
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Pavillon36 Recordings. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Pavillon36 Recordings. Kuva kõik postitused


Bouwakanja – Incantation (2016)

  • Dub 
  • Electronic music 
  • Experimental electronica 
  • Electro 
  • Breakcore 
  • Alternative dance 
  • Wonky 
  • Ambient techno 
  • Hip-hop 
  • Urban music

Comment: in the first track there are up occult, wonky Jamaican dub rhythms which later will be complemented by more Western elements though it is still disputable by its nature. However, it is a bit of voodoo/witch man stuff anyway where the witches prepare their audio systems in the way to have an addictive impact on the listener. It involves many different vibes and cadences and thereby this 15-notch outing can be considered the sort of breakcore issue. More profoundly, from dub and electro to post-dubstep and skidding synthesised frequencies and uncanny electronic propulsions to noisy interludes and undulating wonky vibrations. At Rhino one can experience being sustained by a deep/ambient plateau being backed up by crunching, needle-shaped rhythms. That's very epic and dynamical and narcotic simultaneously. It is followed up by Potemkin, the spacey electro hip-hop per excellence. Indeed, the listener undergoes many metamorphoses though some of them are microscopic ones and used to succeed in a logical order to one another. So yeah, there are represented both change and homogeneity/consistency. The issue is a part of the discography of Pavillion36 Recordings. It is the French artist under the French imprint. In a word, it is a solid French case.


Aden Ôhm - La Loi De Morphine (2014)

  • Industrial techno
  • Dark electro
  • Alternative dance
  • Raggamuffin
  • Crossover
  • Dubstep
  • Thrill and bass
  • Martial industrial
  • Experimentalism
  • Breakcore
Comment: Aden Ôhm is a prolific producer from Caen, France whose sound used to rely on industrial music, dub echoes and electronic experiments. Indeed, same can also be ascribed to this 8-track issue. More concretely, the album involves lots of contrast-y aspects extending from harsh industrial brooding, thrill and bass-relied rabidity, electro/industrial rock-like intensity, quirky experimental electronica and martial industrial overthrows to moody raggamuffin-alike dancing and more sedate dub-blended hovers. The issue contains lots of different rhythms, however, most of them abound in incisive and raspy sonic frequencies and patterns. Gloomy and flaming. 


sOul sCientiSt Still Exist (Pavillon36 Recordings)

22 minutit ja 6 lugu. 6 rägastikku. Paksult täis kasvanud rütmirajad. Breakcore-malakad, glitch-äng, liikumine "õige" drum and bass/jungle`i ning kvaasi-jungle`i maailma vahel. Või on see avant-jungle`i universum? Igatahes oleks sOuL sCientiSt`i "Still Exist"`i õige koht pigem kusagil NYYD-muusika lavadel kui higist leemendavas klubis. EXPO-muusika. Prognoosimatu liikumine. Tõepoolest, trikilisus ning nurgelisus lõhuvad sekund-sekundi järel halastamatult tantsumuusika struktuure. Atmosfäärilised helikihid, vokaalliinid/spoken word, sämplid, ulg, (õiget- ja tagurpidi käiatav) klaverimuusika. Vahelekeriva lindi efektid ning skrätsid. Üksikosad kellegi ameeriklase üllitisel on sama olulised kui on kõikide osade summa kokku. Jah, detailid moodustavad küll terviku, samas nende kohati kardinaalselt erinev pärinemine jätab nad lahku seisvateks. Dialektiline (võitlev) rütmimuusika. Artisti myspace`i lehte külastades saab kohe selgeks, et tüübil on käed rusikas ka sotsiaalses tähenduses (toetus Palestiinale, vaevus ja rassitemaatika jpm). Aphex Twin`i, Mike Paradinas`e, LTJ Bukem`i ning Autechre`i varjud virvendavad, et anda oma dobroo uutele meistritele. Vihastele meistritele.

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