
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Zeromoon. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Zeromoon. Kuva kõik postitused


Violet – Let The Sunshine In (2004)

  • Avant-garde
  • Minimalism 
  • Non-music 
  • Micronoise 
  • Acousmatic music 
  • Drone 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Experimentalism

Lase päikesepaiste sisse ja saa õnnelikuks. Või jää õnnetuks...kui päike kütab toa soojaks ja sul ei ole enam piisavalt värsket õhku organismi küllastamiseks ning silmadesse valgub söövitav higi ja silmavalged hakkavad punetama. Ei, Violet`i muusika on kaugel päikesepopi avarakõlalistest ja psühhedeelsetest sillerdustest. See on hoopis midagi muud, kus helisid fokusseeritakse ja uuritakse mikroskoobi all. Uurijaks ja täideviijaks on mees nimega Jeff Surak, kelle 21-minutiline üllitis on täis – kasutades kulunud käibetõdesid – higi, verd ja pisaraid. On tuimemat (samas mitte igavat) müttamist, aga ka lummavat minimalismi ja kiirgavaid müraepisoode; millest omakorda kiirguvad vaevutajutavalt välja meeliülendavad meloodiad (hilisemast ajab meenub väidetav Eesti artist Misha Mishajashvili, kes on kasutanud Nõukogude ajastust ja ajastule omaseid sämpleid; mis, tõsi, nii meeliülendavad ei olnud iseendas, aga seda enam lõid düstoopilise, inimvaenuliku fooni). Tõsi, lugu nimega “Wonsan” seisab eelpooltoodud kirjeldusele lähedal. Meisterliku teose on üllitanud plaadifirma Zeromoon.


Steve Hilmy & Daniel Barbiero - Live at Bella (2011)


/Live session, Electro-acoustic, Noise, Acousmatics, Experimentalism, Avant-garde/

Comment: this live set of approximately 21 minutes consists of double bass squeaks and amplified electronics and effects which used to evolve into a sultry and intriguing session hinting at (dark) ambient hues and noiseful glimpses and acute electronic experimentations. Even subtle orchestrations are represented over there.


Marta Zapparoli - Codex (2012)


/Musique concrète, Sound art, Avant-industrial, Noise, Drone, Psycho-acoustic, Ambient noise, Experimentalism, Crossover, Avant-garde/

Comment: I do have no hesitation to give to this 4-track album high points. More profoundly, it is enough interesting and intricate involving the huge scope of sounds which in turn used to balance in between more or less noiseful concrete sounds and treated sonic manipulations or on the other side providing a depiction of aggressive fight between the human kind and nature (which, of course, will ultimately be ended up with the defeat of the human being). Some abstract industrial rhythm throbs, mechanical drones and buzzes, intensive hiss washes are up there to create strong contrast within the soundscape. While having had a trip In East Europe she recorded natural sounds in different locations over there. A soundtrack for "eco-terrorists", for instance.


Pilesar - Pilesar`s Ugly Children (2012)


/Noise, Krautrock, DIY, Avant-garde, Sound collage, Avant-industrial, Experimentalism, Sampledelic, Psycho-acoustic, Acousmatics/

Comment: Pilesar is being known due to his lo-fi and primitivistic oeuvres for creating of which he used to exploit microphone, broken effects pedals, voice and some other instruments. He has issued a batch of releases under his own label, called Chameleon Dish Archives. This time he represents the brand of Zeromoon. This time his new album is filled in with 11 dazzling patchworks consisting of unbridled noises, dissonating cut-ups and lopsided rhythmic patterns. The whole veers away from obscure noise music and ghastly psycho-acoustic visions to more krautrock-loaded propulsions and early industrial vibes. Very exciting indeed.


Astma - there will be a McDonald's (2010)

/Industrial rock, Avant-garde, Experimental, Improvised music, Psych-rock, Noise rock, Non-music, Experimental rock/

Comment: Alexei Borisov has obviously been one of the most eminent and well-known names after Sergey Kuryokhin in and outside Russia (and in the area of the former Soviet Union as well) regarding any kind of cutting edge music. Previously known by his participations in different groups and his profound workouts in electronic music, however, his recent workouts for few late years are more closely related to a poet, namely to Alexei Rafiev, and co-musician Olga Nosova. The last named one is involved as the gearhead and vocalist in the Moscow noise band Motherfathers. The album is quite huge consisting of 20 tracks, however, representing a propulsive endeavour taking on innovative industrial rock attacks and noise-core overthrows. More detailly, through those very dense improvised scapes dominantly can be perceived some influences by Einstuerzende Neubauten (exactly the early era of the Berlin legends) and even voice patterns similar in a way to the manifestations of the Fall`s consciousness Mark E Smith. Indeed, on the basis of this delightful appearance of noise (rock) and endless energy can be said that Borisov arrived at his roots again.