Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Easy listening. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Easy listening. Kuva kõik postitused
[Old but important] Retrigger Jeanie & Caroline Album (Psicotropicodelia)
This album of 15 tracks sounds as a maelstrom of styles and sounds, veering from electro-rock, psychedelia, samplecore and fusion to creepy chiptune/8-bit shreds, joyous brass music and library music/space age pop samples. Indeed, it might be seemed as a kind of weird compilation compiled by diverse artists from here and there. Yet, Jeanie & Caroline Album is a brainchild by the one and only musician Raul Costa from Brazil who firstly released it under the title Jeanie & Caroline at Ego Twister in 2007. Now it is empowered by three more tracks including the huge LIVE at neverland (MixSetBonus). More concretely, on this publication Costa is intended to convey heavy guitar riffs, bubblegum-pumped big-beat paces, sublime doo wop, trashing surf pop, caustic synth glimpses and catchy brass fields, sometimes reminding of the Saint Petersbourg`s combo Messer Chups by its slightly mocking manner regarding the attitude against pop cliches or the French combo Juanitos by its stabbing blend of psychedelia, surf pop and brass attacks. On the other side, paying a tribute to the early electro pop experiments by The Silver Apples as well. Sometimes the tracks glide into the easiness of chillout pop, exploiting in half-transparent way some well-known pop motives (for example, Edward Grieg`s Peer Gynt). Indeed, the whole is a bulimic attack yet it is a sort of refreshing sonic binge first of all.
Listen to it here
Hong Kong In The 60s Places (Bandcamp)
Hong Kong In The 60s is a London-based trio, lined up by Mei Yau Kan (vocal, guitar, keys), Christopher Greenberg (vocal, guitar, keys), and Tim Scullion (vocals, guitars, keys). Their 8-track sophomore Places EP - the follow-up to the Willow Pattern Songs EP (2009, Proper Songs) is full of mesmerizing, chillout/easy listening-soaked shards, dominantly loaded with the space age pop and exotica pop sensibility. Indeed, they are deeply get involved in mighty psychedelic grooves to draw upon kinds of moods and shades popularized by Jean-Jacques Perrey, Gershon Kingsley, Mort Garson, and the Barrons approximately 4 decades ago. As you have figured out yet, indeed, a set of simplistic and robust yet catchy, a bit dreadful, altogether full-blown, synth-based melodies-harmonies and burbling cadences can be expected for. Almostly, though. One of the two exceptions is A Bad Night Out which is into the exploiting of vintage-looking, downbeat-drenched Latin rhythms (of course, mingling it with electronic effects). The second feature is Disintegration The Advisory Circle Reshape, as the title admits, it is not their own creative output, playing out a notch of contemporary indie electronica/indietronica/poptronica/glo-fi. By the way, the release name of this Sean O`Hagan-afforded group is obviously used to be a hint at their vast scale of their nowadays and previous residing places/countries (The UK, Hong Kong, Brazil, Japan, Spain, Africa). In a nutshell, without some exceptions, as it is noticed above, it is an excellent quasi-retrospective/retrogard-ish outlook.
Listen to it here
Chill out,
Easy listening,
Electronic pop,
Emotive electronica,
Exotica pop,
Mood music,
Psychedelic electronica,
Space age music
Inverness Somewhere I Can Hear My Heart Beating (Psicotropicodelia/Jamendo)
The southern side of the American continent is and has been full of great artists, and Inverness is undoubtedly one of the best entries I am being honoured to listening to.
Four friends from Sao Paulo are there to push their idiosyncratic conception forward - Lucas de Almeida (voice, guitar, sampler), Marcio Barcha (drums), Mateus Perito (voice, guitar, sampler), and Flávio Fraschetti (bass) are joined together to create the experimental rock band Inverness. The name comes from a dream, a successive theme in the group's work.
However, four organic instruments (voice, guitars, bass, drums) plus samplers do constitute up a very reminiscent instrumental array of My Bloody Valentine, though, their intention is inclined to be going in a bit different directions. Besides lush noise outbursts, strumming beauty of guitars and fabulous cinematic orchestrations you can hear shitloads of different influences via intense sampling synthesis - from hazy sunshine pop and doo wop-infused easy listening and techno vibes to psychedelia and sub-ethnic music numbers (involving in new age-y flute passages and weird vocal manners). If you are not satisfied yet searching for some solid ground, to find out some examples, I maintain you to make some steps toward The Avalanches, and The Guillemots as well. 10 tracks full of fucking greatness indeed, being one of the best killers of the 2010 so far. Obrigado, lads!
Listen to it here
Nameless Dancers Morning Touches (Bump Foot)
Nameless Dancers`i taga on Jevgeni Haritonov, Moskva underground-sügavuste üks võtmefiguure, kirjanik, kultuuriaajakirjanik, ürituste kuraator, kes on osaline ansamblites-projektides Microbit Project, EugeneKha, Yoko Absorbing ning teinud ka muusikat oma pärisnime all. Kui kellegi kohta võiks muusikalises plaanis kasutada iseloomustust "mitmekülgsus", siis on see tema - muusik Jumala armust. Avangardrokk ja eksperimentaalne elektroonika (glitchtroonika, lobit/drone), ambient, noise, downtempo, chillout, sound-art, sound collage.
Nameless Dancers`i esimene album "Cloudy Coffee" (2009, 45RPM-Records) oli sulnis (disco) house- ja drum and bass-rütmidega lounge-muusika, postmodernistlik easy listening. Haritonov ei oleks tema ise, kui ta ei üritaks põhituuma tsentrist väljapoole nihutada.
"Morning Touches" suudab eelnevast eristuda konkreetsete aktsentide poolest. Venelane ei ole teinud saladust sellest, et käesolev projekt on "olevikuväline" - muusika on inspireeritud 80ndate lõpu Nõukogude värvikirevast ning uhkeldavast graafilisest disainist. Kui muusikat teha, siis kas nostalgiapilguga minevikku või siis aimamisi tulevikku, vältimaks oleviku närvilisust. Käesoleval albumil on glamuurne transformatsioon helisse realiseeritud. Disco house-biidid on asendunud kinemaatilistema rütmidega, ajatut sentimenti on enam. Sound collage`i skeemid on selgelt välja joonistunud. Siin on Nõukogude-aegset psühhedeelset oreligruuvi, atmosfäärilist futupoppi, italo disco`t, bigbändide vahemereäärseid helesiniseid heiastusi ning latiinorütme. Kohati muutub helikeel üdini kergeks, ülenedes oma naiivsuses. Täna oli õhus tunda kevadist hingust ning "Morning Touches" sobitus sellega paganama hästi. Tõepoolest, kevade rütmika - pidev muutumine ootamatutes suundades.
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