
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Orchid Tapes. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Orchid Tapes. Kuva kõik postitused


Foxes In Fiction – Trillium Killer (2019)

  • Chillwave 
  • Electronic 
  • Dream pop 
  • Lo-fi 
  • DIY 
  • Shoegaze 
  • Alternative pop 
  • Indie pop 
  • Art pop 
  • Ambient pop 
  • Glo-fi

Comment: Warren Hildebrandt continues suggestively reflect upon his beloved Ontario (maybe Canada in general) through dreamy rays of sublime shoegaze and mellow electronica mixed indie pop compositions. If you think of what the hell is going on in this human centered world at the moment then one may go crazy and at least get nihilistic tendencies. The only possible way to get out of this mayhem/the city – the venomous apotheosis of the civilisation which will kill everything eventually). Instead of it one should reflect more upon imminent and beautiful subjects like the glorious nature. Blissful and solemn it is given that all those playful yet solemn shades in the very front between the trees of a forest massive/cathedral and shimmery flickers of a blue lake to arrive at a listener in his/her imagination. The strength of this 10-notch issue is an exquisite amalgamation of lo-fi/bedroom auteurism and high-end production capability which now and then is amplified up to a downright hypnotic reverie (A Softer World, Say Yes To Violence). Indeed, this album represents a sort of escapism but downright otherwise than did shoegaze artists three decades ago. As usual as Foxes In Fiction's albums in corpore the whole is a part of the discography of his own led Orchid Tapes.


Coma Cinema – Posthumous Release (2013)

  • Singer-songwriter
  • Indie pop/rock
  • Alternative pop/rock
  • Americana
  • Chamber pop
  • Art rock
  • Baroque pop

Comment: I guess anyone of us has at least once brooded about which structural and aesthetic aspects of contemporary indie pop/rock and pop music in general would make sense enough to seduce new audience to its compartment. Given that an average modern indie/alternative combo`s album is a little exciting and quite predictable. By listening to Coma Cinema`s brand new one Posthumous Release I got partly answered to the question. More profoundly, orchestrated sounds in flux, exquisite electronic shades and penumbras which in turn used to dynamically magnify and invigorate, there are represented noisy guitar torrents variegated with melodic Americana incantations where the male vocal timbre is supported by female deliveries. However, this would not be enough to get accomplished because motley needs additional factor melted into an organic whole. This could be either catchy lead motive or mesmerizing harmony progression in the right place or a bunch of proper relationships between the elements to conjure up a synergistic sonic fist. Fortunately Mat Cothran caught it. This 11-track issue involves no notches which could somehow fall short. Furthermore, there are up a handful of compositions of being fair earworms (Satan Made a Mansion, White Trash VHS, Bailey Jay, Burn a Church, Lee (Columbine High Harmony). Of course, he has practised music much enough to get the recent result properly. Undoubtedly his former four issues (three albums plus one EP) were also good ones but this issue obliges. 


Foxes In Fiction – Ontario Gothic (2014)

/Dream pop, Alternative pop, Electronic, Avant-pop, Ambient pop, Experimental indie/

Comment: Warren Hildebrand aka Foxes In Fiction is a Canadian musician who have been living in New York for some years. I can remember for my first acquaintance with his music 3-4 years ago. Indeed, my then impression was truly unforgettable. The same can be said about this 7-track album – still it is an organic drift between hyper-realistic ambient music and indie attitude filled with indescribable magic and spellbinding glamour. It is very believable that that pure beauty laid out over here is born through tears and grief due to the death of his young brother and Caitlin Amanda Morris whom the album is dedicated. He is assisted by such musicians as Owen Pallett, Ansel Cohen, Beau Sorensen, Rachel Levy, Caroline White, and Sam Ray. Undoubtedly it was one of the best albums in 2014.  


Foxes In Fiction Swung From The Branches (Orchid Tapes)

Noor torontolane Warren Hildebrand on tasapisi tõusmas Põhja-Ameerika võimsa tasemega eksperimentaal(rock/folk/indie)muusika/ambient-maastikul. Tema debüütalbum "Swung From The Branches" - millest siin kohe juttu tuleb - reliisitakse kuu aja pärast (uuesti) Brooklyn`i label`i Moongadget all, saades tuntumatest artistidest oma kaaslasteks Hella, Casino Versus Japan`i, Benoit Pioulard`i, Praveen`i, Dykehouse`i (kolm viimast nime on plaadifirmaga seotud lõdvemalt, täpsemalt kogumike kaudu). Märk on maas, seda enam, et kaasaegse muusika piibel Pitchfork pühendas tulevasele sündmusele soliidse pikkusega kirjutise.

"Swung From The Branches" üllitati esmakordselt kanadalase personaalse CD-R/lindifirma Orchid Tapes`i alt. Mis teeb WH muusika eriliseks? Kindlasti üheks (tehniliseks) eelduseks on analoog- ja digitaaltehnoloogia ühekspõimimine - ühelt poolt salvestamine lintidele, teisalt kasutab ta digitaalset reverb-masinat. Integreerida erinevat päritolu helilained orgaaniliseks tervikuks eeldab tegijalt nutikust. 19-loolise ja natuke üle tunni aja pikkuse taiese võib tinglikult jagada kahte ossa. Üks kimp hiilgab ambient/atmosfääriliste post-rock-numbritega, millest kostub pulseerivat ja märkamatult kerkivat atmosfäärilisust, lindisahinat, kohati ka (igatahes meeldivat) pastoraalset primitivismi. Ennekõike meenuvad M.Pyres`i ambient-eksperimendid. Samas flöödikahinad eeterlikus sentimendis sildavad tänapäeva 70ndate-80ndatega - täpsemalt new age-muusikaga. Muljetavaldavalt kaunis. 7-8 träki kohal sisenevad masinatega tekitatud kesktempos rütmid, spoken word/storytelling, kuid ennekõike omandab helimaastik kiiremad tuurid, millega ongi uus faas alanud. Lisanduvad musique concrete-elementide põimimised, avatud elektroakustilised keskkonnad, eksperimendid lindikiiruste ning helitugevusega. New Panic Cure on esimene indie-pääsuke, demonstreerides kohe puust ja punasest, miks torontolasele pannakse suuri lootusi; Jimi Bleachball meenutab My Bloody Valentine`i, ennekõike Hildebrand`i laulumaneeri ja tämbri kaudu, mis vägagi läheneb Kevin Shields`i omale (vrd Off Your Face; Moon Song). Nimilugu on avatud uste-akendega läpparifolk, kus lisaks pärishelidele on kasutatud lindimanipulatsioone, psühhedeelset tekstuuri ning häälutusi. Shields`i nimi sai mainitud, kuigi kaasaegsetest suurkujudest on Hildebrand ilmselt kõige lähemal Bradford Cox`ile. Sellega seonduvalt on üks albumi tipphetki 15 Ativan (Song for Erika). Dünaamiline inditroonika/poptroonika tõmbab lihtsalt aju vurrina käima ning ajumahlad jooksma. Või siis sellele järgnev To Go Home. Music that will save your life. Kui 80ndatel päästis elusid jangle pop/twee pop`i helin, 90ndatel shoegaze`i ja britpop`i meistriklass, nullindatel post-rock ja friikfolk ning avangardpop, siis viimatinimetatuga on uute kümnesse sisenenud chillwave ja glo-fi. Elagu tänapäeva muusika ning üks selle aasta meistriteoseid!

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