
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Haze. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Haze. Kuva kõik postitused


Victor Jouk – Cosmic Voyager (2016)

  • Electronic music 
  • Experimental electronica  
  • Kosmische Musik
  • Alternative 
  • Kraut-electro 
  • Minimal synth

Comment: Victor Jouk dreams of the same thing the human race has been dreaming from very far times. About conquering outer space which though seems to remain an unobtainable dream for us. Of course, music has been one of the best instruments to indulge in very deep fantasies. There are up even such terms as Kosmische Musik, space music to describe the relationship between our dream and a certain sort of music genre. The genre mentioned in the first place came from Germany being closely related to the so-called Krautrock which in general is being the umbrella term to embrace any sort of experimental music germs to have emerged from Germany from the end of the 60s and through the 70s. All of that was a direct output of the self-awareness of German youth. In the narrow sense, Krautrock makes reference to German experimental rock combos and artists like Neu!, CAN, Faust, Guru Guru, Amon Düül, Achim Reichel. This 6-notch release being released on a Belarusian imprint, Haze reflects upon our ambition through its cover print as something naive, hostile and ridiculous. Musically those blue dreams are bugged by some primitive and a bit abrasive electronic communicative smacks and hoarsely groovy sonic effects. The term "groovy" is not thought in the classical term of dance music. It is something which defies an easy way to be classified. Maybe the formula can be depicted kraut meets dyslexic electro meets smeared minimal synth meets fun meets even some orthodox academic approach. Aesthetically and by pleasure it is a very convincing result. By kindred souls there can be drawn parallels upon the likes of Konrad Schnitzler, and Asmus Tietchens. If you have an enough amount of money to spend then you could make a gift to Elon Musk under the magniloquent explanation Flight to Mars. It is as an analogue way of behaviour as to listen to Jared Leto and his company's unfledged sound.


1g0g – Quiet Cube (2010)

  • Live session 
  • Avant-garde
  • Electronic music 
  • Sound art
  • Dark ambient 
  • Musique concrète 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Minimalism 
  • Drone 
  • Ambient

Comment: this bunch of 53 minutes is an old recording from a Butoh theatre (Japanese dance theatre) in Sankt Peterburg, Russia taped in 2008. Undoubtedly it is an intriguing, adventorous issue though the very first minutes of it are needed to get into the point of it. In fact, what is the core and intention of this issue? How much the volume knob should be cranked up? Actually there are hidden many points into it to be found out by the listener. First of all, one can hear iterative patterns coming over your head in an enchanting way. It embarks on with a pattern of the repetitive ringing of church bells by representing it in a way to connect the mundane and heavenly aspect. There is up glitched-out debris, there are represented sounds reminding of the scrapes of metal, sometimes you can hear fascinating drones and murmuring and hectic short wave radios and mind-altering spoken words (in Finnish) which started to live their own life which later will be replaced stepwise by autumnal, a bit caliginous drone ambient and then in turn by splashing watery sounds and spatial female singing. However, the pace of the album continues to be the same – hypnotically iterative. The more you listen to it the more this magnificent world by Gosha Solntsev (a part of the art combo Noises Of Russia) opens up inside your spiritual and mental cerebral centre. The great issue is a part of the discography of Drill Records, and Haze Records (unfortunately I could not find out the link of the latter one anymore).


Golgotha Communications Ltd. – Wine, Women and Song Pt2 (2014)

/Avant-garde, Avant-industrial, Microtonal, Experimentalism, Non-music, Musique concrète, Minimalism, Drone, Micronoise, Acousmatics, Psycho-acoustic/

Comment: Golgotha Communications Ltd. is a Philadelphia, US-based collective, having been active since the mid-90s. Wine, Women and Song Pt2 is the second compartment of the Wine, Women and Song trilogy. There are up three long-running compositions, the first of them, One, is made up of sizzling noises, microtonal parallel worlds, demented vocal samples and dialogues etc. Despite its intensity it results in a charmingly lethargic output due to the use of calming loop. However, by its provocative and challenging manner and taking on some similar shifts in form the combo´s result can be compared with another US-based legend Big City Orchestra`s some works, for instance. Unarguably it is a “heavy” track due to its schizoid nature. The following The Erin Fraud represents remarkably more clear and sheeny sound sheets, though the droning of it resounds signally louder and jarring but also in a majestic, spaced-out and epic way. The notch represents decorously the storeyed tradition of American drone and minimal music since La Monte Young. The result of the finishing track Three is relatively similar to the first one because of keep exploring obsessively on those glitch-filled noises, though adding some concrete music morsels, chamber/neoclassical music elements and ethnic singing to the melting pot. The development is open as if would invite you to step into it. However, the last third of the track is decidedly turned aside with the assistance of unison related singing and rhythms which in turn would be mashed up and subjected to offset, elliptic loops. All in all, Golgotha Communications Ltd`s score is wondrous and fascinating.               


Sound Interpretations - Dedication To Jack Kerouac (2013)

  • Experimental electronica
  • Conceptual
  • Post-rock
  • Abstract
  • Improvised noise
  • Avant-garde
  • Experimentalism
  • Industrial techno
  • Rhythmic noise
  • Musique concrète
  • Spoken poetry
  • Non-music
  • Spoken word
  • Exotica pop
  • Ambient
Outstanding tracks:
Salt Water Medicine – Hozomeen
RoomDark – Pull My Daisy
Aortha – Satori
Generation Skweee – Book Of Dreams
Subversive Intentions – Nice Fan, Crass Scone
The Fucked Up Beat – Kerouac (Bleeker Street Poems)
Lynlee – The Taste Of Rainy Dawn


Borstal Boy - Perspectives From The Medicine Cabinet (2013)

  • Witch house
  • Avant-electronica
  • Hauntology
  • Darkwave
  • Experimental techno
  • Post-dubstep
  • Kosmische Musik
  • Dark electro
  • Dark ambient
  • Drag house
  • Leftfield
  • Experimental electronica
Outstanding tracks:
Don`t Drink The Kool Aid
Gasoline Bubble
Mercury Sky
Radio Bomb
Jerichos Burning
Mercury Sky


Sound Interpretations - Dedication To Jack Kerouac (2013)

  • Post-rock
  • Industrial electro
  • Drone
  • Improvised music
  • Noise
  • Experimental techno
  • Industrial techno
  • Illbient
  • Avant-dub
  • Spoken word
  • Psycho-acoustic
  • Electro-acoustic
  • Psychedelic
  • Sampledelic
  • Conceptual
  • Ambient
Outstanding tracks:
Salt Water Medicine – Hozomeen
RoomDark – Pull My Daisy
Massa Ultima feat. Derrick Lambert – To Die In The Dark Star
Aortha – Satori
Daniel Barbiero – 30th Chorus Blues
Generation Skweee – Book Of Dreams
The Fucked Up Beat – Kerouac (Bleeker Street Poems)
Lynlee – The Taste Of Rainy Dawn


Sound Interpretations - Dedication To Antoine De Saint Exupèry (2013)

  • Experimentalism
  • Avant-garde
  • Conceptual
  • Experimental electronica
  • Glitchtronica
  • Experimental techno
  • Electro-acoustic
  • Darkwave
  • Post-industrial
  • Film noir
  • Noise
  • Psych-folk
  • World music
  • Lo-fi
  • Compilation
  • Drone
  • Dark ambient
Outstanding tracks:
Snowfeeder - Did Yoy Crash Into The Bay?
Benoit Villemont - Terre des Hommes
Nevhar Anhar - Trasncend Into The Desert
Aortha - Pilot
Project 5am - Tame
ReVerse Bullets - RE(M)CYCLE Deux 
Roomdark - Radio Interception
Halo Svevo - d`Aviateur (The Wildest Wish To Fly)


The Fucked Up Beat - Roswell Radio Cult (2013)


/Sampledelic, Sound collage, Cut and paste, Avant-garde, Experimentalism, Hauntology, Psycho-acoustic/ 

Comment: this batch of 10 pieces does provide wind instruments-driven snippets, though, not being an instance of brass music on its own, it also provides rhythmic music, though, not being an instance of danceable music on its own, it also provides psychedelic music, though, not being an instance of psyched-out muisc on its own. Instead of it, it is a solid representative in the movement once established by James Kirby aka The Caretaker. Indeed, it is filled with sampledelic collages having compelling hints at cinematic harmonies, vintage Latin motives and some subliminal sounds which are spiced up with haunting vapor and dust pouring out from every slots and breach. There is up one exception, called The Groom Lake Flatwoods Monster/ I'd Like Some Gasoline Please!, coming very close to the aesthetics of indie music. The result is marvellous.         


emptywhale — Fearscapes (2012)


/Dark ambient, Dystopbient, Epic, Organic electronica, Ambient, Soundscapes, Avant-garde/

Comment: this handful of tracks is composed of dark-hued ambient vibes flourishing on incessant, repetitive patterns. I used to call such creepy kind of music as dystopbient, though, sometimes through its charmingly resigned templates it showcases some bias toward blissful ambient shapes (Suburbs) and organic, concrete sound-filled undulation. In a nutshell, the listener can perceive intense internal burning which seems to be the main plot of the issue. The listener could probably draw parallels upon the likes of Loscil, Pan American, Eluder, Caustic Reverie.  


Buben – Beat’N'Hoper (2011)



/Experimental electronica, Breakbeat, Sound collage, Hip-hop, Experimentalism/

Comment: Beat box sounds, hip-hop scratches, diverse break(-beat)s - all of which is forged into a seamless whole by the ultimatively profilic legend Vladislav Buben from Belarus. Six crafty outputs with pleasant vibes indeed. Throughout the course Buben do not allow to forget about the joyous attitude of the album. For instance, an example of moaning zombie-like techno or easy latin music themes amongst the rhythms.


[Vana ning oluline] 1g0g Ice Cube (Haze)

Laivesinemine, helikunst, ämbientmuusika ja sünkja drone`i segu, konkreethelid, spoken word, sosinad ja palju muud. Ja nii edasi ja nii edasi. Autoriks 1g0g ehk Gosha Solntsev, kes muuseas kuulub kultuslikku helikunstirühmitusse Noises Of Russia, ning teos on esitatud kui helind butõ-teatri etendusele Anikušini skulptuuristuudios Sankt-Peterburgis 2008. aastal. Peaaegu 54-minutiline teos, mis nõuab keskendumist, kuivõrd progressioonis peitub tegelikult selle teose tuum. Üleminekud on sageli pikad ning seetõttu raskesti märgatavad. (Nagu slaidid või kaadrid, mis märkamatult vahetuvad). Sugestiivseimad hetked täidavad viimast kümmet minutit, mil sulpsatuste taamal kõlab soomekeelne hällilaul. Taies algab eikusagilt, kasvab ning areneb kirikukellade kõminaks ning minimalistlikuks tininaks (meenutades teelusika heli tassis), kuhu hakkavad tasapisi lisanduma sõlmhelid, monotoonne trummeldamine ning abrasiivne helikude. Ning sealt edasi tulevad uued helid ning elemendid, omandades läbi filtrite uusi varjundeid. Keskmises osas äratab tähelepanu soomekeelne jutlus, mille taamal luubivad sitarid. Seejärel kuni hällilaulu alguseni täidavad vahemikku tumedakõlaline ambient drone ning kirikulaulu kaja ja pomin. Tõsi, kõik see kulgeb algusest lõpuni vaikelulises võtmes. Tajusin ka seda, et soomlaste metsafolgil on käesoleva teosega väga palju ühist.

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