
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Exotica pop. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Exotica pop. Kuva kõik postitused


Hong Kong In The 60s Places (Bandcamp)

Hong Kong In The 60s is a London-based trio, lined up by Mei Yau Kan (vocal, guitar, keys), Christopher Greenberg (vocal, guitar, keys), and Tim Scullion (vocals, guitars, keys). Their 8-track sophomore Places EP - the follow-up to the Willow Pattern Songs EP (2009, Proper Songs) is full of mesmerizing, chillout/easy listening-soaked shards, dominantly loaded with the space age pop and exotica pop sensibility. Indeed, they are deeply get involved in mighty psychedelic grooves to draw upon kinds of moods and shades popularized by Jean-Jacques Perrey, Gershon Kingsley, Mort Garson, and the Barrons approximately 4 decades ago. As you have figured out yet, indeed, a set of simplistic and robust yet catchy, a bit dreadful, altogether full-blown, synth-based melodies-harmonies and burbling cadences can be expected for. Almostly, though. One of the two exceptions is A Bad Night Out which is into the exploiting of vintage-looking, downbeat-drenched Latin rhythms (of course, mingling it with electronic effects). The second feature is Disintegration The Advisory Circle Reshape, as the title admits, it is not their own creative output, playing out a notch of contemporary indie electronica/indietronica/poptronica/glo-fi. By the way, the release name of this Sean O`Hagan-afforded group is obviously used to be a hint at their vast scale of their nowadays and previous residing places/countries (The UK, Hong Kong, Brazil, Japan, Spain, Africa). In a nutshell, without some exceptions, as it is noticed above, it is an excellent quasi-retrospective/retrogard-ish outlook.

Listen to it here



[Vana ning oluline] Cagey House Elephant Orange (Umor Rex)

Suurepärane 11-looline reliis David Keifer`ilt Mehhiko leibli Umor Rex`i alt. Album, mille ta üllitas 4 aastat tagasi, ennustades ette Cagey House`i hilisemaid, puhtalt sämplipõhiseid teoseid ("Lark"; "1902"; oma pärisnime all salvestatud "The Cartoon Mouse Regards"). See album pärineb veel sellest ajast, kui ameeriklane oli Fruit Loops`i heeros ning iseloomustas oma saundi elektrooniliste vahenditega mängitud rockmuusikana. "Elephant Orange" on väärikas osa space age music/exotica pop-fiilingust, kõlades lõõgastavalt ning ajatult. Õieti võiks seda nimetada kui space ageless pop. Mõnusad psühhedeelsed elektronsaundid, happelised harmooniad, distinktsed meloodiad. Killereid on mitu - nimilugu, samuti saffron steps, swanko backway, bebe ebullient, tin star vs. the mikado. Muide, kahtlustasin, et bebe ebullient`i näol maksab Keifer tribuuti Bebe Barron`ile - ruumipopi ühele suurimale staarile -, enne kui ameeriklane konkreetsel juhul minu kahtlused hajutas. Kuigi nii mõelda ka ei ole vale, seda enam, et Barron`i-paari muusikast peab ta väga lugu. Ka ülejäänud lood on meisterlikud, kuigi rõhuasetus näib rohkem struktuuril ning heliefektidel baseeruvat.

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