
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga WFMU. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga WFMU. Kuva kõik postitused


Alien Trilogy – Live at WFMU for Spin Age Blasters, 8/14/2018 (2018)

  • Electro punk 
  • Art punk 
  • Post-hardcore 
  • Live 
  • Screamo 
  • Crust punk 
  • No Wave 
  • Noise rock

Comment: there is no foreplay into the core of this 13-notch issue being released live at WFMU. Post-hardcore, screamo and noise rock influenced intense noodling based on angular guitars, screeching vocals, blasts of the drumming and discordant synth tweaks to present all that stuff in a repetitively overcoming manner. All of that reminds me of a resurrection of the No Wave movement a bit more than 10 years ago through such projects as Black Dice, Lightning Bolt, Black Pus, USAISAMONSTER, Hella. One can hear more clear moments varied by horrified flashbacks and decays of the mind. All but not least I am happy Free Music Archive and much amazing music got saved by another yet different platform.


Antique Phonograph Music Program 06/02/2009 (2009)

  • Big band 
  • Jazz 
  • Oldies 
  • Spoken word 
  • Dixieland

Comment: these 35 minutes introduce you to the beginning of the 20th century music to spend time with such artists as orchestras as Black Face Eddie Ross, Cal Stewart, Bill Murray, Arhtur Collins and Byron G. Harlan, Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra, Gene Green, Golden and Heins, James I. Lent, Joe Hayman, Mamie Smith and her Jazz Hounds, M.J. OConnell, Six Brown Brothers, and The Columbia Orchestra. It is entertaining, lively and funny where jazz/and dixieland and big band-based compositions and orchestrations are variegated with more spoken word numbers. These tracks come from a time span between 1901 to 1922. Some of them are truly funny in their vehement oratory – for instance, listen to Joe Hayman`s Cohen at the Real Estate Office. It is a welcome interlude to enjoy such sort of music while you are intended to rest from contemporary sophisticated (experimental) music. Furthermore, today it is popular to take samples from historic and oldie music to either compose something truly offbeat or create a haunting atmosphere something like being created by Leyland Kirby aka The Caretaker. It is just a little notch in the series of Antique Phonograph Music Program by WFMU at Free Music Archive.


Black Pus - Live at WFMU (2012)



/Improvised music, Crust punk, Live session, Post-psychedelic electronica, Experimental rock, Avant-rock, Psych-rock, Psychedelic, Noise rock/

: this is a two-track improvised set by Brian Chippendale aka Black Pus, the drummer and vocalist at Lightning Bolt, and Mindflayer. A pair of notches both of them used to exceed 20 minutes are filled in with crust punk, desperate noise rock. More profoundly, angst moaning vocal lines are at times variegated with frantic yodel, however, behind it the listener can detect dizzy drum sequences and drilling electronic substrades/electronic bass propulsions. Now and then the layers are pitchbent or conjure up squealing effects, by fits and starts even joyous (sic!) electronic bass propulsions are available and Chippendale`s vocal is classical heavy rock-loaded. In a nutshell, this is a set which makes highly sense in direct and indirect way. Actually it blows out of the water of how one person is able to spouter so much energy within from him.


Ducktails: Live at WFMU on Marty McSorley's show on 10/24/2008

Üle-eelmise aasta jõululaupäeval salvestatud 7-looline sett (sh intervjuu) paljastab Matt Mondaline`i suuruse. Kuigi väljutanud muusikat suht lühikest aega, on New Jersey resident mõne aasta vältel jõudnud üheks silmapaistvaimaks DIY-liikumise suurkujuks tõusta. Jänki on lugu pidanud töötlemata helikvaliteedist, salvestamiskeskkondadeks on olnud tööriistasara ja kelder ning levitanud oma loomingut üksnes kassettidel ja vinüülidel.

Kitarrid, Casio, Moog ja helifaaside modulaatorid on tema mänguvahenditeks. Helipilt on ühelt poolt uinutav, kuid teisalt (kohati väga) erk oma tekstuurilt. Mulksuvad elektroonilised (mini)efektid/drone, newage`ilikud süntesaatorite ja loodushelide põimumised ning minimalistlikult progresseeruv kihistus on vundamendiks, kandes edasi Neu!, Tangerine Dream`i, Conrad Schnitzler`i ja Harmonia aegumatuid ideaale - demonstreerides ilmekalt, kus peitub chillwave/glo-fi ideoloogiline lähtepunkt. Tõepoolest, suurepärane sessioon.

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[Laivsessioon] The Dreams Live at WFMU on Brian Turner's show, 5/4/2010

Prantsuse duo/armastajapaar Nafi aka Scott Serpent ja Armelle aka Bisoubisou jäid selle aasta esimesel poolel silma suurepärase singlikimbuga Beko DSL`i alt (kuigi see ei olnud nende esimene reliis). Tandemi segu avant-punk`ist ja no wave`ist jättis kustumatu mulje oma kummastavalt ekstaatilises miljöös.

36-minutiline sett 9 looga pakub helinäiteid post-punk`ist ning no wave`ist kuni dub`i, reggae ning maailmamuusikani välja, kuhu vahele mahub monotoonset šamanismi (Intro / Reggae 1 / Rising Son), primitivistlikult programmeeritud süntekaid-elektroonikat, psühhedeelset kihistust ning müraseinu. Mis olulisim - nad suudavad oma kontseptuaalsed visandid realiseerida, ideed reaalseks apoteoosiks vormida (nt Reggae 2; Tropique du Cancer). Nihilistlikud nihked - mille kõrvalt ei puudu konstruktiivsus - ning kompromissitus on instrumendid selleks. Bändis valitseb demokraatia - kord laulab Nafi, kord Armelle, kord läbisegi. Legenditest meenuvad varane PIL, The Slits, The Screamers, Sonic Youth, ehk isegi Elastica, tänapäevast Gang Gang Dance. Kuid kordagi ei teki tunnet, et The Dreams võiks olla üks neist - üks nende derivaatidest. Suurepärane sess. Kuulake ja nautige - ning vajadusel ka õppige, kuidas tuleks punkmuusikale efektiivselt-adekvaatselt läheneda.

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