
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Futurerecordings. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Futurerecordings. Kuva kõik postitused


Andrew Weathers Trio – Guitar Man Whirligig (2018)

  • Post-rock 
  • Art rock 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Indie rock 
  • Experimental rock 
  • Avant-rock 
  • Americana 
  • Epic

Comment: Andrew Weathers is a musician from Littlefield, Texas, USA whose trio embraces four persons in fact. In truth, I do not know how the trio should be considered – should the lead figure be included or not? Weathers plays guitars, an organ, a pianet; Aaron Oppenheim plays a bass, Scott Siler plays the drums, and Tom Djll operates with a trumpet, and electronic effects. On this 6-notch release they play post-rock with an experimental angle where they pay attention to the structure and sparkling timbres. At times the quartet may associate with Tortoise but just a bit. Similarly to the legend from Chicago it is a post-rock case yet they also do not follow the classic crescendo-bursting buildups of the style. However, those semi-crescendos make highly sense. It is very fine to partake in a whole filled in with internal power and profound impulses coming permanently to the surface. Because of that their intention to create a cohesive, well integrated release does not water down at all. The guitar used to repeat the main motive in an enchanting way by exuding ennobling warmth at Short Denim Demon Shirt. The guitar as the main instrument on the album recedes at Eastern Island Palm Dub by admitting the lead to a suggestive, dreamy trumpet play. The finishing track Creosote Band (Trio) is a different case by playing some sort of darker cinematic Americana with smouldering eyes. That's great again. The beguiling post-rock release is a part of the discography of a cult post-rock imprint, futurerecordings. Obviously one of the best (post-rock) albums in 2018.


Years of Rice & Salt – Service Bell (2009)

  • Alternative rock 
  • Post-rock 
  • Folk indie 
  • Americana 
  • Ambient rock 
  • Epic 
  • Mood music 
  • Alt-country 
  • Indie folk

Comment: I guess if you were alleged about a band called Years of Rice & Salt you would have arisen some doubts about the combo unless you are a fan of MasterChef or something like that. In fact, I had some of them before listening to this 4-track issue. However, this is a downrightly trustful one where pastel guitar chords are emotionally loaded to drive down and up the slope of a picturesque hill. By listening to (Rearranging)Deckchairs one could perceive fabulous violin-driven arrangements, which are soothing and spicy at the same time. Ultimately you can perceive the album as a moody and ambient – though in an unusual sense – one played in the vein of acoustic post-rock and Americana style. At Plankton those soaring guitar riffs are complemented by mind-boggling singing. At Splendid Isolation the track embarks on with a blissful insight, and then stepwise will progress into Americana music, which beauty is hard to describe. You just shall have to hear it! The talk of mine has been about the idyllic outing, in fact, the ensemble’s announce is about describing a shipwreck. Consequently there must have been intriguing tension within the whole. The more you listen to it the more you get aware of its greatness. This pre-eminent issue is a part of the discography of Californian, US-based imprint Futurerecordings (great one for sure – it provides shelter for such great artists as Sunlight Ascending, Woodworkings, The Tumbled Sea, Darger and many other ones).              


Zijnzijn Zijnzijn! - Worldwounder (2013)

  • Post-rock
  • Drone rock
  • Experimental rock
  • Epic
  • Psychedelic rock
Outstanding tracks:
Breathe In
Ash Rises From Fire


The Fortress - On The Verge Of War (2012/2013)

  • Post-rock
  • Post-metal
  • Alternative rock
  • Epic
  • Crossover
Outstanding tracks
Ghost, Woods And Golden Light


Woodworkings - Goodbye Homes (2011)


/Post-rock, Ambient, Experimental rock, Chamber rock, Minimal, Epic, Instrumental, Modern classical, Soundscape, Ambient noise/ 

Comment: Oh, it sounds so . In a more profound way, this case is about an exhilaratingly infiltrated blend of ambient, modern classical, post-rock-ish fringes, silentful dream-hued noise, filled in with the sense of entropy which will have modified into mesmerizing, melancholic beauty. There can be sensed for listenable and unheardable, for real entities and ghosts either. Goodbye Homes embarks on by the zero point from nowhere, getting an impulse to grow and blossom and finally to get succumbed unheedingly. Like the life story of a person. By listening to the last track I almost started off crying... . In fact, it is not the first and only case by Woodworkings to make out for the issues with the maximum-point rate. And Futurerecodings is previously one of the peaks amongst the labels all around the world.


Stubborn Tiny Lights VS Clustering Darkness Forever OK The Infinite Regress (Futurerecordings)

The Californian label Futurerecordings does seem like the valley of plenty for music adorers, containing a lot of undiscovered frontiers of pop music, from really deep and sensible ambient music up to astonishing rock conceptions. If you are up there already to start think about post-rock as some kind of fucked-up misunderstanding, I recommend to listen to such bands like Sunlight Ascending, or Stubborn Tiny Lights vs Clustering Darkness Forever OK?

The last named band, a septet, comes from Cedar Falls, Iowa, starting their debut album at an invisible point and ending at a point wrapped up by silence (silence as invisible conversation). However, inbetween it takes course over the rocks, plateaus, and valleys, offering massive guitar riffs, and some lonely piano chords, and subtle symphonic progressions are entered into here to get reached up for epic melancholy and beauty crossing the borders of each other and blending into a whole. The septet`s sound is full of any kind of key and chord changes, for instance, the experiments with emotionally abrasive male vocals do offer some reminiscence of the like of A Silver Mt. Zion, and some march rhythm passages and pitched vocal orchestrations lead up to the Montrèal`s main post-rock icon itself yet. Some people have suggested The Infinite Regress for to be the best candidate for the post rock album of 2010. Indeed, it may be going out in that way. Amazing music.

Listen to it here



Fuck i`m a Ghost Fuck i`m a Ghost (Futurerecordings)

Futurerecordings`i artist Fuck i`m a Ghost jätkab teistsususes võtmes kui enamus nimetet California plaadifirma artiste. Ambient, kammermuusika ning drone on kõrvale jäetud ning asemele on tulnud kunstiline rock, helikeel, milles on transi mõõde sees. Kolmiku rokkimine debüütalbumil tekitab mulje liuglemisest, pikkadel kitarriakordidel liuglemisest, kuigi väliselt võib see kõik üsna unine välja paista. Sugulastest meenub ennekõike Interpol, oma sünkjate refräänide, helisevate kitarrikäikude ning mõnuga aegamööda tõusvatele karvastele kitarririffidele. Sündisümfooniad loos Train Robber viivad Arcade Fire`ile kõrvale. Stop rokib pealiskaudses psühhoosis ning liugleb hoogsalt mäest alla. Vessel on tase, kus on ängi, kus on ruumi, kus on varjundeid, kus on äraspidisust. Ning kõige selle kaudu võib sukelduda sügavamale minevikku, nt Vini Reilly kidraesteetika ja The Chameleons`i manu. Modaalne alternatiivpop, kus põhimõtteliselt ühtedele ja samadele mustritele peegeldatakse valgust erinevate nurkade alt, väänatakse ühe ja sama rifi erinevaid külgi esile. Vahetevahel tekivad paralleelid ka math rock`iga, jäädes siiski põgusateks äraunustamishetkedeks sellel suunal. Eeskujulik rokkmuusika, kus on sirgjoonelisust ja knihvi, teravust ning unistuslikkust. See bänd veel saab tuntuks, uskuge mind.

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Darger "BigFast" Soundtrack (Futurerecordings)

Futurerecordings on demonstreerinud end seesuguse label`ina, mille artistid on võimelised unistuste läve kildudeks purustama. Ning Darger on kindlasti üks seesuguseid hävitusmasinaid. Unistused on teatavasti kogemuspõhised, sageli pelgalt sotsiaalsete ning eksistentsialistlike pingeseisundite likvideerimise suunitlustest kantud. Kuid Cody Kirkendall ja Matthew Bahnsen lähevad palju kaugemale - see on unistustejärgne muusika universumis, kus puudub koht kõiksugu kujutelmadele ja ideedele. Teod aktualiseeruvad ilma eelneva(te) projektsiooni(de)ta. Platonlik ideede masin on tuhaks põlenud-põletatud ning tihti vastuoludesse mattuv inimkeel helivõnke ilmselget üleolekut tummalt tunnistamas. Käesolev 3-looline ning 32-minutiline taies olevat väidetavasti fiktsioon maailmalõpust, eepiliselt sosisklev saundträkk läbi musta huumori prisma helklemas. Erinevalt paljudest artistidest, kelle muusika käändub sarnaselt lähtekohalt pessimismi, düstoopsesse ämbientmorjendusse, pakub Ohio duo sõnulseletamatut arhetüüpi, sedasorti eepilisust, mis võiks vabalt kehtida ka pärast kümneid apokalüpsiseid. Mingi uus kord-korratus, mis on sundimatu, vaba, soe ning eelkõige mõjus ning (ennast) kehtestav. Tolm kosmoses, pelk vibratsioon, mis liigub, ringleb ning kootub - kootub millekski, mida võimaldab jumalik alge. Ning plaadiümbris on paljutähenduslikult avatud- Lihavõttesaare (kui maailma lõppu jääva) kuju meenutava assotsiatsiooni, artefaktide ebamääraste kontuuride ning sünkja, samas vastupandamatult kutsuva kõiksuse kaudu. Kas lõputu kosmosereis on algamas, võimaldamaks uuestiloomisprotsessi pealt näha?

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woodworkings we sit on floors we stand on chairs (futurerecordings)

Woodworkings on Kyle Woodworth, keda abistab keelpillidel Gordon Withers. Samuti on Baltimore`i muusik tuntud post-rock-ansamblist We All Inherit the Moon. Woodworth`i järjekorras 8 üllitise 8 rada annavad aimu geniaalsusest. Kummastav ilu ilmneb läbi minimalistliku heliprogressiooni - hillitsetud, digitaalse krõbinaga vürtsitatud kriipivad kitarrid, üksildased piaanoklinked, tasahilju kerkivad modern classical/ambient-orkestratsioonid, post-rockilik majesteetlikkus, andmata seejuures järele kiusatusele langeda crescendo-klišeedesse, kuigi ma ei kahtle tema sellesuunalises võimekuses. Ning pooltõusud on ka siin olemas. Albumi nimilugu demonstreerib ilmekalt, et helide eepilisusel puuduvad piirid. Jänki võttestikust annab parimat aimu albumi käredaim träkk former daughters of the american revolution, kus äng ja raev on kunstilisest kanaliseeritusest tasahilju väljapoole miilamas. Kokkuvõttes võib nentida, et tegu on hoolikalt läbikomponeeritud instrumentaalteosega, kus igasse helisse on süstitud impressiivne emotiivne laeng, kus fraktaalid on asetatud teineteise suhtes nii (lähedale), et kaootilisus, selginemine ning lõppstruktuur/eesmärk ise on kenasti ühel pildil. Sugulushingedest meenuvad EdPorth, The Tumbled Sea, M.Pyres, Circadian Eyes, Luggage, Foxes In Fiction, We All Inherit the Moon, aga ka Spiritualized ning allhoovustesse pidama jäänud Mercury Rev. Mees nagu orkester, kes kuulub samasse ritta seesuguste geeniuste-avangardromantikutega nagu Jason Pierce, Matthew Sage, Warren Hildebrand. Uskuge mind, kui Johann Sebastian Bach elaks tänapäeval, teeks ta seesugust muusikat. Üks aasta meistriteostest. Aitäh, Kyle.

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