
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga 2003. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga 2003. Kuva kõik postitused


René Breitbarth – oo's (2003)

  • Funk house 
  • Deep house 
  • Tech-house 
  • Club dance 
  • Electronic music
Krautrokihiiu CAN kodulinnast Kölnist pärit René Breitbarth'i 4-looline on kindel ja ülekaalukas võitja omas klassis – see on aus haussmuusika, millele annab erilise vaibi ja käigu funk-muusika (ei ole erilist vahet, kas nimetada seda funk house'iks või funky house'iks – autor ähmastab neid piire mõnuga, käies siin- ja sealpool või ühitades mõlemaid mõjuvälju ühes ja samas loos). Kuivõrd seesuguse muusika puhul on piir headuse ja lameda vahel õrn, mistõttu tulemust kuulates võib möönda, et RB valikud on olnud ainuõiged. Aeg-ajalt põigatakse ka diiphausi sügavustesse ja tehnohausi masinlikku rütmiläikesse, ent eelpoolmainitud vaib kaigub taamal. Kaigub ning tõmbab kuulaja kõrvuni sisse. Üks lugu on ilmselt kummardus popikunnile David Bowie'le (vt pealkirja!) Kuula seda ja ole võitjate poolel! Klassiku üllitas Textone-nimeline plaadifirma (netileibeli esikväljalase muideks!). 
8.5 (8.0-9.0)


Aphilas – Instrumentally Ill EP (2003)

  • Downtempo 
  • Cinematic 
  • Nu jazz 
  • Hip-hop 
  • Acid jazz 
  • Easy listening 
  • Rap 
  • Urban music 
  • Mood music 
  • Breaks 
  • Trip-hop
Kallid põhjanaabrid Niko Ryhanen ja Petri Jormanainen üllitasid käesoleva 6-loolise digitaalsel kujul 2003. aasta lõpus Miasmah-nimelise netileibeli all; järgmisel aastal ilmutas selle vinüülina legendaarne Miami plaadifirma Merck. Asi oli seda igati väärt. Siin ülimalt tundliku käekirja ja produktsiooniga EP'l segunevad õhuline hip-hop, filmilinalik kergus, aeglaseks keeratud rütmid, moodsad jätsulikud puhkpilliseaded ning isegi õrn folgilik tekstuur (akustilised kidrad on mängus). Aeg-ajalt ületatakse gravitatsioon, et lennelda üle maaliliste maastike ja sisenetakse alateadvuslikesse unenäomaailmadesse, milles valitsevad helgus, küllus ning õnnelikud mälestused ja tundmused. Mured ja vaev näikse olevat seljatatud – see on nirvaanaseisund. Flying Lotus viis mõned aastad hiljem taolise muusika laiematesse massidesse. Klassika. 
9.0 (8.5-9.5)


Skope – Buildings (2003)

  • IDM 
  • Ambient techno 
  • Deep techno 
  • Club dance 
  • Electro 
  • House 

Suurest Õunast pärineva muusiku, DJ ja plaadifirmaomaniku 4-looline üllitis balanseerib haussmuusika, elektro ja tehno vahepeal – õigem oleks öelda – ammutab elutervet ja maitsekat inspiratsiooni. Ta on konkreetselt rõhutanud nii Chicago majamuusika kui Detroit'i tehno- ja elektrošamaanide mõju). Samapalju kui on see muusika tehno ja elektro, on see ka IDM (kuigi Ameerikamaal nimetet stiil ei ole just kõige populaarsem olnud). Funk on see ühisnimetaja eelpoolmainitet stiilide algkoodis. Mitte ilmtingimata see karvane ja higine Ameerikamaa oma, vaid teutoonide kliiniliselt kalkuleeritud rütmimustrid (mis ilmselt omakorda on mutatsioon amide omast). See motoorne tantsulisus, mis oli esile manatud maanteede eraldusjoonte vaheldumist või jalgpalliväljakul ühest otsast teise aetavat palli jõllitades (üks Neu! liikmetest justnimelt sedasi iseloomustas oma inspiratsiooniallikat). Kraftwerk, Neu!, CAN. Ei ole saladus, kuivõrd mõjutas Kraftwerk USA hiphoppi ja muud mustanahaliste muusikat (ka Afrika Bambaataa on isikliku eeskujuna välja toodud). Eelpoolse jutu põhjal on sümboolne, et jänki suurepärase albumi on üllitanud Austria plaadifirma Observatory Online.

9.0 (8.5-9.5)


Brandon Blommaert – Dotgunk (2003)

  • Glitchtronica 
  • Experimental electronica 
  • Ambient 
  • Ambient drone 
  • Electro-acoustic 
  • Microtonal 
  • Glitch techno 

Siin on kolm keskmise pikkusega – kuigi elektroonilist muusikat arvestades pigem lühikest – kompositsiooni, aga dünaamikat on kõvasti. Õigupoolest on siin ämbientmuusikale iseloomulik anonüümsustaotlus või varjule jäämise püüe – kuidas soovite! – mängitud valendiku ilmumise vastu. Ehk on korrektne sõna "ilmnemine", kuna loogiline progressioon ei ole alati vaadeldav ja muutused suht äkilised. Flaami nimega Edmontonis sündinud, kuid Kanada uuendusliku muusika pealinnas Montréalis resideeriv muusik ja lühifilmide autor pakub kinemaatilist pinget ja hetkedesse ja kordustesse uppumise kunsti, milles kahtlemata on täheldatav suure kaaslinlase Tim Hecker'i glitch-alkeemilised meetodid. Sünteesitakse peaaegu eimillestki, st helirämpsust, meeliülendavad taiesed, milles helimaterjali vormivad algoritmid ilmuvad kummitustena pinnale. Kolmandaks on iseenesest kummituslik kaevata välja need kümmekond minutit kummitusliku plaadifirma BricoLodge diskograafilisest kirstust. Tuleb naasta siia hiljem veel ja veel – kahju, et ei saa naasta Blommaert'i enda muusika manu, kuna "Dotgunk" on jäänud tema esimeseks ja viimaseks.


Khonnor – Lost Pets EP (2003)

  • Indietronica 
  • Art pop 
  • Avant-pop 
  • Electronic music 
  • IDM 
  • Experimental pop

Comment: inarguably Khonnor's magnum opus Handwriting was one of the best things what happened 15 years ago. It was a subtle blend of hiss-filled indie melodies, gritty programmed beats and somehow metallic/abrasive effects and lush synthesised orchestrations. In a word, the rough and gentle elements were seamlessly bound to each other while being effectively propelled by arousing harmonies and melodies. A year before it Connor Kirby-Long did release an EP called Lost Pets on Please Do Something. It can be said the predecessor of 6 tracks may seem a bit more unsettled yet maybe it is more righteous to consider it just an electronic issue, more profoundly, IDM-esque ticking embellished with some explosive moments being surrounded by experiments of hiss sounds and wide extended orchestrations and some vowel and singing undercurrents but it lacks a recognizable indie guitar element. In a word, it is a gentle release full of space, light and shades.


The Organdicks – Music for Drooling Idiots with Trendy Beards (2003)

  • Electronic music 
  • Alternative 
  • Experimental pop 
  • Primitronica 
  • Minimal synth 
  • Dada music 
  • Breakcore 
  • Electro

Comment: if you hear the artist name Organdicks for the first time I guess you may think of it either as a stupid one or an act with intention to provoke. Provoking whatever, provoking whoever. Lots of frantic beats with acidic fringes and internal drones, loose thematic developments being strengthened by some iterative motives chiming like an old school game (Salivating Acid, Chin Melting sounds like playing a lighter version of Bomberman). Although this 14-notch release was issued 15 years ago on Silo the stylistic meaning of it may have been changed into a poppy one. Into an artsy poppy one adhered to conventional sonic patterns while undermining it at the same time. So it is a love-hate case, the course of living one's life. In a softer version, it is just a case of reflecting pop music tendencies through a refined tongue-in-cheek attitude. Give me some dada! Give me some gaga! And the year of 2003 had been a happy span to me. The life was more wild and spontaneous with fewer regulations. The world was not so polarised and un-natural, there was much hope in the air. I have had no problem to put it into my personal context.


Crashed By Car – Fictions And Fires (2003)

  • Indietronica 
  • Modern classical 
  • Alternative
  • Poptronica 
  • Electronic pop 
  • Ambient pop 
  • IDM 
  • Post-classical

Comment: this set of 6 pieces used to silently chug alongside angular landscapes of beats, volatile piano chords and spacey motives. It is not supposed to be a very interesting issue because of these elements being represented only. However, it is an interesting issue because these elements are designed and depicted in a very intriguing fashion. On the other side, it can be called a solid one. One can perceive coherent tie-ups between the aforementioned elements where one can see inner logic and interior power pouring out of it. Elfin and miniature elements are set up in the way to create something stunning in the macroscopic level. Those rusty noises here and there are up there to be a sturdy and caustic adhesive between the sonic blocks. It reminds me of those times in the beginning of the 00s when such sort of sound was very hype-y in Europe thanks to such label as Morr Music. This outing was released at the same time. The issue is a bit of the discography of another legendary imprint, Monotonik.


Morpheus – Alkemiisto (2003/2008/2009)

  • Dark Wave 
  • Dark ambient 
  • Art music 
  • Interpreted music 
  • Neoclassical 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Post-classical

Comment: Morpheus` 14-track issue Alkemiisto is an intriguing issue because the artist’s original music is variegated with his own versions of such classical composers/musicians as Bach, Corelli, Vangelis, Abeni, Vildsvin, Chopin and additionally some video game numbers. It sounds interesting, isn’t? In stylistic and temporal terms it does mean Stanislav Rubyteno has opened possibilities to either unite or juxtapose old, baroque music with blackened ambient and neoclassical tunes. The general mood is resolutely murky and damp thereby allowing few chances to shed light upon in the middle of shadowplay. More concretely, hammering piano chords and solemn organ droning are unwound with yarning orchestrated passages and ominous, expressive ambient glimpses. Undoubtedly Rubyteno`s melancholy is beautiful and dignifying therefore bolstering the issue with quality. Get it.          


Mount Eerie - Live at Drouthy Neebors on 2003-04-27

  • Indie folk
  • Americana
  • Live recording
  • Folk indie
  • Singer-songwriter

Comment: this 14-track issue was recorded in the year Phil Elverum had jettisoned the name The Microphones in favour of Mount Eerie. His music continued to be artsy though it might be it contained less noise and instinctive outputs and used to be more milled, intimate and lyrically analytical. In the meantime the ditties accompanied only by the acoustic guitar are variegated with hilarious speeches and laughing. Indeed, these 54 minutes are fairly nice and sincere ones where one could perceive the cordial relation between an artist and the audience.  


Jane Siberry – Shushan the Palace: Hymns of Earth (2003)

  • Christmas songs
  • Art pop
  • Covers
  • Chamber music
  • Orchestrated music
  • Conceptual

Comment: it happened actually some days ago when I mentioned the Canadian meritorious singer Jane Siberry (born in 1957) as one of possible influences of such new and very interesting artist as Eva Neves Pereira aka Rarareruri whose soundscape is innovative in her mind-boggling crossing of disparate and earlier fringe era styles such as glitched-out minimal electronica, glo-fi, ambient pop. However, Jane Siberry has been active for many decades whereas having released a battery of albums.  It is the Canadian`s third Christmas-themed release, following 1994's Count Your Blessings, a live concert she performed with Holly Cole, Rebecca Jenkins, Mary Margaret O'Hara and Victoria Williams, and 1997's Child: Music for the Christmas Season. In 2003 she interpreted several Christmas liturgical hymns by classical composers like G. F, Händel/C, Jennes; J. S, Bach/S, Franck; F. Mendelssohn/J. F Von Bunsen; F, Layritz/J. C, Mattes/K, Spaeth; G. Holst/C. Rossetti; E, Poston; J, Rist/J, Schop. Although the Christmas time is already long behind the artist`s music arouse solemn and purgative feeling to the listener`s soul. Orchestrations behind her evocative singing are duly arranged having no excessive, bombastic broadening which frequently could sound in a feigned way. It could be said the bunch of Jane Siberry`s Christmas song would freely be up there to chime on the 24th and 25th of december.


Digitalverein – Internal Course (2003)

  • Dub house
  • Club dance
  • Deep house

Comment: at the time the hours come closer and closer to the end of a day it is time to listen to deep house drenched vibes and rhythms replete with velvety shades and wobbling dub frequencies and something very magical yet indescribable within and around it. Those slightly shifted layers being juxtaposed against each other and over each other used to create psychedelic vibes within the compositions. Furthermore, it is not a mechanical work at all because of including many beatific harmonies and propulsive gears to eventually conjure up warm emotions inside the listener`s soul (Face The Horizon). Digitalverein is the project of Jörg Schuster and Internal Course is the follow-up to Zu Hause also being released under Thinner. In a word, this issue must be considered a classic deep house item. 


M. Kleis - Quest for Fire/Visit to Minotaur (2003)

/Synth rock, Fusion, Mood music, Experimental, Progressive rock, RIO, Electronic, Art rock/

Comment: one of the main questions being relevant to the context is how Mihkel Kleis` 14-track album differentiates from the outings of the musician`s previous (in fact, still ongoing) projects (Luarvik Luarvik, EDASI). After listening to the album many times in a row it can be admitted the effort is entirely justified because there are represented interesting sonic variations and viable developments in harmonies and mood. Obviously more electronic devices and programmed means are exploited to foster the rhythmic section. In general, it brings forth lots of warm, affable tones to depict the issue as a moody one. On the other side, there are up some more tumultuous moments and “deviated” compositions to extend beyond the aforementioned common vamp. For instance, Using Mirrors in Chess is a philosophical yet amusing storytelling by Peeter Sauter about the human being`s motivational package, chances to exist after his/her death and the God`s…aesthetical abilities being accompanied by synthesiser fuelled spaced-out meandering threads. Ultimately one can concede that Mihkel Kleis still continues to trudge across electronic/fusion/progressive/art rock pathways with more or less hearable dodges in mood and form, however, which used to result in a downrightly poignant whole once again. In fact, it is still as up-to-date as it was 12 years ago.


Rumored High Speed Rail Hub - 03.12.25 (2003)

/Experimental electronica, Avant-garde, Ambient noise, IDM, Krautrock, Kosmische Musik, Glitch techno, Experimental techno, Experimentalism/

Comment: this project with the strange name seems to be ahead of its time. It is formally an indicator of the point at least, because the title of the album is 03.12.25. In fact, this 11-piece composition has been issued in 2003 to provide meandering spaced-out landscapes backed up by crunchy IDM-alike and glittery glitched out techno propulsions and bass-heavy rumbling here and there. By considering the project`s intention to be ahead of its time it is not incorrect at all. More concretely, there are up many high-pitched synth sounds which used to chime in an overtly futuristic way (for instance, Throw Up). Those brooding synth lines on the top are to startle us by creating phantasmagorical imageries and hyper-realistic associations in the listener`s mind. Is it an electronic counterpart of progressive rock music? Furthermore, it is more close to 70s German progressive music called Krautrock/Kosmische Musik (especially relating to such artists as to Tangerine Dream, Ash Ra Tempel, and Klaus Schulze). For instance, Dumpstered which sounds almost like an example of space rock created by a stoned Terry Riley in the meantime. Might it be that it comes out from the same branch of reflecting upon Angus Maclise`s artistic endeavours in Nepal after the departure from the Velvet Underground? Indeed, Stark offers up some clues to be proven. The overall pattern of the outing is thought-shifting and mind-provoking along with vivid changes in rhythmic structures and harmony fabrics. Moreover, the issue`s coverprint used to resonate with the whole`s sound. In a word, let`s enjoy this fabulous item. 


Anti/Uton - These Rains Were Tales Before (2003)

/Psych-folk, Drone folk, Forest folk, New Weird Finland, Improvised noise, Avant-garde, Improvised music, Experimental folk/

Comment: this set of nine improvised compositions comes out of Porvoo, Finland by the duo Anti/Uton later also known as Hunton Quintet. The issue consists of strained drone progressions and galvanized noisy basses, and rattling drum kits, and over amplified yet quite static guitar noises subordinated to stoned noise ideology and radical sonic aesthetics. Of course, it is kind of a folk music because of being designated by raw plucked guitar chords around. It might be you would think of it as an appearance to depict your very obsessive thoughts you are being hinged on. Indeed, emotionally the result seems to be highly labile ready either to attack you or caress you. The album could be considered a part of the so-called Finnish forest folk movement, however, representing the most extreme branch of it (Kemialliset Ystävät, Vierivä Viiksiportieeri, Jamabansku). By listening to it you can discern monotonous developments and rough sonic bits which are obviously as resulting goals as creating process on its own. Such sort of improvised music was born in 1967 when AMM issued their two-track issue Ammmusic (Elektra). The issue is part of Uton-led imprint  OM HA SVA HA KSHA MA LA VA RA YAM. Could you repeat it?


Dick Richards - Costa Daurada EP (2003

  • Tech-house
  • Minimal techno
  • Microhouse
  • Dub techno
  • Experimental techno
  • Remix

Comment: this 4-piece EP reveals Dick Richards stark affinity for microscopic rhythmic frequencies and suggestive harmonies within the realm of house, techno, and dub (in a lesser extent, though). In spite of it the issue`s characteristics seem often to be way too far away from rhythms of the ordinary club lounge venue. It is rather cerebral music consecrated by Detroit techno tradition and the artists` aesthetics of such labels as Minus, Kompakt and Basic Channel. Indeed, every pop, crackle and slit on it seems to be thorougavaldamahly controlled and managed to constitute such a soothing gem. Indeed, though 11 years has passed, Costa Daurada EP echoes still in a refreshing way. The release was done available by cult dance music label Thinner.                  


Mank - Erleichda (2003)

  • Downtempo
  • Emotive electronica
  • Folktronica
  • Minimalism
  • Chamber music
  • Ambient techno
  • Kosmische Musik
  • Dark ambient
Outstanding tracks:
Forest Hill
Stopping The World
Misinterpreted Love
12 O Clock And Pissed Again


Mesu Kasumai - 3 Channel Metropolitan (2003)

  • Electro pop
  • Alternative dance
  • Electro-indie
  • Remix
  • Synth pop
Outstanding tracks:
Croatian Love
Highway Signs (project 65 rmx)


Mandate Of Heaven - Arisen Eye Is Feudist Fiend (2003/2009)

  • Alternative rock
  • Blues rock
  • Post-grunge
  • Dance rock
  • Power pop
Outstanding tracks:
Peking Is Baking
Ten O´clock
Song Of The Two-Handled Saw
Tumors From The Sun


Kago - Piimaš (2003)

  • New Weird Estonia
  • Psych-folk
  • Free folk
  • Anti-folk
  • Experimental folk
  • Dream folk
  • Baroque folk
  • Singer-songwriter
  • Weird folk
  • Avant-folk


Various Artists - Retork (2003)


/Experimental electronica, Electronic pop, Glitchtronica, Chiptune, Soul funk, Downtempo, IDM/

Comment: Retork is a compilation album by Enough Records, a Portugese record label. It involves the manning of such artists as Mosaik, Aisth, Kilowatt heaturing Synesthesia, Sense, Makunouchi Bento, Duncan Avoid, Xhale, Julien Neto, Kschzt, Khonnor, Quobe, Fysiz featuring Netpoet, Sinespree, Nullsleep. However, stylistically this 12-track issue extends from peaceful yet profound IDM/downtempo freights to more angular glitchy paces, from chiptune-tinged acid dashes to catchy autotune soul funk. These exhales used to be on the ball by any means.