The German musician Christian Vogel suggested in the Wire magazine approximately 6 years ago that by his option he would close all the recent electronic musicians into a locked room with some recorders and tapes. Tommy Smurthwaite aka cerBlc has apparently no problems with the presumptions of perceiving of early electronic music and its complicated technic approach and historic specificity. Moreover, he has played in different rock groups, including being punk (indeed, genuine punks have always loved dance music).
Here are represented only two tracks (Hongu; Yusus) being inspired by 90`s electronic music, yet, having no strong appeal toward dance floor and more generally by the past of music. Hongu is a psychedelic, sample(delic)-based shuffle incorporating the elements of hip-hop scratches and cool jazz elements. Yusus is an example of brain-focused motorik alchemy, reminding of Autechre`s early workouts first of all. In a more concrete way, strongly stomping rhythms are blended with atmospheric IDM-esque under/uppercurrents, showcasing the close liaison between earth and heaven.
Listen to it here