
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Space folk. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Space folk. Kuva kõik postitused


[Old but important] Children Of The Drone Compilation no. 8 (COTD)

In fact, the Exeter-based musical group of 10-20 members should be a legendary one, not only having some cult reputation among dedicated music lovers. COTD is through its line-up closely related to the other collectives and projects as well (for instance, A Tiny Window; Ail Fionn; Dongas The Tribe). Their soundscape is involved in hypnotic jam sessions, impressive pictures of art-y folk music, having the closeness to natural and organic soundscape and depthness inbetween and beyond the layers, playing up a lot of meditative psychedelic circuits, thereby constituting up as powerful uniqueness and intelligent variety finally. The array of Exetrians` instruments is similarly impressive one, including the music-oriented instruments, and artifacts as well. However, if you take some time to getting enjoyed them you shall have to reserve a couple of hours, because the most of sessions are up there into this tendency. And the UK-based collective is not limited to the sound conception only - I strongly recommend to you to visit their site and read their argumented views about many phenomena and manifestations (including music business). Let`s them speak and you'll definitely get some (self-) reflection.

Unlike the most of their experiments these are not usually filled in very surreal, darksided feedbacks and echo effects which by the side are injected with gorgeous mystical attitude. But it is the case of Compilation 8. You can meet some free form improvisations, electro-acoustic ambiences, and psychedelic sonic conceptions. And indeed, over a long period some low-end (and shamelessly undervalued) electronic keyboards and electronics/sampling units have been exploited. If Kemialliset Ystävät`s frontman Jan Anderzèn expressed once devout hope that his music would be in certain way to be related to the outer space having its very goal in this way while it can be said that obviously by Matthew Watkins` curated band sounds into the universe for sure. A seemingly simple journey on the one hand, it expresses a static (or in a minimal way sounding) sonic trance on the other hand, within the borders of the high-level articulatedness the progressions of sonic algorithms are getting even more visible with coming to the end. In fact, it does not create any kind of tensions or frictions while flowing into transcendental meditations. In a more concrete way, through comparisons, here is a link of kinship with Six Organs Of Admittance, and Spiritualized to be found, although, in a much deeper embodiment. An astonishingly deep stuff.

Listen to it here


[Vana ning oluline] Children Of The Drone Compilation no. 8 (COTD)

Exeter`is baseeruva ning reeglina 10-20 liikmest koosneva rühmituse (kuigi koosseis ei pärine üksnes Uduselt Albionilt) ning sellega tihedalt seotud kollektiivide (nt A Tiny Window, Ail Fionn, The Dongas Tribe) kogumikud peaksid ideaalis legendaarsed olema. Hüpnootilised jämmid, impressiivsed folkkujutluspildid, looduslähedane aura, kihiline ja kihtidevaheline sügavus, psühhedeelsus ning ka kordumatus. Intelligentne mitmekesisus. Ning võimas pillipark - kuhu kuuluvad nii pärisinstrumendid kui artefaktid - loomulikult. Varuge nende nautimiseks aega - kogumike pikkused ulatuvad sageli paari tunnini. Kui mul vahetevahel saab kirjust popmuusikalisest situatsioonist villand, panen mõtete puhastamiseks just COTD-i peale. Ning nimetet kollektiiv ei piirdu üksnes helilise poolega - soojalt soovitan külastada nende kodulehekülge ning nende ratsionaalseid, erudeeritud ja argumenteeritud seisukohti paljude fenomenide ja ilmingute (sh muusikaäri) kohta siin ilmas. Uurige ning saate kindlasti targemaks.

Erinevalt enamikust kompilatsioonidest eksperimenteeritakse käesoleval vokaaliga-sürreaalsete häälutustega, sünkjad feedback-pannood ja kajaefektid lisavad tervikule müstilist nimbust. Siin on märksa enam nurgelist vabas vormis improvisatsiooni, elektroakustilist puru, psühhedeelset ja ruumilist-kosmilist helikudet ja kontseptsiooni. Ning tõepoolest, üle pika aja kasutatakse taas elektroonilisi klahvpille, sämplereid ja elektroonikat. Kui Kemialliset Ystävät`i liider Jan Anderzèn avaldas lootust, et tema muusika võiks mingil moel ilmaruumiga ühilduda, seda representeerida, siis 40-aastase Matthew Watkins`i poolt (rohkem või vähem tinglikult) kureeritava ansambli heliuniversumi kohta võib seda kindlasti väita. Näiliselt lihtne, kuigi tegelikkuses põhjalikult artikuleeritud muusika. Ühelt poolt rõhutatult staatiline (või minimalistlik), teisalt progressiooni algoritmidele allutatud. Ning see ei tekita hetkekski negatiivset pingestatust või hõõrdumist. Transtsendentaalsed meditatsioonid. Siin on sugulust nii Spiritualized`i kui Six Organs Of Admittance`iga, samas märksa sügavamatele retkedele suundudes. Väga diip.

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