Kuvatud on postitused sildiga New wave. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga New wave. Kuva kõik postitused
[Compilation] VV.AA. - Rock Against Mommies vol. I: Attack Of The Space Mommies (Kill Mommy)
Don`t be afraid of the Sicily-based label Kill Mommy Records` slogan which suggests that this is a label for homemade rock`n`roll for amateurs. In fact, this so-called amateur-ish music has its powerful output and subtle sense of feeling which often overweights lots of examples regarding so-called established (indie) music. Here are 25 tracks represented showcasing a retrospective cut about the label`s active period during the last 2 years including such artists like Vanny Zero, Nowhere Boy Simon, The Last Merendina, The Big Wireman, Thee Undead Big Blues Shit, With Bubble In The Jungle, Dead Bugs, Ryan Patrick, Cafè Bakunin, Stereo Moon, The Brazierlights In The Window, Johnny Hoodoo, Vaqueros Paganos, Quint Baker, Jim Guittard, Ana Threat, My Pal Dragon, Plakonik Projekt, Thedirtycoast, Therese De Genova, Jon E. Erkkila, Sbirros, Gone Fishing, Mumble Mumble Mumble, and Billcarson. In a more concrete way, here can be heard such kind of music which veers from crackly blues and rockabilly madness to sophisticated alt-folk/folk indie/weird folk experiments and catchy indietronic jams, from psychedelic garage shootings and schizoid strummings to new wave and austere, roots-influenced string music from straightforward grrl riot punk to rough, even exorcized bass gears of psych-rock. The geographical range is also ultramundane: from Italy to USA, from Canada to Scotland, from Argentina to France, from Brazil to New Zealand, from Austria to Denmark. One cover can also be found from here:Nancy & Frank Sinatra`s Something Stupid by Vaqueros Paganos.
Listen to it here
[Old but important] Single Bullet Theory SBT: 1977-1980 (Artifacts/yclept/FMA)
I really love the 70`s music because of not only I was born then (being a part of it 5 weeks, though). It was time when music found itself through very different tendencies and appearances, forming up into decent mainstream pop, innovative crossover areas and shitload branches of blasting avant-garde styles. But it also remained as a decade for a lot of music to be discovered nowadays yet.
Undoubtedly, Single Bullet Theory was such a kind of ensemble from Richmond, Virginia. The band was established on the ruin of the likes of Big Naptar, Grossbreed, and X-Breed, being influenced by garage rock and punk currents, and getting even some highlight glimpses by having shared the stage with Ramones, Patti Smith, and Talking Heads, and found out its way onto MTV, and Billboard chart.
Frank Daniel, Dennis Madigan and Michael Maurice Garrett (along with their soundman Z plus some guest musicians) do offer a solid set of 11 tracks, sounding at times as a soft (or half-soft) version of Talking Heads through its bubblegummish bass hooks and vivacious cadences, and on the other hand, getting very close to new wave/synth pop bands through its distinct synth wisps and gears. Thirdly, you can perceive the influences of fusion and progressive rock (for example, some similarities with King Crimson), and tricky soft rock issues with strong southern rock influences. Or just a kind of entertainment pop rock is proudly represented here. The especially favorite examples of mine are Das Madchen, Miss Two Knives, There is the Boy, and Rock Around the Apocalypse. So listen to it and let`s figure out your favorite figures from this honest and very strong album.
Listen to it here
[Vana ning oluline] Darkjet EZ Listening For Suicides (Bandcamp/Self-released)
Mul on blogis olnud rõõm aeg-ajalt tutvustada nii mõndagi legendit - Big City Orchestra`t, Brian Borcherdt`it, Richard Green`i (The Heavens`i liidrina) ning nüüd ka Ian North`i alias Darkjet`i.
Ülehomme 58-aastaseks saav härrasmees on olnud USA ja Briti post-punk/glam pop/new wave/synth pop-liikumist edendanud tegelane. Paljud hilisemad-tänased dance-punk/rock- bändid võlgnevad newyorklasele tegelikult palju. Asutanud seesugused ansamblid nagu Milk `N` Cookies, Radio ning Neo (kuhu on kuulunud ka (hilisemad) Sparks`i, Ultravox`i, Magazine`i liikmed), olnud The Fast`i koosseisus ning käinud soolokarjääri. Armastanud glamuuri, poose, läiknahkset riietust ning loomulikult süntesaatoreid ja monotoonselt taguvaid rütmimasinaid.
Eelmisel aastal üllitatud 13-looline “EZ Listening For Suicides” tõestab, et vanameistril on samasugune vunk sees nagu oli seda kolme dekaadi eest. Sünteetilised struktuurid, tumedate-heledamate varjundite koosmäng, autotuunitud ning uusromantilised vokaalmaneerid, tumemeelne lüürika (kust kumab läbi pettumus ja tüdimus, popstaari elu mõttetus, eskapism, videvikutunnid, surm, teisalt jälle lootuse, surematuse ja armastuse temaatika). Kuigi reaalselt tänapäevas viibiv, kuulub "EZ Listening For Suicides" pigem Japan`i ning varase Talk Talk`i manu.
//lets be gods/ and live forever/ take my hand/ we’ll fly to heaven//
On ju igati tore, et sellised pässid viibivad meie keskel.
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