
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Aaahh records. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Aaahh records. Kuva kõik postitused


Various Artists - Miss You EP (2013)

  • Indie pop
  • Alternative rock
  • Art pop
  • Psychedelic pop
  • Live recording
Outstanding tracks:
In The Morning
Holy Bread
Marrying Kind
Miss You


Emilie Lund - Emilie Lund EP (2009)

/Psych-folk, Dream folk, New Weird Europe, Indie folk, Folk indie, Alt-folk, Singer-songwriter/

: a handful of intimate folk songs by Emilie Lund, a Stockholm, Swedish-based singer-songwriter. It is hinted at lastfm that she is the daughter of former hippies who grew up on a farm on the countryside and creates music looking for love and long lost childhood friend in the capital of Sweden. He used to exploit mainly guitar, sometimes piano and glockenspiel either. And of course, her voice does fulfill the goal, being truly suggestive and compelling. Sometimes she used to layer her songs vocally (polyphonically) being haunting and dream-soaked alternately. Especially at Something Is Eating Me. However, all the pieces are craftily accentuated and used to be penchant for profound folk divas like Julia Kotowski aka Entertainment For The Braindead, the sisters Cassidy aka CocoRosie, and Joanna Newsom. In a word, the EP is an instance of nowadays girl power (unlikely many of those gals who strip down herself and being the object for manipulations).


These Animals - These Animals EP (2011)



/Indie rock, Alternative pop/rock, Doo wop, Baroque pop/

Comment: here is a handful of ditties coming out from New York, USA. However, there is no opportunity to say unpleasant words about this 6-track EP which compounds burbly guitar strums and chiming magic and a little bit androgynous vocal yodel with each other as if The Free Design or The Manhattan Transfer were chatted up with indie sound approximately four decades ago. Indeed, sixties-soaked harmonies give it a characteristic outlet and output. Let`s call it just doo wop-drenched indie pop.


ne:o - direkt (2011)

/Post-rock, Fusion, Psychedelic, Improvised music, Progressive rock, Kosmische Musik, Art-rock, Live session/

Comment: A gig by this quintet from Dresden was recorded in 2009 in theatre somewhere and thereafter formed into the fourth album. More concretely, it is an artful attempt to cross shitloads of genres - vital post-rock, jazzy electronics, dance-appealed Kosmische Musik, cinematic fusion, prog-rock, purple-hued vibes and effortless dynamic impetus into the awesome whole. The result is masterfully realized and thereby highly recommended. More detailly, it might be described as an instance of ringing out somewhat in-between Tortoise, King Crimson, danceable krautrock and funk-y no wave bands.


Pinkle House Plants (Aaahh)

Let`s still continue with some handsome sounds from Chicago (the previous time was dedicated to the (post-)psychedelic experimentalism-drenched ensemble Crouching_World) this time it is focused upon the singer-songwriter Bryn Martin aka Pinkle`s follow-up to the Invertible (2009, self-released/Jamendo) and shitloads of albums previously released on Jamendo. Beside it he is used to upload and show up his works in progress and a bunch of completed songs on his home page.

By studying himself in Lausanne, Switzerland, Europe the 13-track album House Plants is released under the German-based label Aaahh Records, obviously not incidentally though, as Martin`s music is getting really close to the mid-European indietronic/folktronic tradition. The restraint acoustic guitar/ukulele loops are mingled together with his soulful, half-filtered vocals and mostly sublime electronica (using legendary electric/electronic keyboards like the Mini Moog synth and the Farfisa organ among the vast array of acoustic instruments), sometimes letting come forth some abrupt sonority as well, by this way, reminding of Beck (Alibi). In general, it can be resumed up to be more album-oriented music.

In conclusion, by supposing him as a kind of simple (not simplistic at all, though) and gentle musician as a person on his own, in any cases, his music is really worth to get a try to letting you to be thrown away from disturbingly surrounding accidental noise over to the middle of grass and flowers.

Listen to it here



The Wind Whistles Animals Are People Too (Aaahh)

"Tuuleviled" on Vancouver`ist pärit duo. Mees ja naine. Tom ja Liza. Muusikaaktivistid - orgunnivad igal aastal kohalikku Beanstalk`i folgifestivali. Nad on välja andnud 2 albumit ning korraldanud mõlemal korral kontsertturneed, muuhulgas ka Euroopas. Viimane kord lõppeva aasta augustis-septembris. Ida-Euroopas ning Skandinaavias. Loodetavasti tulevikus põikavad ka Eestisse. Ühes ülevaates nimetati neid “supi-indie`ks”. Noh, nagu mõnus supihelpimise muusika. Lihtne ning kerge. Tegelikult asi nii lihtsustatud ei ole. Minu ühel sõbral meeldib ikka korrutada, et muusika puhul on tarvis korralikku rütmi ning meloodiat. Nende esimene album "Window Sills" on segu alt-country`st, new acoustic movement`ist, pop-folk`ist ning baroque-pop`ist,. Ilus ning sirgjooneline pop, mida ilmestavad kaunis kahehäälsus ning kohati orkestratsioonid. Pigem maalähedane kui targutavale manerismile lähenev. Ühesõnaga, esimene album oli siiras ning taotlused olid kenasti välja mängitud. Uinutas ning sütitas kirge. Muusika, missugust näikse, jah, ainult Uues Maailmas teha osatavat. Traditsioonid.

Uus album laksab vaba käega. Esimese albumi lihtsakoelisust peetakse diagnoosiks. Muusika muudetakse elektrilisemaks-elektroonilisemaks – elektrikitarrid suravad ning süntesaatorid koovad happelisi allhoovusi. Paistab ka kätte analoogia Mojave 3 esimese albumi ning hilisema loomingu erinevuses. Seda albumit on juba jõutud nimetada Camera Obscura demovariandiks, mis minu arust on solvav ning reaalsust mitte peegeldav. Vastupidi, Camera Obscura viimase albumi hallipärasus kahvatub kanadalaste erksuse kõrval. Oleks suht mõttetu kõiki superlugusid välja kirjutada – liiga pikaks läheks see nimekiri. See koosneks vähemalt 2/3 albumi lugudest.
Kindlasti ka Eesti artistidel oleks sellelt albumilt palju õppida. Lauspopitunnetust. Alustuseks.

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