. Additionally, by crushing one's humble music experience and understanding of music like a bug. As if desperately pushing a set of 20 guitars through a couple of broken cables though on the other side providing more softening patches against it, indeed, one can hear at times lofty, a bit orchestrated progressions and at times arousing female singing. Of course, by describing it in the way it seems like a description of Glenn Branca and My Bloody Valentine's music (especially Loveless, of course). It is like having a violent intercourse with a beautiful lady. Some days ago I watched a documentary about a British female serial killer, Joanna Dennehy who used to cut herself while having it (her first unfortunate victim was a Pole). Blood(y) lust, isn't? In a word, the result is the impressive studding on a border of artsy guitar experimentation, and shoegaze-y and dream pop glimpses. Furthermore, by seeing all these immediate yet deceptively hectic tectonic shifts one can compare it with such a sort of magnificent extraterrestrial moving and formation as if it were conceived by mimoids and symmetriads respectively written in at Solaris by Stanislaw Lem. Yeah, superb by its content, moody touch and format.