
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Birdsong. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Birdsong. Kuva kõik postitused


Senza Valore – Attack/Decay E.P (2008)


Indie folk Electronic Indietronica Ambient pop Post-pop Singer-songwriter Indie pop Chillwave Art pop Dream pop

Kuivõrd 5-looline taies algab tänaval jooksvate laste kilgete ja otsustavusega hääles alustada päeva uue hooga, siis see lakooniline episood annab juhtlõnga ameeriklase Joseph Campbell'i muusikasse -- värskelt ja julgelt indi- ja folkmuusika põhja manu klotse ja kuubikuid ümber tõstma. Nagu on sedasi toiminud Zach Condon ja Sufjan Stevens, kellede mõju siin 17-minutilisel üllitisel võib tajuda. Omaaegsetest mõttekaaslastest ei saa jätta mainimata ka Nick Yulman'i ehk Bone Conductors'it ja Bryn Martin'it ehk Bryyn'i. Kaunikõlaliste keelpilliseadete juurest sama kaunikõlaliste sünteetiliste heliarengute juurde -- ilmneb nullindate lõpul õitsema puhkenud chillwave'i mõju sõltumatule muusikale. Väga meeldiv teos -- eriliste kõrvaussidena tooksin välja lood "Adored" ning "Pioneers" -- millised meloodiad, millised harmooniad! Olen seda papagoina pidevalt korranud, et osati tollal muusikat luua -- ja veel missugust!


Tiny Creatures - Homunculus (2007)

  • New Weird Israel
  • Lo-fi
  • Electronic
  • Experimental pop
  • Avant-pop
  • Psychedelic
  • Drone pop
  • DIY
  • Indie rock
  • Dada pop

Üllatuseks avastasin, et siinkirjutaja aastate jooksul palju kuulatud ja nauditud album "Homunculus" Iisraeli projektilt Tiny Creatures ei olegi blogis kajastamist leidnud. Eriliseks muudab albumi dadaistlikust ja vabateadvuslikust voost ning näppepillidest, droonivatest akordidest ja lihtsast, end omanäolisest elektroonikast koosnev tervik. Aga mitte ainult - on kriipivaid kidrasoolosid ja eepilisi elektrist (üle)laetud arenguid ja tundepahvakuid. Kenasti tasakaalustatud kooslus - tormiline pool on maandatud kordustel põhinevate võtetega ("Stay In"). Väga eriline tunnetuslik pool ühendab albumit - ilmselt juudilikust huumorist ja müstilis-kabalistlikust maailmatunnetusest läbipõimunud 15-looline üllitis, mille on üllitanud Iisraeli leibel Birdsong. See album pärineb ajast, kui teisel pool ookeani oli avastatud viimase kahe kümnendi kõige olulisem popartist Ariel Pink. Samuti lo-fi/DIY ja juut. Soovitan lisaks kuulata projekti samanimelist debüütalbumit aastast 2004 (Imaginary Albums).


Eli Las – A Planet Full Of Motels (2004)

  • Indie folk 
  • Lo-fi 
  • DIY 
  • Singer-songwriter 
  • Improvised music
  • Folk indie 
  • New Weird Israel 
  • Psychedelic 
  • Alternative rock

Comment: I guess Eli Las' planet could be a nice place with good weather, intense sunshine and nice and naked women to meet with and populate the planet. As in the Bible it is said your duty is to multiply and to exist in masses. Eli Las' duty was to increase the discography of the Israeli imprint Birdsong. It is an interesting issue mirroring on the movement of the New Weird and DIY in the 00s. As much as my cerebral focus could remember for it was a very enthusiastic time with great hopes and an immense amount of solid music from artists' bedrooms. Then such great artists of a new generation as Animal Collective, and Ariel Pink started to appear through the underground music to build up a new narrative in the indie/alternative pop scene. By the way, the latter of them is Jewish. Eli Las sings in (new) Hebrew and in English and manipulates with different styles (including grunge, coldwave and shoegaze elements) and exploits more and less electr(on)ic instruments to create something psychedelically tickling and inferiorly abrasive. In a word, it is an enjoyable legacy for the passed time.


Yonatan Levital – ...and Monkey (2005)

  • Lo-fi
  • Indie folk 
  • DIY 
  • New Weird Israel 
  • Pychedelic folk/rock 
  • Experimental folk/rock 
  • Improvised music 
  • Yacht rock 
  •  Field recording

Comment: it's great pleasure to be back again at the discography of Birdsong, an Israeli imprint which does not release albums anymore as I have understood. Fortunately there are up a lot of albums worth to be discovered. For example, this 12-track issue was released 11 years ago reflecting partly upon tendencies being actual at the time. One of the categorisations of mine was New Weird because the artist uses a DIY and lo-fi/bedroom recording approach to accentuate his naive folk and indie drenched preferences. On the other hand, it is comfortable to generalise something being out of the centre and outsider yet involving many different facets. More profoundly, there are up detuned tinny guitars and low-end synths and a sitting monkey in the sheepskin jacket additionally to Yonatan to provide something tickling and exciting and flesh out your fantasy. From nowadays (free)folk approaches to storytelling and American Primitivism in music, from improvised moments to light-hearted, carnival-alike yacht rock roundabouts, from vivid found sounds to introverted guitar twanging. That's great – all these audible and imaginative elements and contrast between them.


The Lonesome Executive - The Lonesome Executive's Fantastic Tape Recorder (2004)


/New Weird Israel, Experimentalism, Weird folk, Free folk, Avant-garde, Dream folk/ 

Comment: though this issue involves 19 tracks in total all these tracks without any exceptions are short-running. More concretely, these miniatures are filled with clattering improvised noises, elfin folk flickers and abstract insights and acute expressions drifting somewhere in between dadaist interferences and somewhat otherworldly explorations. Indeed, there can be drawn parallels upon the likes of CocoRosie, and Wavves, though, providing even more angular, more primitive which thereby might be a more challenging one. Furthermore, there are up a handful of tracks inducing to bleed your hurt and soul. Frantic. The issue is released on an Israeli label, called Birdsong (the second album in its discography).    



Automassage - Saxophone EP (2012)


/Doom rock, Covers, Acid rock, psychedelia, Experimental rock, Noise rock, Doomgaze, Fusion, Avant-rock, Experimental indie, Improvised music/

Comment: Automassage is a quartet which consists of Austrian and Slovenian musicians. Their 4-track album is issued on an Israeli label, entitled Birdsong. The compositions are made up of massive doom-ish guitar washes, buried a little threatening vocal layers, poignant drumming, and acidic synth whiffs, though, all these layers seem to be tied with each other in a loose way (it is OK anyway). More detailedly, if you like the following categorization, you would tag it "doomgaze" (though, it used to have reference points and hints at fusion, psychedelia/acid rock, and improvised deliberations either. Bardo Pond meets My Bloody Valentine meets Mahavishnu Orchestra is one way of how to approach the group. And there is no sign about saxophone! By the way, there are presented a pair of covers (Guns N` Roses` Get In the Ring; and - surprise, surprise - Holy Night). It is an astonishing release by any senses. Grrrt!


Band That Never Was - Band That Never Was (2011)


/Improvised music, Post-rock, Chamber music, Instrumental rock/

Comment: BTNW is a trio from Israel offering up a sort of improvised rock music in full sway. There are represented 7 more or less hijinks turning off at the length of 36 minutes. Back and forth fluttering guitars are backed up by heavily pummeling drums or on the other side used to display the ones inclined to progress more into a sort of still life art in its very marrow. It is even not surprising if you can find out hints at the glimpses of world music throughout the progression of the notches.


Supertalented - Plus Size (2011)



/Alt-folk, Indie folk, Folk indie, Free folk, Singer-songwriter/


A.K.A Gelbart Banjo Tapes (Birdsong)

Esiteks, üllitise pealkirjast ei tasu end väga eksitada lasta. Bandžoplõnnimine ei ole valdav, palju enam on siin elektrikitarriga mürgeldamist. Käesoleval hetkel kuuluvad Adi Gelbart`i (A.K.A The Lonesomes) arsenali viiulid (ilmselt juutide rahvuspill), gongid, trummid, tolmused klahvpillid ning heliefektid. Mis siinkirjutajale selle kõige juures enim meeldib, ongi uljas hoogsus, kuid teisalt ka läbimõeldud lähenemine, jäädes kokkuvõttes tasakaalustatud eksperimentalismi piiridesse- ühtides loomupäraselt meeleolulisusega. Paralleele võib tõmmata ameerika primitivistide kiretu kitarrikäsitlusega, kuid Gelbart`i jaoks ei ole emotsionaalne hillitsetus kidrasoikumise kaudu eesmärk omaette, vaid kui vahend, millelt õhku tõusta, millele vastandus - lopsakad motiivid, meloodiad ja harmooniad - rajada. Seesuguselt lähenemiselt meenutab ta oma kaasaegseid nagu Molloy And His Bike, Phil Reavis, Barbagallo ning gillicuddy. Vaikelu käändub ootamatult surfmuusika numbriteks, olles kord muretu, kord altkulmu põrnitsev. Kaheksa lühikese loo seast väärivad erilist rõhutamist I`ve seen Him rising (eepiliselt draiviv refrään), Fried haters (libisev sünkjas surfikäik) ning Interstellar (kõrvust haarav psühhedeelne kokteil exotic pop´ist ja surfgruuvist). Võimalik, et mainitud lugudes on poppotentsiaali pelgalt rohkem. Ei jää muud üle kui taaskord kõrged punktid anda.

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