Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Indie folk. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Indie folk. Kuva kõik postitused
[Artists] The Womb
23 Seconds,
Alternative pop/rock,
Dark pop,
Electronic pop,
Experimental folk,
Experimental indie,
Folk indie,
Indie folk,
Weird pop
Nick Rivera Happy song is a happy song (La bèl)

In Cagliari born but now in London residing Michele Sarti aka Nick Rivera is being and has been participant in the line-up of many groups (Bron Y Aur; Franklin Delano; Sunny Day Sets Fire; Oh Atoms; Takoma). Yet, his recent project is definitely an act of intimate folk, or folk-based art which tends to search for diverse sonority fields, potent harmonic angles, making out impressive experiments with baroque pop, shuffling analogue electronics and cinematic undercurrents of epicness, all in all, finding out an equilibrium between the kind of astonishing inner harmony and outer form of beauty. Of course, Sarti is not alone, being assisted by many other musicians. For instance, at Renee Luise, the opening track, beautiful unisoned vocal lines are compiled by voices of him and Mary Dow. Indeed, an amazing track. Or in the other place the unisoned chords of fingerpicked strings (guitar, ukulele) and cello keys do play out a perfect chamber folk example (Horn Y Orgy). Or is it as if Air`s Moon Safari`s most epic moments were mastered in the vein of chamber pop attitude somehow? The title track enters into the indie folk area, more concretely, reminding of the Welsh whimsical folk wizards Gorky`s Zygotic Mynci`s playful shufflings on the ground of bucolic acoustic pop jams and acid-filled synthezised passages. Happy song is a happy song is one of the most excellent appearances (if not the best) in 2011 so far. Imagine you having a home in the countryside and you are sitting outside for looking at the sun`s going down. A truly great monumental set indeed.
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Baroque pop,
chamber folk,
Experimental folk,
Folk indie,
Indie folk,
La bèl
[Compilation] VV.AA. - Rock Against Mommies vol. I: Attack Of The Space Mommies (Kill Mommy)

Don`t be afraid of the Sicily-based label Kill Mommy Records` slogan which suggests that this is a label for homemade rock`n`roll for amateurs. In fact, this so-called amateur-ish music has its powerful output and subtle sense of feeling which often overweights lots of examples regarding so-called established (indie) music. Here are 25 tracks represented showcasing a retrospective cut about the label`s active period during the last 2 years including such artists like Vanny Zero, Nowhere Boy Simon, The Last Merendina, The Big Wireman, Thee Undead Big Blues Shit, With Bubble In The Jungle, Dead Bugs, Ryan Patrick, Cafè Bakunin, Stereo Moon, The Brazierlights In The Window, Johnny Hoodoo, Vaqueros Paganos, Quint Baker, Jim Guittard, Ana Threat, My Pal Dragon, Plakonik Projekt, Thedirtycoast, Therese De Genova, Jon E. Erkkila, Sbirros, Gone Fishing, Mumble Mumble Mumble, and Billcarson. In a more concrete way, here can be heard such kind of music which veers from crackly blues and rockabilly madness to sophisticated alt-folk/folk indie/weird folk experiments and catchy indietronic jams, from psychedelic garage shootings and schizoid strummings to new wave and austere, roots-influenced string music from straightforward grrl riot punk to rough, even exorcized bass gears of psych-rock. The geographical range is also ultramundane: from Italy to USA, from Canada to Scotland, from Argentina to France, from Brazil to New Zealand, from Austria to Denmark. One cover can also be found from here:Nancy & Frank Sinatra`s Something Stupid by Vaqueros Paganos.
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Jay Bennett Kicking at the Perfumed Air (Rock Proper)

Jay Walter Bennett (1963-2009) was first of all known as a keyboard player in the line-up of Wilco during the years 1994-2001. He was dropped out from the band after the artistic-relied disagreements with the frontman Jeff Tweedy, and Jim O`Rourke who was being invited for producing and mixing Wilco`s fourth (and legendary) album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot finally issued in 2002. Thereafter Bennett released 6 solo albums reflecting upon his personal failures (department from the band, divorce) and disturbed touch because of having been sustained on painkillers (lacking the money for hip replacement surgery).
Vis à vis with his previous album Whatever Happened I Apologize (2007/2008), the 11-track brand new heavy Kicking at the Perfumed Air (mastered and recorded(?) 2007-2009) is more fulfilled with suggestive splendour, making it up through crafty variegated tunes, first off, offering energic and dynamic proceedings, on the other side, downdrifting into a melancholic alliance of sparse fingerpicked guitar and husky voice manner, or on the third side being brought forth via mid-tempo songs, based, as usual, upon alt-country/alt-folk tunes spiced up with lush organ blowups. Moreover, having managed to get in for a touch upon Bennett`s approach at the silence-noise and traditional/modern scale it does not make much difference in comparison with Wilco`s last issues in principle, having its experimental oasises in the middle of the American roots music-drenched desert. As Kicking at the Perfumed Air is filled with excellent tracks from the outset to this closure, it can proudly be admitted about the presence of the beautiful swan song by this great singer-songwriter.
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Atlas Sound Bedroom Databank Vol. 1 (Atlas Sound)

Nowadays (experimental) indie music golden boy Bradford Cox is back again. No doubt, he was one of those remarkable newcomers - besides the tandem Avey Tare-Panda Bear, and Ariel Pink - whose conception poisoned profoundly the understandings of music lovers throughout the previous decade. At first, with Deerhunter, as the singer of the Atlanta-based quintet (now quartet), he has been evolving a blend of art-rock, noise rock, space pop/ambient, and shoegaze, all wrapped up in expansively psychedelic ambience. As Atlas Sound, his one-man-band, he is used to exploit the most of the abovementioned stylistic elements while showed up more electronic and laptop-based approach as well. By the way, besides the extraordinarily lank look he is also known by his exclusive songwriting method via stream-of-consciousness.
During last years he has released a lot of concert outtakes and bedroom demo recordings of the both projects via his/Deerhunter blog. Bedroom Databank Vol. 1 compiled of 11 tracks is the last appearance in the array (in Wikipedia has already mentioned the numerical follow-ups to the Bedroom Databank). The album is stilistically a wide-scale one, extending from minimally bleeping laptop-based lo-fi electronics, and Stereolab-esque light-filled synthetic pop to harmonica-leaded introvert alt-folk/indie folk songs (though it is mostly managed to be fulfilled with every kind of electronic effects). However, by my opinion, Lanterns is an outstanding ambient track, encircled by ticking icy-tinged IDM-beats. Really profound and sensitive, remembering a bit of Pulp`s Seductive Barry. There are also two covers represented here to get coated into new appearances (Bob Dylan`s This Wheel`s On Fire; Kurt Vile`s Freak Train).
Listen to it here
Nodding by The Fire Nodding by The Fire EP (Bandcamp)

Javier Ordàs (kitarr), Carlos Puente (bass, kitarr, Casiotone, flööt, harmoonika) ning Jacob Gonzàlez (perkussioon) pakuvad hõrgu 10-loolise seti nautimiseks. Muusika on instrumentaalne, mis kätkeb eneses nii psühhedeelse folgi arhailisust kui ka esilepurskuvat sentimentaalset ja melanhoolset meelolulisust. Albumit alustab introlikult lühike Fanfare, mis happeliste pahvakutena kandub kaugele 60ndatesse. Teisalt El Monte krutib üles fantastilised harmooniad brassi, mandoliini ja harmoonika saatel (kes suudab seesuguse pilotaaži saavutada, väärib igati tunnustamist) või siis muretu kaasavilistamise näide Summer in the air. Kitarriarpedžod ja mandoliinid koovad jätkuvalt edasi, kuhu vahele mahuvad ka mariachi-kitarride varju(tuse)d. Lisaks tõdemusele, et suupill on seksikas instrument, saab edasi kuulates üha enam selgemaks, et käesoleva üllitise intentsionaalsus peitubki võrgutavas meeleolulisuses. Igati soliidne, väljapeetud ning lummav.
Kuula albumit siit
Indie folk,
Mood music,
Birds are Indie Love Birds, Hate Pollen EP (MiMi)

Küsimust - mida kehastab Portugali paarikese 5-looline debüütreliis? - saadab lihtne vastus - minimaalsete vahenditega saavutatud maksimaalne tulemus. Minimaalsus ilmneb akustilise kitarri akordide kasinuses ning naturalistlikus kõlapildis (kuhu on ka sämplitud loodushelisid), teisalt vokaal - mees- ja naisvokaal vaheldumisi - miilab ning lõkendab värviküllasuses, olles albumi toestikuks. Meenuvad nii Stereolab (Laetitia Sadier) kui Tinyfolk (Meghan Lamb), samuti Homeland`i tasane singer-songwriterlus. Selged kalded põhisuunast ehk naturalistlikust alt-folk`ist - nimilugu veiderdab kummaliste brassisaundidega ning lõpuloo One Day teine pool on paavoharjulik digifolk - nagu brassid, nii ka digisaundid on arhailise päritoluga, milles koguni kangastuvad USA lõunaosariikide 20ndate ruraalsed helid.
Kuula albumit siit
ker walking up hills (The Papertiger Sound)

New Brunswick`ist pärit Kerstin Wilson on osaline nii The Papertiger Sound`is, The Plebs`is kui KoAK`is - millest esimene teeb retropuutega elektroonilist dream pop`pi ja shoegaze`i, teine ja kolmas segavad eepiliseks kokteiliks omavahel post-rock- , slowcore-, folk- ja kingapõrnitsemiselemendid. Looduse keskel elava ning ökoeluviisidest lugu pidava daami sooloprojekti ker iseloomustab singer-songwriter`i eepiline kaemuslikkus vürtsitatuna erinevate stiilidega, milles on nii brassi, new weird´i, kingapõrnitsemist, naturaalhelisid ja ohtralt heliefekte. Teisisõnu, Wilson on keskmisest kitarrimoosekandist märksa laiema ja innovaatilisema tajuga tegelane.
Ka "walking up hills" suudab nelja-aastasele projektile nii mõndagi lisada. Helipilti on sugenenud rohkem kui kunagi varem maalähedust - rustikaalset loomulikkust ning lihtsust. Helipilt on muutunud lo-fi`likumaks - tuututavad puhkpillid, vaikselt uurmeid ajavad harmooniumiliinid, meloodika "kiiksutamine", isegi üks konarlik tehnorütm on teiste sekka ära eksinud (northern tree line). Bass- ja elektrikitarri toored saundid koos happeliste sündisaundidega meenutavad The Breeders`it (rolling down mountains). Nimilugu on puhtakujuline häälutuseksperiment. 8 lugu (albumi kogupikkus kõigest 21 minutit) ei jää üksteise suhtes fragmentaarseks, moodustades orgaanilise terviku - moodustades lõppkokkuvõttes ker`i kõige katsetuslikuma teose.
Kuula albumit siit
[Vana ning oluline] The Sarcastic Dharma Society Other People's Songs (volume one) (CLLCT)

The Sarcastic Dharma Society taha peitub singer-songwriter Mat Vuksinich - üks eredamaid tähti CLLCT`i liikumises. Indie-folkar on tegev olnud 2003. aastast saati - enamasti üksi, vahel kaaslaste ja sõpradega (kelledest omanäolise naistrubaduuri Shelby Sifers`i märkimata jätmine oleks südametunnistusele koputamine). Portlandi mees on 7 aasta jooksul reliisinud 2 täispikka albumit ("This Is Me As A Musician", "Summeresque"), ühe EP, laivsalvestise, raadiosessiooni ja luubi all oleva kaveralbumi, mis oli salvestatud ühe mahajäetud maja magamistoas.
Nagu pealkirjastki aimdub, tegeleb "other people's songs (volume one)" (2009) teiste (ja reeglina tuntumate) artistide, sh biitlite, Bright Eyes`i, Pedro The Lion`i, Why?, Julie Doiron`i ja Mount Eerie`i lugude, aga ka kaaslinlasest kamraadi Meyercord`i tõlgitsemisega. Algselt koguni 30-loolisena planeeritud üllitise muusika toetub peamiselt kolmele instrumendile - vokaalile, orelile ja akustilisele kitarrile. Hoolimata instrumentaariumi kitsusest suudab Vuksinich esitada kavereid veenvalt ja sugereerivalt - kitarriseadetes on piisavalt helisevust, keskmisest folktrubaduurist erinevalt demonstreerib Vuksinich vokaaltehnilise poole pealt laiemat sirutust, mis väljendub kord kurbuses ja süngemeelsuses, kord helgemates ja rokkivamates toonides. Kahtlemata lisavad ka sporaadilised orelidrone`id helipildile värvigammat juurde. Isiklikud lemmikud on töötlus Meyercord`i loost Shit On My Heart ning originaalist veidi hillitsetum Andrew Jackson Jihad`i Bad Bad Things.
Kuula albumit siit
Cover songs,
Indie folk,
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