Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Cinematic. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Cinematic. Kuva kõik postitused
AstroLogical Living Fossils (Jellyfish Recordings)
In true, firstly I discovered AstroLogical`s Living Fossils as 5-track EP under Bubblectro label. At the other, Jellyfish Recordings it has grown into a 11-track monster. AstroLogical is an emcee/producer from Vancouver, Canada conveying a kind of cinematic-inflected blend of hip-hop and nu-jazz and just laidback music. It is mightily sampledelic, filled in the concept with dynamic samples of exuberant brass sound, lone string chords, dusty sounds of old keyboards, and suggestive vocal samples, sometimes backed even by powerpop punches (Mother Nature) and dark-hued smog. No doubt, such kind of music has been very popular in recent days as I have earlier introduced the bands like Metawon, Bram Nelson, Kämmerer, The Dirty Samples, Cheese People, Pretty Lights, Mentz among others. And labels by the likes of Humanworkshop, Neferiu and Tokyo Dawn Records as well. My favorite notches on the recent issue are Mustard Evening, Headhunters Melody and Rush Of Colour. All in all, at the most times Living Fossils is a playful occurrence.
Listen to it here
Artner 11:40 (Budabeats)
At 11.40 are presented 5 brainchilds within 22 minutes by Daniel Artner (also known as dyspeptic) who has made out a fine mix of psychedelic funk, cinematic jazz, blue-coloured trip-hop, fringed by string lines, hip-hop scratches and speech samples at times. Shuffling broken beats/downbeats, dusty organs, Miles Davis-esque trumpets, dynamic guitar lines, subtle brass samples, lone piano chords, and soothing flutes are the instruments here searching for different combinations with each other creating up climax-touched variations and afrobeat-alike easiness. Indeed, it is in a smart way layered oeuvre emboding different roles as entertainer and as brain dance notch. If you like the sounds from Bristol or the acts under Ninja Tune, Dusted Wax Kingdom and other similar labels, in this case, this issue is certainly for you. And not only for you.
Listen to it here
Nu jazz,
Metawon & The Dirty Samples Toothface Swaggerfoot (Neferiu)
Who has previously had some experiences with Neferiu Records, a label from Calgary, Canada, this must know what kind of warped hip-hop turnabouts and urban trash could be expected for. A sort of hip-hop music which does evaluate more its sonic backdrops rather than manifesting vocal parts. Moreover, Toothface Swaggerfoot is in principle more for you if you have never cared of the different kind of rap music, for example, especially of gangsta rap which is used to talk to you in speech of women, guns, cars and tough guys. If the gangstas` message is used to just letting you shrugging your shoulders and their sonic backgrounds are obviously turned out to be colourless on its own.
Metawon and The Dirty Samples, the previously themselves proved gearheads, do make up a split which consists of 28 basically short hip-hop blasts, having suffused shuffling cadences with really cinematic samples in the first place. Secondly, the musicians are deeply involved in the realm of funk, jazz/downbeat, brass-orchestrated stabbings and soulful suggestions. On the third side, here can be hearded more weird turns at times, for instance, the space age pop samples reminiscent of Mort Garson, a cult Canuck from the 70s. All in all, a superb accomplishment representing a refreshing hip-hop approach.
Listen to it here
Sound collage
Phaseone Thanks But No Thanks (Lefse)
The St Louis-native Phaseone is a producer having in an excellent way remixed Animal Collective, Radiohead, Banjo Or Freakout, Fool`s Gold among others. Previously I smacked my mood up listening to his second issue White Collar Crime, basically created of the abovementioned artists` tracks/remixes. Thanks But No Thanks is his debut album (of 13 tracks) demonstrating his idiosyncratic approach to music compiled mainly of hip-hop cadences, scintillating soul/r`n`b vocal examples, trip-hop/downtempo-alike cinematic approach, digital funk-drenched shreds, delicious microscopic electro-touched synth buzzes, sometimes embellished with murky or stomping bass sounds, having even a bit of a lo-fi/DIY-esque odour at times. The second half of the album, however, is accomplished out in a more astral-like and futuristic way. Moreover, in the wake of his indie-propensity and regarding the musical situation at the beginning of the 21th century this album has much more stylistic potential than it is possible to catch with the first listenings, yet. For instance, sometimes it is getting close upon a level strongly reminiscent of the touch of chillwave music. Indeed, Phaseone`s music does have an experimental soul/funk/hip-hop backbone, the kind of de/reconstructing strongly the core of urban music at the moment. More concretely, his approach can be compared with the likes of Flying Lotus, The Gaslamp Killer, Outasight, Teebs, Yuk and others. An astonishing accomplishment, indeed.
Listen to it here
Experimental electronic music,
Urban music
Peripherique Tiefseetauchen (Musicartistry)
Musicartistry is a label/musical environment which release frequency graphics is unfortunately getting underneath with every year. Indeed, Peripherique`s brand new heavy is the first notch under the record in 2010. Peripherique comes from Cologne, having been in music for nearly ten years and recorded a lot of issues since 2004 under Musicartistry in principle. In the beginning, though, defined as hip-hop artist he has gradually drifted into trip-hop and dub music area.
Listening to the Tiefseetauchen (of 8 tracks), however, the main spot is focused upon dub, representing nowadays stylistic currents, thereby continuing the aesthetical array of the last albums. First of all, it is all about cinematic dubstep cadences, which is interlocked with tekno and trance blurbs at times. Except the finishing track Statik, being remixed by Zengineers, which is a case of dream-alike drum and bass, having strong reminiscence of the 90`s (Dillinja, LTJ Bukem).
Listen to it here
Drum and bass,
OL Random Phrase (Error-Broadcast)
Plaadifirma Error-Broadcast kuulub ühte ritta seesuguste plaadifirmadega nagu Comfort Fit, Dusted Wax Kingdom, Fresh Poulp, Broque ning Deepindub, kellede meelishuviks on dub-elementide integreerimine klubimuusika rütmidesse. Moskoviit OL demonstreerib head klassi. Lühikeste träkkidega 6-osaline üllitis on täidetud atmosfäärilise house-muusika ning vilisevate filtritega, paksude dub-allhoovuste, kinemaatiliste rütmide, häälutuskatkete, minimeeritud kajaefektide, vinüülikrõbinate ja muudest kahinatega. Kanaliseeritud läbi efektiblokkide ning filtrite - kord intensiivsemas, kord nõrgemas võtmes. Neil hetkedel, kui venelane keerab ruumi juurde-intensiivsemaks, on huvitav täheldada, kuidas kõik pisidetailid äkitselt ergastuvad. Kokkuvõttes kõlab kupatus kui 24nda tunni muusika kusagil raadioeetris. Suitsune, piisavalt aegluupbiidine/downbeat; ka hüpnootiliselt lummav tänasel udusel hommikupoolikul. Väärt asi.
Kuula albumit siit
Deep house,
Dub house,
[Kogumikud] free music 01
Käes on ajad, mil melomaanid ise koostavad kogumikke ning jagavad lahkelt neid teistega netiavarustes. Täiesti legaalsed kogumikud, erinevalt näiteks paljudest miksteipidest. Sharing is caring - nagu väidab Rootsi leibli 23 Seconds`i slõugan. free music-kogumikke on praeguseks hetkeks ilmunud juba 4 ning muusika väljavalijaks-kogumike koostajaks on olnud üks Claudia-nimeline muusikahuviline. Tõesti, lastfm`is on lademetes vaba muusikat ning valik võiks olla keeruline. Poola daam on muutnud asjalood enesele lihtsamaks, seades valikule konkreetsed kriteeriumid - enamuse lugudest moodustavad jazz- ja trip-hop-hübriidid - koos orkestreeringute, cumbia jazz`i, breikbiidi, pulseeriva elektroonika, chill out-pannoode ning hip-hop-elementidega. Palju värve, toonide segunemisi-virvendusi ning rütmiskeeme. Lõõgastav ja tähelepanuvõitev ühtaegu. Tuntumatest artistidest on esindatud Amplive, Lost Balance, All India Radio, Anomie Belle ning Transient. Üksnes All India Radio ja et_ on kogumiku valged varesed, eristudes vastavalt indie rock/dream pop-numbriga Four Three ning pompöösse kammerpopnäitega An orchestra behind my window.
Kuula albumit siit
Acid jazz,
Chamber pop,
Chill out,
Nu jazz,
[Artistid] Pretty Lights
Chill out,
Cut and paste,
Digital soul,
Nu jazz,
Soul Funk,
Urban music
[Vana ning oluline] Kreng The Pleiades (a.k.a. The Seven Sisters) (Fant00m)
Pepjin Caudron on Antverpenist pärit muusik, kes on tuntust kogunud koostöös prestiižse Belgia avangard/situatsionism/dadateatriga Abattoir Fermè. Mehe hingel on praeguseks hetkeks ligikaudu 15 tantsu- ja teatriproduktsiooni helindused.
“The Pleiades (a.k.a. The Seven Sisters)” on üllitatud Fant00m leibli all 2007. aastal. Album on kontseptuaalne - iga tiitel on nimetatud Vana-Kreeka mütoloogiast tuntud plejaadide-õekeste järgi. Pingestatud mütoloogilisele narratiivile kohaselt on üllitis täis tumemeelset noir-hingamist ning pingestatust. Looming pärineb veel sellest ajast, kui Caudron`i muusika oli sämplipõhine. Sõnalised osad on vaheldumas downbeat/cool jazz`i ning tumekabareelike-ja sümfooniliste osistega; klassikaline modernism kohtub darkwave`iga. Korrapäratud piaanoaklinked-klimberdused siin-seal, kummitavad theremin-kihid sulandumas viiulite helidega, üksteisest ülerulluvad helikihid, roomavad rütmid (nt loo Celaeno rütm omandab suisa trip-hop mõõtme ning Alcyone on (noir) nu-jazz). Just hiljuti tutvustasin siin Hollandi artisti Mentz, kelle heliloome on lähedane ning sämplite allikad on kattuvad. Isegi meeleolud moodustavad ühisosi, kuigi laiemas plaanis on rihitud vastassuunaliselt. Tõepoolest, erinevus seisnebki selles, et kui Stefan Raab vaatab helides väljapoole ning inflitreerib neisse ajalist dimensionaalsust, luues silla minevikust tulevikku, siis Pepjin Caudron tungib helidega sissepoole - inimese varjatud hingesoppidesse. Ning tehes seda nii kuradima hästi!
Kuula albumit siit
[Vana ning oluline] Mentz Piani EP (Humanworkshop)
Hollandis resideeruv Stephan Raab aka Mentz üllitas “Piani” EP möödunud aasta jõululaupäeval. Ajastus oli tähenduslik, seda enam, kuivõrd 4-looline album demonstreerib (nu-) jazzmuusika parimaid omadusi. Kes on kuulanud tema 6 aasta tagust “Relocate” EP`i (Tokyo Dawn), teavad, et tüüp on sündinud kuldmune munema. Sämplipõhine muusika, mille allikateks on vanad helisalvestised, dokumentaalfilmid ning erinevad instrumendid-instrumentalistid. Meenub saundkollaažikunn Chenard Walcker, kelle tegevuse ideoloogiliseks-praktiliseks lähtekohaks oli varasemast muusikast sämplite kogumine ning nende rekontekstualiseerimine, mis tema arvates oli eetiline tegevus ning sisaldas eneses ka uut autorlust. Tõepoolest, parimal juhul luuakse uued muljetavaldavad vormid, halvimal juhul sattutakse autorikaitseühingute huviorbiiti. Sämplitele ehitatakse uued lood - justkui kummitusorkester oleks tänapäeva kaasatud (oma laivesinemistesse kaasab ta pärismuusikuid). Täpsemalt väljendub see suitsuvinest läbiimbunud trompetisaundides, kummituslikes theremin-helides, kinemaatilistes orkestratsioonides, üksikutes jutukatketes. Ühesõnaga, kõik, mille kuulmine viib inimvaimu rändama, sunnib olevikusituatsioonist väljuma. Imeline noir.
Kuula albumit siit
Chill out,
Jazz noir,
Nu jazz,
Sound collage
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