
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Chase Records. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Chase Records. Kuva kõik postitused


Strobcore – Funky Music EP (2009)

  • Hi-NRG 
  • Gabber
  • Hellektro 
  • Electronic music 
  • Alternative 
  • Harsh trance 
  • Breakcore

Comment: this set of three pieces is managed to an extreme of electro music being overloaded by raspy, cut-up rhythms, iterative noise-near rhythmic blasts and galvanised glitches of digital madness. At times one can perceive how the energy behind those propulsions used to submerge all the whole and it will result in a weird picture of being partly eaten by itself. It is fun(k)(n)y music. Undoubtedly it is not a decent fare fro all those who have fancied dance music of different kinds because it is the kind of dance music which likes to destroy itself. On the other hand, it used to deal with the mighty stroboscopes because you could vividly imagine how the light is going to dance in a broken and fragmented way. There is up a paradox in such sort of music. The cheesiness and some sort of cheapness of the music is superseded by the immense frequency in rhythmic patterns and mind-blowing harshness in textures and fancy experiments with accelerated and decelerated implications in the middle of the mix at times turned to a ridiculous extent. In a word, it could be considered somehow the negation of electro music. Get involved in that stuttering madness. The issue is a notch in the discography of the French label Chase (Chase033).


Etiket Zero – Planet (2011)

  • Hip-hop
  • Rap
  • Ethnotronica
  • Urban music
  • Avant-hop
  • Sampledelic
  • Industrial-hop
  • World music

Comment: this 4-track issue by the French-based hip-hop artist Etiket Zero is a fascinating one because of providing a coherent bound of rhythms, ill-omened gauze and overdriving effects. Those rhythms are craftily produced to vary in their appearance from slightly sprawling noise-fuelled synth basses to smithereens exploded thumps. Furthermore, the artist used to sample ethnic instruments (tabla, tanpura) and flutes, down-beaten paces and the African people`s singing at _Planet_N_YAK.412. Indeed, this quite long-running composition is very interesting because of involving a shitloads of unexpected turns and dodges. The track is the exception within the whole issue. All these lyrics are chanted in English having no penchant toward such simplistic topics as women, money and cars in a vulgar way. For instance, at _Planet_N_AYK.599_Feat._Guttahface the artist ushers the listener in a more lone and lovelorn way. Musically with the excursion of the first mentioned track there can be drawn parallels with the elegantly squelching and cracked aesthetic of Death Grips who had been making first steps to conquer the world at the time of the release of this issue. However, it was not Etiket Zero`s first album where the artist experimented with such experimental narratives. Additionally I recommend listen to an album called Album La Paix (2008) where the artist had glided along abstract soundscapes, however, noises and ethnic motives were represented either. All in all, it is a bewildering stuff where tension and intensity in sound and on the other side those mind-boggling sonorous crumbs and harnessed to conjure up outstanding incantations for our pleasure. It is an ideal template of hip-hop music. 


Circuitsmasher Mutation (Wildness/Chase Records/Jamendo)

Vanadel kreeklastel kehastas ring teatavasti täiuslikku kujundit, kus algus- ja lõpp-punkt langesid ühes ja samas kohas kokku. Ringi pöörlemisel, s.t visuaalselt tohutust ning teoreetiliselt lõpmatust hulgast ringidest, kujuneb kerapind ehk sfäär. Sfäärilisus on omadus, mida sageli püütakse helides representeerida. Rääkida sfääride muusikast tähendab kõnelda korrapärast ning perfektsioonist - teisisõnu, ülimuslikkusest ühes või teises tähenduses.

Inglisekeelne sõna "circuit" on ilmselgelt suguluses sõnaga "circle". Siiski on "circuit" pigem ese kui eelpoolkirjeldatud omaduste varjamatu kandja. "Vooluskeem", "sõõr", "skeem", "ringkäik" - tõepoolest, kõigist neist objektidest kumab läbi korrapära(ne) (piiratus) ning instrumentaalsus. Funktsionaalsus, mille kaudu eesmärk saab ilmselt parendatud. Liikumine täiuslikkuse poole on loodumine iseendas.

Kultusmuusikute Evelyne Manganese`i, Kamikaze Deadboy, Paul Bolstridge`i ning Zac Dendinger`i ühisprojekti Circuitsmasher`i nimi näib ilmselt viitavat ideaaliihaluse väljatõrjumisele ning hävitamisele. Kunstiliselt on projekti järjekorras kolmas üllitis piisavalt irriteeriv- kokku on segatud valusalt lajatavad jungle- ja breakcore-rütmid ning sõja/martial/muusika harmooniad, mis vahetevahel vaibub neoklassitsistlikuks ulmaks. Kolmas märksõna on rütmiline intensiivsus, mistõttu aeg-ajalt jungle-rütmistikud progresseeruvad thrill and bass´i armutuks nätakaks. Intrigeeriv on 4-looline ristand seetõttu, et martial-muusika on välja kasvanud ning jätkuvalt seotud neofolgiga. Seda on vedanud karmid ning kompromissitud kontseptualistid, kes kiikavad sajandite taha ning ülistavad valget rassi/Euroopat ja sõjapidamist. Ka peab mainima, et muusikaliselt ei kõla käesolev üllitis mingi tilu-lilu tribuudina - see on valjult puuriv, ajusid trilliv ning rütmiliselt-harmooniliselt sugestiivne taies.

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