
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Djummi. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Djummi. Kuva kõik postitused


Cinnabar Club -- Machine Magick (2024)


  • Neokrautrock 
  • Sophisti-pop 
  • Motorik 
  • New wave
  • Art pop 
  • Post-disco 
  • Alternative dance 
  • Psychedelic 
  • Indietronica 
  • Electroclash 
  • Synth-punk

Saksa netiplaadifirma djummi-records all üllitatud 4-looline taies Šoti projektilt valab kuulaja üle toore elektroonilise energiaga, mille juured on otsapidi krautrokis -- nii otseselt (Can, Faust, Neu! kui moodsa roki rajajad) kui kaudselt (postpungi, uue laine ning sünteetilise popi mõjutajatena). Rütmid on hüpnootilised ning samas toorelt šamanistlikud. Aeg-ajalt seda toorest motoorset tuuma murendavad sünteetilised orkestratsioonid. Paralleelkunstimaailmast -- justkui loeksid USA klassiku Ambrose Bierce'i (sõja)novelle, mille toorete ja jõhkrate kirjelduste tagant paistavad välja inimlikud omadused, sh positiivsed. Vägivald võib olla orgaaniline ja komponeeritud, mille rafineeritus võib tekitada isegi mulje valikuvabadusest. Inimolend on neetud hõljuma ühest hirmust teisse. Mees- ja naisvokaal kohtuvad, põimuvad...ent ei söö üksteist ära. Analoogsõmerus kohtub lakoonilise digitaaliaga, mille ühtimisväli on viljakas kui suure jõe suubumine ookeanisse. Sigimist-sagimist on palju -- võtab aega enne, kui hoomad kogupilti. See on psühhedeelne ent korrastatud, st kontrollitud kaos, mille mahendatud ots langeb tinglikult 80ndatesse (Talking Heads, Heaven 17, ABC, Lipps Inc.). Kahtlemata on see 2024. aasta album, mille väärtus seisneb nii tribuudi maksmises kui uue sünteesimises.


Llankrù – Llankrù (2017)

  • Post-rock 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Indie rock
  • Art rock

Comment: Llankrù is a 4-head collective from Dresden, Germany led by the brothers Stefan, and Thomas Weiss. However, the drums are played by a woman called Julia Stephan. Yeah, I like that fact and first of all her playing. Undoubtedly this bunch of 6 instrumental tracks is a fine listening experience for any music adorer who searches for balance between moody progressive guitar treatments and on the other side is a proponent for subtle sonic effects around it. Those electronically sounding effects are conjured up on a sampler. Those guitar chords are truly pastel and sensitive at times following a traditional post-rock pattern leading up to powerful yet cinematic crescendos. The decent release is a part of the discography of a German based imprint called djummi-records.


Breakup-Party – Ghosts (2017)

  • Power pop 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Indie rock 
  • Emo 
  • Art rock

Comment: Breakup-Party`s Ghosts showcases different aspects of the Berlin, German quartet`s 7-notch album. It starts off and continues somewhere with Radiohead tinged dreamy rock yet in the meantime it is loaded with powerful instruments, mostly with ploughing guitars and the drums. More profoundly, Christian Ehrich obviously mimicks Thom Yorke`s singing manner (chopped-up words and heavy repetition on them). Additionally, the soundscape is variegated by atmospheric guitar effects and keyboard based orchestrations and other sounds which makes difference. In a nutshell, it can be said it is a solid outing of which is adeptly produced and dosed with feelings and attractiveness in progressions and just within the sound. The issue is a part of the discography of Djummi-records.


The Cream Canteens – Moderate Peril (2016)

  • Indie pop/rock 
  • Electro indie 
  • Alternative pop/rock 
  • Indietronica 
  • Dance rock 
  • Indie dance 
  • Psychedelic rock 
  • Twee pop 
  • Synth rock

Comment: this 3-track issue is a fabulous torrent being made up of lofty, energetic synthesised boosts, splendid guitar twanging, and stunning singing thereof resulting in something cinematic and lively and brisk. It is such a sort of outing for whom it is quite hard to find out analogues worldwide. At times those guitars may remind of a period in the beginning of the 80s when some post-punk bands turned into a sound which would later be tagged as alternative rock. With hints at The Chameleons at Roman Fortress, for example. It creates contrasts because the album did start off with rusty tonalities which soon would develop into something playfully majestic and impressively lofty. Although it is filled with magniloquent poses and boasting showcases the result goes right, the result is fairly plausible All in all, it is the success expressed in sounds. The outing is a bit in the discography of Djummi.