
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Happy Puppy. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Happy Puppy. Kuva kõik postitused


Origami Repetika – Happy Puppy Collection (2021)

  • Synth-pop 
  • Electronic pop 
  • Art pop 
  • Chiptune 
  • Easy listening 
  • Alternative pop 
  • Electro pop

Kolm Adam Sigmund'i keskperioodi üllitist (2011-2013) Happy Puppy Records'i all ühte kausta pakitult, mis erinevad üsna tema praegusest hoiakust. Kahjuks ei saa hinnata tema suundumisi esimeste üllitiste põhjal nullindate alguses-keskpaigas, kuna ei ole jõudnud neid veel kuulata. Hoiak on ilmselt vale sõna, hoiak võib olla isegi sama, aga vorm on ilmselgelt elektrooniline võrreldes tema praeguse lo-fi mehe slacker rock'iga. Nimetame seda Origami Repetika süntpoppkogumikuks, kuigi jah, süntpopil ja süntpopil võib olla vahe...kui võrrelda seda Pet Shop Boys'i, OMD või Erasure'i muusikaga. Ilusakõlaline, kergelt pateetiline ja puhevil, aga sunnib kuulama. Kergelt elektropopilik glasuur servi katmas, mis õrnalt kriimustab ja irriteerib; meenutab seetõttu mõneti teist tolleaegset väljapaistvat artisti Dave Keifer'it ehk Cagey House'i. Siin on kasutatud isegi autotjuuni, aga maitsekalt. Ja ühe loo juhatab sisse ja hoiab selle rühti kitarr; samas ennustades, mis tulevikus juhtuma hakkab. Lummust kasvatav kuulamine – ühelt poolt iisi ja puhastav, teisalt tähelepanuvõitvalt trikitav. Meistriklass.


Morgan Sadler - Go On (2011)

  • Singer-songwriter
  • Indie folk
  • Canadiana
  • Folk indie
  • Folk

Comment: Morgan Sadler is a singer from Toronto, Ontario, Canada whose single Go On won a Toronto Independent Music Award for Best Song 2009-2010. Indeed, the ditty is great due to fine fragmentation of properly dosed and dreamy singing and somniferous instrumental parts beneath it. Been Known To, and Going Nowhere are certainly more ceremonial and conventional ones where Morgan Sadler`s vocal is unveiled and the chords are more bold and naked-tailed to be set out for poppy boasting and mainstream appeal though making sense enough to accomplish the whole.


Fire To The Stars - Keep You Safe (2013)

  • Ambient rock
  • Space rock
  • Shoegaze
  • Dream pop
  • Experimental rock
  • Guitar ambient
  • Alternative rock
  • Epic
Outstanding tracks:
Keep You Safe


Bessemerr - Fields (2009)

  • Improvised noise
  • Psychedelic
  • Dark electro
  • Leftfield
  • Ambient noise
  • Experimentalism
  • Avant-garde
  • Industrial techno
  • No Wave
  • Ambient
  • Post-psychedelic electronica
  • Rhythmic noise
Outstanding tracks:
La sera al lago
Vamba At War
Italia B
Unknown Tuscan
Errore di coincidenza


Balogh - Rhythms of Life (2012)


/Post-rock, Instrumental music, Modern classical, Improvised music, Crossover, Organic electronica, Avant-garde, Experimentalism/ 

Comment: there are up 10 pieces involving two main templates made up of the chords of double bass and improvised sequences of piano which at times are variegated with vibraphones and a sensible amount of electronica (indeed, resembling of such post-rock-related groups as Tortoise, The Dylan Group, Mice Parade). Mostly Jared C. Balogh (an US-based producer and header of the Altered State Reflections Records) is intended to find out the balance between joyous progressions and more murkily composed appearances, or drifting between repetition-heavy patterns and incessantly variable array of chords, or the listener can detect the ideological fight between notated chords and more improvised endeavours. The result is highly enjoyable by any means. And do not forget - it is not a sort of muzak. Give your approach to it.


Chester Chicken - Clucking The Classics (2011)

/Conceptual, Humour, Covers/

Comment: good idea, good humour, good accomplishment. Indeed, 50,000,000 chickens will not be wrong - let`s have spot upon song titles - Omletes Keep Fallin` On My Head, Hard Egg`s Night, Egg-White Christmas, You Don`t Bring Me Feathers, Can`t Cluck Without You, and one song and dance remix more yet.