AnalogNoiseMaster The Aural Enthusiast (Parafago)
AnalogNoiseMaster`s aesthetics and ideology seems overtly to hark back to those days when full-electronic scoped krautrockers kicked off proceedings on repetitive sonic patterns and developments of their inner spaces in the mid of 70`s, for instance, if to come over to the workouts by Conrad Schnitzler and Cluster. The 9-track set is relied mainly upon propulsive and abrasive sounds, sometimes lopsided by having subtle swayings from one channel to another or sheer proto-industrial/old school industrial music alchemical experiments or producing slightly dream-alike fabric layers above those hard cored lookouts. Beside krautrock it can be considered minimal music as well, more detailly, if to consider the austere supplements of analogue/modular synth-based whimsical chords and overthrows. At times it will be exploded into noise-infused rhythms and brown noise-backed examples (noise techno?!). For sure, the ANM`s recent brainchild is ebullient, playful, and fruitful, all in all, full of aural fun. Check it out the other issues under Parafago Records as well, however, this Italian label has developed into one of the most solid experimental music records nowadays already.
Listen to it here