

[Artists] Difondo

La bèl

d.Forma mecanica de fluidos (Format Noise)

Format Noise is such a kind of label which has not been very keen to issue a lot of music. Thereby some albums having released per a year are really expected for. A lot of (good) artists I have discovered for my great pleasure are often be found from here. No doubt, d.Forma (from the USA) is a pro-sided project as well, with a long tenure yet, having released its first outbursts in the first side of the 00`s.

6 tracks, having their drive through noise-infused industrial and EBM beats. Experimenting with various pace speed changes-effects, on different levels of uncompromising hard beat intenseness, d.structed and nihilistic electronic structures and gloomy neoclassical ambiences behind it do make up a lot of impressions from the start to the very last seconds. The favorites of mine are the starting track Eight, and Mine. In a nutshell, this is the music on the ground of pop periphery while it is enjoyable enough.

Listen to it here


[Old but important] Children Of The Drone Compilation no. 8 (COTD)

In fact, the Exeter-based musical group of 10-20 members should be a legendary one, not only having some cult reputation among dedicated music lovers. COTD is through its line-up closely related to the other collectives and projects as well (for instance, A Tiny Window; Ail Fionn; Dongas The Tribe). Their soundscape is involved in hypnotic jam sessions, impressive pictures of art-y folk music, having the closeness to natural and organic soundscape and depthness inbetween and beyond the layers, playing up a lot of meditative psychedelic circuits, thereby constituting up as powerful uniqueness and intelligent variety finally. The array of Exetrians` instruments is similarly impressive one, including the music-oriented instruments, and artifacts as well. However, if you take some time to getting enjoyed them you shall have to reserve a couple of hours, because the most of sessions are up there into this tendency. And the UK-based collective is not limited to the sound conception only - I strongly recommend to you to visit their site and read their argumented views about many phenomena and manifestations (including music business). Let`s them speak and you'll definitely get some (self-) reflection.

Unlike the most of their experiments these are not usually filled in very surreal, darksided feedbacks and echo effects which by the side are injected with gorgeous mystical attitude. But it is the case of Compilation 8. You can meet some free form improvisations, electro-acoustic ambiences, and psychedelic sonic conceptions. And indeed, over a long period some low-end (and shamelessly undervalued) electronic keyboards and electronics/sampling units have been exploited. If Kemialliset Ystävät`s frontman Jan Anderzèn expressed once devout hope that his music would be in certain way to be related to the outer space having its very goal in this way while it can be said that obviously by Matthew Watkins` curated band sounds into the universe for sure. A seemingly simple journey on the one hand, it expresses a static (or in a minimal way sounding) sonic trance on the other hand, within the borders of the high-level articulatedness the progressions of sonic algorithms are getting even more visible with coming to the end. In fact, it does not create any kind of tensions or frictions while flowing into transcendental meditations. In a more concrete way, through comparisons, here is a link of kinship with Six Organs Of Admittance, and Spiritualized to be found, although, in a much deeper embodiment. An astonishingly deep stuff.

Listen to it here


Microcobra Micropopcorn in our heads (XLR)

Microcobra is a 8-bit/chiptune activist-musician from Tallinn, Estonia who had previously released three albums under the labels such as Qulture Production, RUSZUD, and Drill. Micropopcorn in our heads is released under the Estonian label XLR and shows up his affinity toward retrodelic music and old game consoles, also being very keen to samples of such kind of tracks having their origin date from the 90`s or the Soviet era. However, you can sight of drifts having a fuelled drive through smart, camp-y and sometimes slippery taste as well. But it is not the matter in the first place actually - his progressions toward agressive rhythms including some flirt with jungle-paced feeling resulting up in some good impressions (8 Serdec (Telliskivi Hard Mix) ). In fact, though, in the ending part I get a bit of tired riding on it. No doubt, his first release Please, play with me (2008, RUSZUD) is used to sound as his best one continually.

Listen to it here


[Compilation] 30 Seconds Of Time (Silber)

Silber Records came up with the idea of this compilation from a few angles. People have short attention spans, people love ringtones. Most songs are too long. So they put together this collection of songs 30 seconds long & made them available as ringtones. Some of the usual suspects for their compilations, some new friends, plus where else are you going to hear 46 tracks in 23 minutes. So you have no need to push the skip button to get round to the next tracks. You can imagine and handle it as a weird kind of mash-up album, moreover, mash-up artists are usually not interested in such ambitious experimental rock and indie music, they prefer more to be into easy and supeficial sound, though. The artist roster is Electric Bird Noise, Zanzibar Snails, muscle mass, Pacific 231, Ben Link Collins, Rollerball, Thorn1, Promute, Irata, Charles de Mar, Small Life Form, Notorious Jet Set, Lullabier, The Undermasks, Drekka, Sibyll Kalff, Vestirse, Bryce Clayton Eiman, slicnaton, Miss Massive Snowflake, Subscape Annex, Remora, Moodring, IANTH, mwvm, The Collinses, The Velveta Heartbreak, Fires Were Shot, Yellow6, Mahlon Hoard, & Peter Aldrich.

Listen to it here

[Artists] Radius System

Radius System
Lost Children
Several Bleeds


[Old but important] Eukariota Animalia (Fariscal)

Someone Nicolàs B, In Buenos Aires living 26 years old musician, who is recording at home with a guitar, bass, some keyboards, 4-track tape recorder, and a precarious recording technique, making really genuine stuff on his own. Indeed, the way how subtle and lush guitar sounds do shimmer around invisible axis or are arranged to throw hooks here and there, which are sometimes introduced or followed by brown noise-covered short segments or spoken word samples, are made up by the position of a genius. Regarding his guitar works and some experimentation with noise, considering also crossovered lines, he does show up his closeness to Jim O`Rourke; or the monotonic synth lines find out the way up to early Stereolab`s aesthetics. Animalia was his debut release (2007) followed by Un Dia Luminoso (2010). The maximal result with minimal instrumentation.

Listen to it here

Stubborn Tiny Lights VS Clustering Darkness Forever OK The Infinite Regress (Futurerecordings)

The Californian label Futurerecordings does seem like the valley of plenty for music adorers, containing a lot of undiscovered frontiers of pop music, from really deep and sensible ambient music up to astonishing rock conceptions. If you are up there already to start think about post-rock as some kind of fucked-up misunderstanding, I recommend to listen to such bands like Sunlight Ascending, or Stubborn Tiny Lights vs Clustering Darkness Forever OK?

The last named band, a septet, comes from Cedar Falls, Iowa, starting their debut album at an invisible point and ending at a point wrapped up by silence (silence as invisible conversation). However, inbetween it takes course over the rocks, plateaus, and valleys, offering massive guitar riffs, and some lonely piano chords, and subtle symphonic progressions are entered into here to get reached up for epic melancholy and beauty crossing the borders of each other and blending into a whole. The septet`s sound is full of any kind of key and chord changes, for instance, the experiments with emotionally abrasive male vocals do offer some reminiscence of the like of A Silver Mt. Zion, and some march rhythm passages and pitched vocal orchestrations lead up to the Montrèal`s main post-rock icon itself yet. Some people have suggested The Infinite Regress for to be the best candidate for the post rock album of 2010. Indeed, it may be going out in that way. Amazing music.

Listen to it here



[Artistid] Black Monolith

Black Monolith

Epic Flail Mrbitterness and guilty pleasures (Bandcamp)

Epic Flail`i elik newyorklase Randal Helm`i 5-loolise ning 27-minutilise EP kõva tuum peitub indie rock`is, dark industrial-muusikas ning süntpopis. Avalugu breaking down algab 8-bitise abrasiivse trillerdusena, millele taamal Helm`i väljapeetult kandev vokaal omandab kõrgelennulisuse ning harmooniaküllasuse. Kontrast on sissejuhatuseks igatahes võimas. Käesoleva reliisi puhul on paralleele tõmmatud Nine Inch Nails`i ja Blancmange`iga ning koguni spekuleeritud Joy Division`i ja Henry Cow sohilapse võimalusega. Omalt poolt lisaksin David Sylvian`i ja Darkjet`i gloomilikkuse ning Simian`i indie-elektroonilisuse. Indie ja darkwaveliku segmendi kohtumiskoha pealt on suurim sugulushing pigem hollandlaste Fourteen Twentysix. Tegelikkuses on asi märksa mitmeplaanilisem. Träki Lost gruuvivad psühhrifid langevad Spiritualized`i rokkimistega kokku, sellal kui Helm`i vokaal meenutab David Sylvian`i ja Peter Gabriel`i. Voices from the other side jätkab põhimõtteliselt sama koha pealt, kus Lost lõppes, ainult selle vahega, et EBM-ilik sündimulina rütmilisus hakkab helilistest alakihtidest kuulaja alateadvusse murdma. Lõpuloo Thinking Machines (Here Come The) tiitel ei valeta - masinad ja robopop on kohal - kraftwerkilikult autotuunitud vokaalosast ning elektro- ja elektroonikakaosest kerkib üllitise üks tipphetkedest esile. Teisalt kõik see elektrojurakate segunemine eepilise sümfoonilisusega toob meelde Suede`i "Head Music"-u (1999, Nude) mõnede lugude esteetika (Asbestos, Down).

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