Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Southern rock. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Southern rock. Kuva kõik postitused
[Old but important] Single Bullet Theory SBT: 1977-1980 (Artifacts/yclept/FMA)
I really love the 70`s music because of not only I was born then (being a part of it 5 weeks, though). It was time when music found itself through very different tendencies and appearances, forming up into decent mainstream pop, innovative crossover areas and shitload branches of blasting avant-garde styles. But it also remained as a decade for a lot of music to be discovered nowadays yet.
Undoubtedly, Single Bullet Theory was such a kind of ensemble from Richmond, Virginia. The band was established on the ruin of the likes of Big Naptar, Grossbreed, and X-Breed, being influenced by garage rock and punk currents, and getting even some highlight glimpses by having shared the stage with Ramones, Patti Smith, and Talking Heads, and found out its way onto MTV, and Billboard chart.
Frank Daniel, Dennis Madigan and Michael Maurice Garrett (along with their soundman Z plus some guest musicians) do offer a solid set of 11 tracks, sounding at times as a soft (or half-soft) version of Talking Heads through its bubblegummish bass hooks and vivacious cadences, and on the other hand, getting very close to new wave/synth pop bands through its distinct synth wisps and gears. Thirdly, you can perceive the influences of fusion and progressive rock (for example, some similarities with King Crimson), and tricky soft rock issues with strong southern rock influences. Or just a kind of entertainment pop rock is proudly represented here. The especially favorite examples of mine are Das Madchen, Miss Two Knives, There is the Boy, and Rock Around the Apocalypse. So listen to it and let`s figure out your favorite figures from this honest and very strong album.
Listen to it here
The State Lottery When The Night Comes (If You Make It/Salinas Records)
6-liikmeline ning multigeograafiline TSL viljeles debüütalbumil "Cities We're Not From" (2008, Salinas Records) poppi, mille asukoht võib asuda kusagil USA loodepiirkonnas. Nende helipilti ilmestasid elemendid pop punk`ist, college rock`ist, grunge`st ning natuke alternatiivpopist ning southern rock`ist. Kolledžitüüpide elurõõmus pop. Ontlik pop, mille turvalisuses võis 101 protsenti kindel olla - kui mõnes loos (vt allapoole) juhtuski, et saundist hakkasid "teravused" esiplaanile nihkuma, keerati varsti rajalt maha. Tüütavalt lihtsakoelised salmi-refrääni kordused, kusjuures refrääni sisenemised olid juba eemalt aimatavad. Sellest hoolimata oli nende debüütalbumil paar silmapaistvat träkki (Kindergarten Class; Ridgewood).
Kuigi uue üllitisega ei kaasne veel ohhoo-efekti, võib siiski märgatavatest muudatustest rääkida. Esiteks on kaugenetud college rock-numbritest: eitatakse lamedaid refrääne (v.a Fourth Street), lauldakse tihti kooris (sh naisvokaal), mis kokkuvõttes omandab heatahtlikult muigamaajava jauramise mõõtme, teisalt brass-instrumentide ja klahvpillide kasutamine, mis kohati lubab psühhedeelial julgelt õilmitseda ning läheneda ska-punk`ile/pogo punk`ile (Geysers). Southern rock`i allhoovused on obligatoorsed. On hõikumisi ja rõkkeid, on tihedamalt muutusi nootides ja väldetes. Samuti rõõmuküllasust ja naeru on rohkem - kuigi täiskasvanulikumas võtmes, mis konkreetsel juhul on kindlasti plussmärgiline. Last but not the least - kas 8-minutilise lõpuloo Spring, 2008, Detroit. massiivsed ja psühhedeelsed americana-refräänid näitavad rohelist tuld bändi art-otsingutele edaspidiseks? Tahaks küll väga loota. Album on tugev ning veelgi enam süstib lootust tulevikuks.
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