
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Split. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Split. Kuva kõik postitused


dessktop & tiny feathers – split EP (2009)

  • Lo-fi
  • Experimentalism
  • Sound poetry
  • DIY
  • Avant-garde
  • Psychedelic
  • Musique concréte
  • Improvised music
  • Primitive music
  • Bedroom pop
  • Ambient
Noil hetkil, kui ma olen muusikalisest olukorrast rääkides ülistanud nullindate lõppu ja kümnendate algust, siis olen muuhulgas silmas pidanud lo-fi ja DIY-kultuuri õilmitsemist. Viimast rõhutatult silmas pidanud. Olulisel kohal liikumises oli USA platform CLLCT ja Hollandi netileibel Rack & Ruin Records, mida juhtis tulbimaal resideeruv inglismann Dean Birkett; kes korjas internetifoorumitest üle ilma koduste vahenditega muusikat loovad artistid kokku, toimetades järjepanu kolm aastat (2008-2011). Küllalt artiste varjus mitme pseudonüümi taha (sh Robby Massey, olles tollal dessktop ja A Warmth). Kokku kogunes natuke üle sadakonna üllitise, milledest käputäis jääb jutuks olevate artistide hingele. Nende hing on äraspidiselt vuajeristlik, ent kombekuse piiridesse jääv. Avatud teistele, et siseneda, pealt vaadata ja saada inspireeritutki. See kogum, mis koosneb küll 11 heliepisoodist, ent saavutab vaevu keskmise poploo pikkuse kokku, on ühelt poolt kibemagusalt nostalgiline ja teisalt piisavalt meeli ärgitav. Olles ühtaegu infantiilne ja lõbus ning teisalt kompromissitult otsinguline, on see meeldiv teos, milles mängutoosidest maha mängivad helid ja mäuguvad-määgivad inimhääled vahelduvad psühhedeelsete oreliimprode, väänatud (konkreet)helide, kummituslike kajade ja vabas vaimus kilina-kolinaga. Ehk žanriliselt oleks seda väär nimetada magamistoapopiks, kuna selle kese on eksperimentaalne ja laialivalguv. See on keskkond, kus inimese enesesse käänduv mängulisus pääseb valla, andes eksistentsile nii mõtte kui tulemuse.

8.0 (8.0-8.5)


Matthijs Kouw, Gagi Petrovic – Recalcitrance (2021)

  • Ambient drone 
  • Dark ambient 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Electro-acoustic 
  • Sound art 
  • Microtonal 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Acousmatic music 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Minimalism
  • Microsound 
  • Abstract 
  • Micronoise 

Ma olen Hollandi plaadifirma Moving Furniture Records`i all üllitatavat muusikat seni üsna ühekülgselt mõtestanud – st kui aktualiseerivat ja genereerivat heli. Äkki annab see muusika edasi hoopis hinge tumedamate värvingute ja impulsside kirjeldusi. Kas inimese seesmine tumedam pool-hingeseisund on mitmekesine ja rikas? Ei tea, ei pruugi olla. Võib-olla sama mitmekesine või kiretu nagu see lahkalbum; koosnedes monokroomsetest droonhelidest, mis samas varieeruvad võngete mustris ja pikkuses selle heli paratamatult kitsastes piirides. Aeg-ajalt lisatakse selle kiretusse kulgu inimhääli meenutavaid oigeid ja sosinaid. Impulsid, mis lisavad kvantitatiivset lasti, samas muutmata kulu kvalitatiivset iseloomu. Teisisõnu, sulandumine jääb ära, elemendid seisavad üksteise kõrval ja lahus. Üks tunne lisandub eristavalt teisele. Ütleme nii, et tulemus oleks olnud mõjusam, kui pärast katse tegemist oleks laualt katseklaas ära koristatud. Matthijs Kouw`ilt kliiniline tehnoloogia jõuetendus. Gagi Petrovic seevastu hakkab värve sisse tooma – minimaalsed biidid, ning isegi postrokile ja uusklassikale lähenev esteetika – tõepoolest, lähenev, hoides nendega targu distantsi. Ühedimensioonilisus taandub, heli ja ruum hakkavad võnkuma ning erinevaid kujusid omandama, emotsioon ja varjundid sugenevad ja katseklaas(itunne) puruneb. 


Seetyca & Christian Doil – Bilder Einer Ausstellung (2017)

  • Electro-acoustic 
  • Ambient drone 
  • Dark ambient 
  • Electronic music 
  • Sound art 
  • Experimental electronica 
  • Minimalism 
  • Avant-electronica 
  • Ambient 
  • Microtonal 
  • Drone

Kaks kogenud elektroonikut Saksamaalt (Thüringen'i ja Mainz'i linnast), kelle split-album sisaldab kokku 13 lugu. Doil'ilt kaheksa ja Seetyca'lt 5 kompositsiooni, mille varieeruvus on lugude lõikes väike, luues ja arendades nüansse kitsal skaalal. Mis ju ongi ühe tõelise artisti mõte, st arendada oma nišši järjepidevalt ja täiuseni. Doil'i puhul varieeruvuse minimaalsus tähendab repetiivsust ämbiendi ja droonmuusika vallas, sageli nimetet stiile on vürtsitatud (lindi)sahinatega, andes sedasi lugudele sügavuse ja müstilise puute. Seetyca on – kui nii võib nimetada – sirgjoonelisem. Ja kasutab aeg-ajalt rohkem gravitatsiooni, et anda helile raskem ja süngem ilme. Teisalt nood justkui kontekstivälised helipiiksatused, kilinad-kõlinad ja kõrgekskeeratud oreliakordid siin-seal loovad humoorika konteksti. Või tuues sisse suisa seksuaalsed allhoovused ("Leere Kirche"). Albumi on välja andnud Buddhist On Fire.


Blush Response & Warm – Blush Response & Warm (2019)

  • Shoegaze 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Indie rock 
  • Dream pop 
  • Fuzz rock 
  • Post-rock 
  • Post-metal 
  • Doomgaze 

Lahkalbum kahelt kvintetilt, kummaltki kaks lugu. Austraalia Blush Response'i muusika on kaunis unistussulis kingapõrnitsemisrokk, milles kitarrid on laugest kulgemisest orkestreeritud sümfoonilistesse kõrgustesse. Mees- ja naishääle põimumine lisab veelgi sensuaalsust, tuues ennekõike meelde Slowdive'i kahe esimese albumi sädeluse. Ennekõike püüdlus ilu poole, mille Briti legendid kitarrides täiuslikkuseni arendasid. Muusika, mida on suurepärane kuulata keskpäevases leitsakus, olles ise kurnatud ja roidunud. Warm teeb osaliselt sama, kuigi nende muusikas on unistuslikku mustrisse sisse põimitud jämedam bassine allhoovus, mis dikteerib tempot ja kurssi üldisemalt. See toob viisiku postroki, isegi postmetalli/metalgaze'i/doomgaze'i territooriumile. Ka vokaalid on enam ooperilikud ja teatraalse kaunistusega. Me oleme ju sellega harjunud, tänu Cocteau Twins`ile, eks ju? Meenutab ju plaadiümbriski Twins`ide klassikut "Treasure". Seda kuulates võib samuti sirutada käed päikese poole, et anda Heliosele au.


FuneralPhobia/Mal Aliento/ Scythes Of Evil – Dead Noise Raw (2019)

  • Brutal metal 
  • Black metal 
  • Extreme metal 
  • Trash metal

Comment: it is a bizarre triple format by Podreira Records and Skitnaste Records in embracing three artists, one of them providing five compositions, and the rest ones just one composition. However, the whole time set clocks in at a 15 minute. The point is that PersonalPhobia's tracks used to come up to one minute only. Scythes Of Evil's composition R - A - W is a 5-minute roundabout based on a virtually unchanged yet ominously enchanting drum machine pattern being adorned with reverberant shrieks and moaning. I would not surprised at all if it was produced by Steve Reich, or La Monte Young, for instance. FuneralPhobia's set is a convincing halfway between trash and black metal. Mal Aliento's Untitled Screams is the different story although relative to the two aforementioned artists. It is full of blasting noises and exaggerated screams and kit drums thereof ultimately producing some sort of inferior blackened secret rather resembling black metal in a quite bent way. It is like eating mud with the ears. Very mind-provoking.


Austin Smith/SLP – Dissolution of the Cube (2010)

  • Experimentalism 
  • Rhythmic noise 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Acousmatic music
  • Improvised noise 
  • Psycho-acoustic
  • Abstract 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Non-music 
  • Power electronics

Comment: this 6-track issue is a split between such artists as SLP, and Austin Smith on the Italian imprint Spettro. One can hear impressive noisy orchestrations full of pulsating nodules and elliptically rounding soundscapes, elemental hurricane-alike outbursts,  signal-alike static tensions and smouldering grayish reverberations within this 40-minute body. All of that is both physically and mentally pushed forward to drill one`s cerebral hemispheres. On the other side, it can be seen from the perspective of a grasshopper who is frightened due to impending death by an oncoming lawnmower. Microscopic and macroscopic levels are set out to reflect upon each other in a destructive way. Every part of the whole reflects mirrors toward the whole, and vice versa. That`s a crazy horse.


Unlimited Space Nine and Stars Sound System – Be (2018)

  • Kosmische Musik
  • Psytrance 
  • Electronic music 
  • Alternative dance 
  • Synth-pop 
  • Ambient pop 
  • Crossover

Comment: this is a split release on Unlimited Space Lab consisting of long-lasting (up to a 10 minute) compositions of such projects as Unlimited Space Nine, and Stars Sound System. More profoundly, bass frequencies and modulated synthesiser sounds propel the 4-track outing to an extent one used to have no certainty is it either an example of trance or synth-pop or ambient pop or electronic psychedelic music or EDM. Or something else at all for one's pleasure. Of course, it is the pseudo-concern because the most important aspect is that the issue is thoroughly coherent and soul-arresting. The X Shape, and Watching Secret Rats From VIIIth Dimension are the favourites of mine due to a laid-back propulsion and yet a catchy theme progression provided at the same time, and amazing keyboard pitches and rhythmic symbiosis, respectively. At times the tracks are embellished with ivory piano chords, lofty synthesiser overdrives and suggestive spoken word snippets. Very pro.


Sturqen/VÄäristymä – Atonia (2018)

  • Experimental electronica 
  • Avant-electronica 
  • Electronic music 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Abstract 
  • Glitchtronica 
  • Minimal techno

Comment: this is a split release by a couple of projects both of them consisting of the pair of experienced musicians. Indeed, Sturqen's music seems to be more abstract and algorithm driven and VÄäristymä`s 5-notch is more loose and floating coming at times quite close to a sophisticated art pop/indie electronic number. In comparison to Sturqen's part it is not surprising at all because VÄäristymä's compositions are shorter while Sturqen's tenure is clearly conceptual because of consisting of two 15-minute long tracks (Metrologia part 1, and part 2). It explores the colours, reverberations and shades of electronic music within its concept. Yet it does not mean that this couple of tracks used to chime a bit devoid of events while being restrained within the conceptual borders. One can perceive the broad borders surrounding the music. For sure, one can hear influences of the two most praised underground electronic duos of the 90s, Autechre, and Pan Sonic. But not only – it is like an electronic release spawned by a composer having an academic background especially regarding those kind of cassette compilations released by German composers during the 80s and 90s. On the other hand, VÄäristymä's music also involves glitched-out and recycled noises at the fringe so it is a release of providing a joint part between artists additionally to idiosyncratic appearances. The joint release is a part of the discography of Nervu.


Oberster Wurstesser vs Sigmund Stella Artois – Schlaue Füchse Und Frömmler (2009)

  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Neoclassical 
  • Electronic music 
  • Alternative 
  • Leftfield 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Primitive music

Comment: music must be fun and ironic, ear provoking and intense, primitive and accomplished. It should unleash beast from within its nature while being ridiculous and serious at the same time. Vaatican Records has been a good platform for artists with the aforementioned description. Minimal and primitive yet intensely compelling sonic progressions are something up there to prove its power and perseverance through an uncanny point of view which does not calculate for nothing because it takes all possibilities for granted. Absolutely democratic and egalitarian yet at the same time being vanguard and innovative. In truth, pop music as an instance is not represented over there. There are represented a couple of artists with dadaist name whose music can be described as experimental electronic music and there is no need to desperately draw the line between the artists because the purpose of this 5-notch outing is to complement each other with audible minutiae. Furthermore, two tracks are up there as collaborative ones. Even as you hear as different sonic aspects as murky neoclassical progressions and glowering synth droning and quite primitive smouldering within the realm of electronic music as parts of the whole. As if getting information from a broken black box or from other dimension. That's fabulous and horrendous at the same time. In a word, get immersed in it to partake in this glass bead game.


Mutawwa`in + Noise Jihad – Split (2015)

  • Noise 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Leftfield 
  • Non-music 
  • Spiritual music 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Ethnic music
  • World music

Comment: I am honoured to review a first issue (AZWD-156) from the discography of Azawad for Recent Music Heroes. This net-label started off in spring of 2013 to would have released more than 150 issues thereafter. However, it is surprising in 2016 there are no issues therefrom. In a word, do much, die fast. I really hope I am wrong in this case. One of the most prolific artists from the imprint is Noise Jihad and the project is also represented there in liaison with Mutawwa`in. Both artists provide just one composition – Noise Jihad`s one is a very fierce and incisive noise attack chiming like an industrial opus for dead men and unhappy ends. Mutawwa`in`s one is a quite different case because it is an organic bond between uplifting islamic singing, mid-range rhythms and the buried noise wall. In a nutshell, the experience is really captivating and staggering. Indeed, one can trace down the label’s and the artists` close relation with the Islam culture and some very reluctant aspects from the underground music thereby being obviously culturally influenced by such leftfield artist as Bryn Jones aka Muslimgauze who lived too short but reached much to convey some problems to us related to Middle East and Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 


Cuarto / Indiosingracia - Krilin Split (2016)

  • Folktronica
  • Folk indie
  • Experimental pop
  • Art folk
  • Indie folk
  • New Weird Italy
  • World music
  • Post-folk
  • Ethnotronica

Comment: I am very glad that the Italy-based imprint La bèl is back with their brand new one which is a split album for Cuarto, and Indiosingracia. Indeed, both artists provide a handful of tracks the former is more world music/ethnic music centred and the latter`s concept used to rotate around the more orthodox folk and electronica tinged concept. On the other side, this differentiation is indirect and contingent just based on some diverse chords and tendencies between the two artists. The most important thing is that the result is consistent and accomplished from start to finish having no signs about weak and accidental compositions. A common thread is that both artists provide instrumental music despite there are represented some vowel effects now and then. Of course, all those tiny fragments and bits which used to appear over there have significant weight and impact. At times those suits can ring loosely yet consistently and elegantly as if it were produced near the campfire (I mean it indirectly). Cuarto´s Harco´s e-mail is an example of blissful crossover which consists of world rhythms, free jazz/improvised sonic mist and folktronic undercurrents. As I said previously I am very glad that La bèl is back with their brand new one…which used to reflect upon such sort of music they are the masters of pertaining to (with regard to the likes of Plusplus, Nick Rivera, Elisa Luu, for instance). Get this and the previous ones under La bèl. 


Sledding With Tigers/KIDS. – Split (2011)

/Acid rock, Folk punk, Blues rock, Drone rock, Psychedelic rock, Bluegrass, Alternative rock, Indie pop/

Comment: I feel myself very satisfied thanks to this 8-track split album by KIDS., and Sledding With Tigers (both musical groups from san Diego, USA). Sledding With Tigers´ music used to rely on Appalachian music tradition because the combo mixes up bluegrass and country music and its instruments with some punk attitude. Their message is related to worldly wisdom of talking about odds and ends which ultimately constitute the important whole. One can be sure they don`t like the situation they live within. You shall have to go to work because you need to pay the rent. I can agree with them it would be great to be a slacker. KIDS.´ music is remarkably more indie oriented, dance-appealed and psychedelic one because they exploit a buzzing electric organ which used to drone and vibrate through their four tracks. On the other side, the term “indie” used to be a weary one today because this word is used way too extensively and thereby saying nothing actually. It is very sympathetic that their sound is sustained with some sonic easiness of doo wop and yo-yo girl pop movement the styles which were prevalent in the 60s and 70s. The favourite of mine is Float because reflecting its power through the wall of droning organs, beautiful yet hefty female singing and catchy melodic gears here and there. On the other side, Monkeys is a bouncy blend of blues and rockabilly music. Get it. 


Piss On Authority / SLUG - Echoes Of The Past Reverberate into Our Future (2014)

/Hardcore punk, Trash punk, Crust punk, Anarcho-punk/

Comment: if you feel bored of arty post-punk aesthetics (or something like that) but still ready to continue with similarly categorized music then I recommend listen to this split of different kind of punk rock. POA and Slug provide an unembellished kind of hirsute punk torrents directly cutting to the chase by handling societal and political shortages based on egoism and lies of the politicians and readiness to preserve the status quo of recent political system. Furthermore, the artists hint at the fact that the systems used to dominate over individuals and it does not make sense at all who govern on the top over us. Pessimistic yet actual, isn`t?                 


Kent State/At The Heart Of The World (2012)

/Psychedelia, Fuzz pop, No Wave, Alternative rock, Avant-rock, Experimental rock, Rhythmic noise, Black metal/

Comment: this album includes 2 issues by two different musical groups, the first of them providing exulting psych-pop and fine fuzz pop numbers. Indeed, it is a way of how one proper rock band should sound being influenced by sweet and tears of black blues guys. Although Kent State`s aesthetics is otherworldly beautiful it seem rather be influenced by gloomy locations worldwide, for instance, Death Valley, which locates quite close to their home city Los Angeles (though I can remember for the band`s frontman Nicholas Vance is/was closely bound to Baltimore either). At The Heart Of The World reveals something fairly gorgonizing because of changing those aforementioned spherical guitar harmonies for truly silly, angular noise structures full of violent screaming and abrasive feeling of angst. To perceive contrast by outpacing the borderline between those groups is inevitable. More profoundly, it is a tight mix of rhythmical noises, No Wave aesthetics and extreme metal facets. By kindred souls it can be compared with Black Dice, for instance. This split release is highly recommended!             


Tinyfolk and Wisdom Tooth - Oxbow Woods (2010

  • New Weird America
  • Free folk
  • Folk indie
  • Dream folk
  • Singer-songwriter
  • Indie folk

Comment: I guess everyone who was involved in music provided by such great platform as it was Bloomington, Indiana-based CLLCT knows Tinyfolk very well. Tinyfolk was one of the most beloved artists under the umbrella. He later moved on from Bloomington to Chicago, Illinois where he formed an indie rock collective, Pretty Swans with his fiancée Megan Lamb aka Iron Like Nylon, and Jim L aka James Eric aka Garden On A Trampoline. Oxbow Woods is the artist`s probably the most grown-up issue due well balanced line between suggestive melodies and harmonies and fabulously setup instruments. At times the acoustic chords are underscored with fine-feeling electronic progressions and whiffs. Wisdow Tooth is an artist who was previously totally unknown to me (I suspect it might be Meghan Lamb). However, her singing manner is frequently fairly bewildering corkscrewing against austere ukulele based backgrounds and some sonic effects here and there. In true, there are no shortages in changing moods and tempos. These good old days will be remembered with nostalgia.                                      


Asalto Al Parque Zoològico/Sugar Candy - Noise Sweet Noise EP (2010)

  • Shoegaze
  • Dream pop
  • Fuzz pop
  • Alternative pop
  • Post-punk
  • Psych-rock
  • Space rock

Comment: indeed, noise rock can sound truly sweet and mellow as proved The Jesus And Mary Chain, and especially My Bloody Valentine for some decades ago. A couple of Argentinian groups Sugar Candy and Asalto Al Parque Zoològico are obviously inspired by those aforementioned noise juggernauts, respectively. More profoundly, this split of 4 tracks reveals some astonishing moments regarding trippy shoegaze explorations (where noise meets sex meets space meets dreams) and heavily hiss-loaded yet exorcized post/punk/fuzz pop/psych-rock. The EP is issued under an Argentinian label, EPG Records. However, regarding South America-based shoegaze-related combos I recommend to listen to Inverness, and This Lonely Crowd either (both from Brazil).    


Sun Devoured Earth/Wounder - Sound Devoured Earth/Wounder Split (2012)

  • Shoegaze
  • Ambient rock
  • Epic
  • Darkwave
  • Alternative rock
  • Dream pop
  • Darkgaze
  • Post-rock
  • Guitar ambient
  • Space rock
  • Ethereal wave
Outstanding tracks:
Bright Days
Things That Make Life Worth It
End of My Days


Folle Eglise/Chicaloyoh - Beko 47 (2010)

  • Experimental rock
  • Slowcore
  • Psych-rock
  • Chamber music
  • Avant-rock
  • Microtonal
  • Noir
  • Angst rock
  • Minimal
  • Abstract
Outstanding tracks:
Folle Eglise - Classic Mountain


Bloodington & Stell Stem Reduction - Sil Rules! (2013)

  • Avant-hop
  • Noise
  • Psych-hop
  • Hardcore punk
  • Abstract
  • Cybergrind
  • Industrial electro
  • Art pop
  • Electronic pop
  • Post-punk
  • Experimentalism
  • Crust punk
Outstanding tracks:
You Can`t Kill Sil
Rotten Rectum
Deep Heat - Cock Treat
What Does It Do?Who`s Talking To You?
Recognising Status
Old Electric Smells/Stink Pollution/Dust
Don`t Kill Sil


The Hairy Giant & Sarah Kersey - The Works Split (2013)

  • Free folk
  • Singer-songwriter
  • Indie folk
  • Ambient
  • Folk indie
  • Weird folk
  • Experimental electronica
Outstanding tracks:
Blind Vision
Cell transit (Demo Mix)