
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga KlaNGundKraCH. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga KlaNGundKraCH. Kuva kõik postitused


Mooncup Accident – New Blood for the Old Ceremony (2019)

  • Post-industrial 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Noise 
  • Avant-rock 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Voice poetry 
  • Improvised music 
  • Experimental rock 
  • Freeformfreakout 
  • Electronic 
  • Psycho-acoustic 
  • Avant-blues 
  • Conceptual 
  • Glitchtronica 

Kitarr, hääl ja kolm diktofoni. Või siis hääl, kitarr ja kolm diktofoni. Või hoopis – kolm diktofoni, kitarr ja hääl? Ent – kolm diktofoni, hääl ja kitarr? Ligi paarkümmend aastat tagasi kirjutas Lauri Sommer ajakirja Vikerkaar artikli diktofonišamanismist, et kuidas kasutada diktofoni muusikas, sh rokkansambli koosseisus. Eks ta ise ka on kasutanud sooloprojektis Kago seda asjandust; ja Tartu avangardmuusikaprojekti NE! raames – kuhu ta samuti kuulus – on samuti diktofoniga mängitud (Youtube's nägin kord Margus Kiisi seda laivis kasutamas). Mooncup Accident ei saa hakkama ilma kolme diktofonita korraga. (Väike)kodanlane kirjeldaks seda muusikat hullumaja sessioonina, kus piinatakse omi häälepaelu, kitarri ja kes-teab-mida-veel. Ja pagan võtaks – kas te ei tea siis, et diktofoni tuleks kasutatada ainult jutu salvestamiseks! Kolme kasutamine on ressursi raiskamine igati! Sanitarid on patsiendi palati ukse ettenägelikult blokeerinud, et ta saaks normist hälbivat bluusi ekstreemseks Captain Beefheart'ks kehastununa mängida. See on vist sama, mis kuulata, kuidas ürginimene vaevleks kõhukinnisuse käes. Õigupoolest häälepaelad on juba enne salvestunupu vajutamist põhjalikult ruineeritud, mistõttu tuleb artisti suust pelk kähin-sisin ja boonuseks mõned selgemad, ent referentsita häälikud, mida toetavad ebaharilikult läbilõikavad metalsed kitarrisaundid ja plahvatustena segadust külvavad mürapahvakud. Ka glitch-muusikale omistatakse Jan Klamm`i poolt oma tähendus eeldusel, et glitch ei ole konkreetset tähendust muusikas niikuinii omanud. Seesugune asi võib nakatada ja tekitada psühhosomaatilisi muutusi. Oli siis seda kõike tarvis! Klang-und-krach!!!


Birds Build Nests Underground - Cold Dreams (2009)



/Dystopbient, Illbient, Sound collage, Plunderphonics, Avant-garde, Lobit, Film noir, Repetitronica, Hauntology, Acousmatic, Experimentalism, Musique concrete, Microsound, Sampledelic/

Comment: is an idiosyncratically off-kilter set of two tracks by its formal stand, the last of them running over 33 minutes. The album is "just" about malignant ambient music, near-experimental jazz snippets and a lush repeating film score sample gear, having lots of phase changes over its course. All the sound of a duo is wrapped up by a mighty, hiss-backed mist.


[Old but important] Birds Build Nests Underground Cold Dreams (KlaNGundKraCH)

Birds Build Nests Underground is a profilic duo consisting of Michal Brunclík and Petr Ferenc who had used turntables, vinyl records and loops for a pair of tracks to be improvised and recorded at home in winter 2008. Cold Dreams is relied upon lopsided soundscapes and propelling centrepoints for aspiring toward a new sonority via weird and dystopic effects. By having exploited lots of vinyl records in the recent case the issue (subsequently over 40 minutes) does hint at ancient symphonic samples, psychedelically repetitive sonic units, electro-acoustic-alike crackling hisses. In fact, this is an album where old touch meets new one and analogue formation meets digital approach. Indeed, Cold Dreams is a case of turntablism which is impressed via unexpected prevarications and dodges. No doubt, if you have listened to some music by Philip Jeck, Martin Tetreault or Christian Marclay or the kind of someone else, however, you should be experienced with the sort of "perverted language". An interesting accomplishment and different view about the (pop) music.

Listen to it here


Head In Body Not So Empty EP (KLaNGundKRaCH)

Head In Body, the Czech-based project`s new EP sounds most time like a tribute to Suicide, a legendary no wave band from the USA. More specifically, it sounds as the album of a kind of variations dedicated to Vega & Rev`s creepy (anti-)hit Frankie`s Teardrop. Sonically it does mean that certain elements are nicely represented here - psychotic, chopped, and through delay-channelized mutated vocal effects bring forth themselves as the dominating pannel of the sound. On the other side, the EP build up a bit difference, succeeding keep moving elsewhere. And the different elements do base upon the experiments of profoundly low bass drones and brown noise crackles to have brought on the other side, and driving in the wake of Pan Sonic. Anyway, in a good shape balanced ominous album.

Listen to it here
