[Compilation] Artificios 3 (Sincro)
The Argentinian label/experimental electronic music platform Sincro is back after for a while. It is their third compilation consisting of musicians coming from Argentina, Peru, and Spain (Catalonia). Asolaar, GUM, Ivliss, Juan Dub Silva, Mezzo, and Omar Lavalle are the names up there to get set up with an excellent smorgasboard of industrial/noise-infused repetitive cadences, the abstract abysses of noir-esque soundscapes, microtonal/monotonal manipulations, rough audio processing, and the blaze-framed pavements of pulsating glitchtronics. Although you can hear some similarities with the nihilistic approach of the 70/80`s industrial music, the borealic senseless of Pan Sonic, or the frightening neuroticness of Suicide, it is an universe regulated by its own rules. In fact, while it is an impressive compilation, you shall have to listen to its two precedessors as well.
Listen to it here