
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Mixgalaxy. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Mixgalaxy. Kuva kõik postitused


Insanity13 – Get Your Clothes Off (2013)


  • Electronic music 
  • Psychedelic 
  • Alternative pop 
  • Ambient pop 
  • Trip-hop 
  • Electro 
  • Breaks
Insanity13 on kollektiiv Izhevski'st Venemaalt. Pigem vanakooli trip-hop'i kui tänapäevase rütmi-tilulilu poole kaldu (ei ole autotune'i, ei ole piinlikult primitiivseid rütmimustreid ega digitaalselt hõredat nõmedust/eemaletõukavat steriilset üleprodutseerimist). Stiliseeritud mõõdukas süngus ja tüüne sügavus, mida juhib ja hoiab koos kogu 4-loolise albumi vältel kaunilt unelev naishääl Oxy. Näiteks lugu "Turning a Blind Eye" on suurepärane näide, kuidas kõrgema sagedusega, samas hõredama astumisega rütm võinuks lahjaks jääda, kui ei olnuks toetamas vilgas elektrokäik ja pärast lisandunud loo narratiivi edendavad orkestreeringud-helikihid. Kõik on kinni pisiasjades – ning pisiasjad on kinni suhtumises. "Red Mattress" kõlab kui eksperimentaalne Garbage, mille on produtseerinud Robert Del Naja või Tricky. Selles on toda musta energiat, seda musta sügavust, mis viirab tasahilju ja haarab kuulaja uute keskkonda. Albumi on üllitanud Mixgalaxy. Vana kool, mis kunagi ei vanane, vaid läheb ajapikku pigem paremaks.


Yokandesh – Viva Como Queira (2011)

/Crossover, Jazz, Latin music, Hip-hop, Urban music, Baião
, Samba, Pop rock, Easy listening/

Comment: Yokandesh is a musician (born in 1985) from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, who used to merge traditional Brazilian/South American beats and colours (samba, rock, baião, jazz, bossa) with fine hip-hop beats and rhymes. However, being up there to realize his ambitions in an excellent way. The average quality of this 18-track album is high thereby a handful of truly mesmerizing pop songs can be found out from there. Moreover, it involves much more than a common summery pop album.


Th.en.d Metaphors EP (Mixgalaxy)

The Berlin-based Norman Dauskardt aka Th.en.d has released two EPs to date. His first, the 3-track issue Schizophrenic Birth (2009, Acustronica) was composed in a seemingly loose way, yet, regarding some aesthetical intentions and sonic feats, it can be admitted now, those aspects of the sonority foresaw the future upon the next release(s). Beside overwhelming, lazy downtempo milieus, or more punctually, below the lustrous play of colours the motorik rhythms are pretending for the dominating position to be overtaken sometime. Moreover, though The Beatles and The Doors are referred as Dauskardt`s main influences, the krautrock-ish angle is the most evident characteristic on the new record. In any cases, it is not possible that a decent German-based experimental musician could somehow have had no idea about the glorious tradition and continuity of the Teutonic experimental rock scene. Buzz-injected, heavy-weighted in a psychedelic way, symphonic-inflected synth chords, austere yet dynamic metronome-drowned beats do play up a solid whole, first of all, reminding the doings of NEU!, and the soundscape of recent compatriots by the likes of Mina, Cidulator, Isolèe, and Lali Puna as well. If you wish call it as neokrautrock, or call it as post-disco, however, it is quite impossible to resist against the kind of mesmerizing, determined rhythm-based magic sound.

Listen to it here
