
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Comfort Stand. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Comfort Stand. Kuva kõik postitused


The Space Lady aka Suzy Soundz – Street-level Superstar (Owed to Boston) (2004)

  • Singer-songwriter 
  • DIY 
  • Lo-fi 
  • Art pop 
  • Latin pop 
  • Psychedelic 
  • Americana

Käesolev neljalooline üllitis on pühendatud fännidele ajal, kui Susan Dietrich alias The Space Lady oli hakanud jõudma laiemasse avalikku teadvusesse. Muusik, kes on külastanud ka Maarjamaad. See populaarsus oli tinglik niivõrd kuivõrd oli see võimalik ühe tänavamuusiku puhul. Võib ju küsida, et kellelt võttis Kosmoseleedi imagoloogiliselt rohkem šnitti: kas Moondog'ilt või Sun Ra'lt või kelleltki kolmandalt ekstsentrikult, aga tiivulise kiivriga daami muusika oma eheduses ja naiivsuses on tõepoolest midagi kosmose ja maise sfääri vahepealset. Kohati kõlab muusika kui šlaagripopp, aga mingi hetk näib see siiski nihkesse langevat. Meenutab vokaalses maheduses ja meloodilises õrnuses teist kaua unustatud legendit Linda Perhacs'i, mida toetavad elektroonilise klahvpilli orkestratsioonid ja programmeeritud ladina rütmid või lõõtsmooniku umpaumpalikud tõmbed, aga kitši kõige kiuste siit ei jõua ammutada. Või sõnastame selle nii, et vaevutekitatud kitšikihi hävitab tume voog Maad ja Kuud ümbritsevast radioaktiivsest kihist. Mürgine kiht, millele meelsasti apelleerivad  isikud, kes väidavad, et inimene olla külastanud meie kosmilist kaaslast üksnes lauludes, filmides, kujutavas kunstis ja unenägudes. Selle kummastava trajektoori ja (mõju)väljadega reliisi on välja andnud Comfort Stand.


The Wades – Greatest Hits (2005)

  • Punk rock 
  • Post-punk 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Indie rock 
  • Americana 
  • DIY

Comment: similarly to other genres there is difference between punk and punk. Between tedious and interesting punk. The Wades' 13-notch issue (which is obviously the oeuvre of the group) is the latter case because of providing at times humorous interludes, stubborn DIY aesthetic and frequently borderline punk/indie numbers where one can discern the influences of roots music thereof being unmistakably American. The accomplishment of these ideas is a cut above as well. At times being loosely noisy and anarchistic like Sonic Youth, at times being politically poignant, however, revealing its thick cultural layers being set up on one another. The only exception is New Direction, a song being written by Gorilla Biscuits. Last but not least – the issue was released on such label as Comfort Stand Recordings which had been a platform for innovative and uncompromising sound in the first half of the 00s. In a word, get the legacy of this great combo of Alicia Wade, and Chris Wade.


Various Artists - Interplanetary Materials (2004)

  • Alternative rock 
  • Art pop 
  • Experimental pop 
  • Leftfield 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Space age pop 
  • Indie 
  • Psych-pop
  • Parody 
  • Space pop 
  • Drone pop 
  • Electronic 
  • Exotica pop 
  • Post-classical 
  • Indie rock 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Deep house 
  • Spoken world
  • Mood music

Comment: Ladies and gentlemen! We are floating in space! Ehh…where exactly is that place we are going to fly and maybe even conquer. There exists inner space additionally to Outer Space, which are seamlessly related to each other – the first one is subjugated to the latter or at least being a minor, intangible part of it. The musicians around the world have explored and tried to chart the inner limits of our more or less subliminal psyche at different times. Furthermore, the term “space” is being frequently related to something, which could be described as “with-it, cutting-edge” because the human being has had not enough power to date to reach more distant cosmic objects and bigger distances in Outer Universe though the desire to do it existed already long ago. However, the legendary imprint Comfort Stand Recordings put it into practice through music, through a set of 2 hours and 35 minutes that it is a blissful blend of diverse styles that works out like a tremendous maelstrom, which in turn involves an innumerable amount of special universes in the nexus of it. And so on until one’s brain will explode. More profoundly, those sonorous seeds within it are witty, clever, arousing, grandeur, at times very funny and even buffoonish, blissful and…otherworldly. Because of that I feel by myself the whole fairly dignifies me and inspires respect against people, beasts and the Almighty Creator. And of course, it is culturally and narratively important because of embracing many hints at essential space-related things. Last but not least there are represented such artists as big celestrial orchestre, Full Load Of King, R Stevie Moore, Ton Rückert, Gulag Picture Radio, Fortyone, Laze, Atton Paul, Lungbutter, Howard Ambient, Archbishop Jason Polland, The Pan-Galactic All Stars, sciflyer, Astrochimp, Weirdomusic, komafuzz, Lee Rosevere, Jan Turkenberg, AP3S, The Apartment, Nova Social, Dana Countryman, Bruce Lenkei, Wild Acoustic Chamber Orchestra, Mr. Fab, Eddie the Rat, LowLiFi, Jack Fetterman and the in Hi-Fi Music Direction, Seksu Roba, The Vivisectors, Lullabelle, Sascha Müller, The Lounge King Meets Monsieur Max, Inzah, and B.C Sterret w/Janae Olson.                                    


Stark Effect - Mic In Track (2003)

/Experimental electronica, Breakbeat, Indietronica, Hip-hop, Conceptual, Weird pop, Cut and paste, Crossover, Breaks, Sampledelic, Experimentalism, Avant-garde/

Comment: Stark Effect`s music ranges across a multitude of aspects of electronic music - from lush and relaxing electronica to more brooding and whimsical endeavours regarding the rhythms and upper layers which are infiltrated with spoken word snippets and humour (for instance, Bunnyrabbits, Satan, Cheese And Milk). Or Stop! I`m Watching TV which crosses the loops of guitar twangs with chopped paces and the entitled assertion thus blending indie, hip-hop, and funny glimpses with each other. There are up 5 notches wrapped up in 18 minutes. In a word, it is a quite weird, unconventional shit. It is not surprising at all because it is allowed to be issued on the legendary Comfort Stand.


Twizzle - Soda Fountain (2003)

/Electronic pop, Sampledelic, Plunderphonics, Cut and paste, Sound collage, Crossover/

: Twizzle, a Seattle-based duo (Sir Mildred Pitt; Spacecake) had issued their debut 4-piece composition on the legendary Comfort Stand label in 2003. The issue is spectacular because of involving the elements of a diverse array of styles and genres, taking on chanson, art pop, downbeat, electronic pop,ethnic-tinged endeavours, crossover, however, all of that is made up of cut and paste/plunderphonics aesthetics. Piano-based careless tickles are represented there along with captivating orchestrations which will dominate in the senses of the listener. Especially outstanding is Black Elk Mountain which includes Bond-esque orchestration snippets and murky trip-hop-soaked vocals and paces. The more you listen to it the more it gets captivate you. The duo`s aesthetics can be compared with the likes of People Like Us, Pogo, Ergo Phizmiz, and Chenard Walcker.


Dan Deacon - Twacky Cats (2004)

/Avant-garde, Indietronica, Dada music, DIY, Avant-electronica, Electronic pop, Weird, Experimentalism/

Comment: Twacky Cats was released by this Baltimore-bred, academically educated musician in age of 23 years old in 2004 having revealed 5 vanguard electronic staples as if R Stevie Moore-esque DIY aesthetics meet masterful manipulations on angular-led, even dada-like electronics (sine wave and FM manipulations, Broadcast-like spooky sections of innovative pop, peculiar pitch-treated samples), deliberately balanced notches relied on skipping electronics and sublime indie pop, and a frantic, even infantile-induced notch about diverse beasts in the jungle (Arms Saloon). Yet, on the other side, it might be considered the foremost pop album ever. Close to, it is a classic one really worth to be remembered daily.


R Stevie Moore - Tra La La La Phooey! (2004)

Comfort Stand


/DIY, Alternative, Psychedelic, Southern rock, Spoken word, Experimental rock, Avant-garde, Art-pop, Soft rock/


[Vana ning oluline] Joe Meek JOE MEEK (Comfort Stand)

Rääkides suurimatest mõistatuslikest isikutest popmuusika ajaloos, kandideerib Joe Meek (1929-1967) kahtlemata esikohale. Ühelt poolt lõhestunud isiksus, okultist, paranoiku, traagiline isik - kes sooritas mõrva ja seejärel enesetapu -, teisalt esimene Briti laulukirjutaja-produtsent, kelle träkk Telstar (The Tornados`e esituses) vallutas Billboard`i tipu ning teised rajad korduvalt Briti edetabeli. XTC`i liige Andy Partridge on öelnud tabavalt, et Meek rääkis surnutega, kuulis helisid teistelt planeetidelt ning kirjutas oma köögis nr 1 hitte. Innovatiivne salvestamis-ja elektroonilise muusika pioneer ning muusikale läheneja, self-made-man, kelle geniaalsust on maailm uuesti avastamas... .

Käesolev 26-looline kogumik koosneb pika aja vältel kompileeritud demodest, kus on muuseas Meek`i laulmas kuulda. Kuid ennekõike kuuleme läbi tugeva lindisahina adresseeritud suuri meloodiaid, sh suurimate hittide Telstar ning Sky Man (musti) versioone. Crooner pop`i ja sunshine pop´i (orkestreeritud) numbritest esilekerkiv meloodiate-harmooniate üleujutus on nii võimas, et avangardistlikud nüansid - (elektroonilised) heliefektid-helitehnilised manipulatsioonid, space age`i ruumilised elemendid - jäävad esmakuulamisel märkamata. Seal kõrval on ka elektroakustilist sentimenti, konkreethelisid, selgelt improvisatsioonilise suunitlusega lugusid, trikitamisi ning üle võlli keeratud vokaali. Ka tänapäevas kuulatuna ei kõla see kohe iseenesestmõistetavana. Meek laseb paista nii huumoril ja helgematel meeleoludel kui toob esile tumedama pooluse. Meek oli kahtlemata universaalne mees - tema muusika ja (helitehnilise) võttestiku uurimine aitab osaliselt lahti kodeerida nii hilisemat popmuusikat kui DIY-kultuuri.

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