
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Witch Spectra. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Witch Spectra. Kuva kõik postitused


Vanity Puppet & Filmy Ghost -- Dead Vanity (2018)

Witch Spectra

Witch house/Avant-garde/Electronic music/Sound poetry/Drag house/Newbreed/Dark ambient/Experimentalism

Tšiili produtsendi Sábila Orbe ja Ühendriikide lauljatari Vanity Puppet'i 8-looline taies, mis ekspluateerib nõia-, okultismi- ning gootitemaatikat elektroonilises võtmes. Õigupoolest kogu plaadifirma Witch Spectra esteetilis-ideoloogiline alus on nimetatud teemadele üles ehitatud. Muusikaliselt on käesolev teos kahtlemata nullindate lõpu-kümnendate alguse haibist elik drag house/witch house-stiilist mõjutatud, pannes rõhku gootijoodeldamisele ja häälutamisele. Kui witch house-artistid omandasid produtseerimisnõkse jämedate bassiliinide ja kurjade tumesündifoonidega manupuleerimisel, siis käesoleval on pigem tajutav stiili DIY-lähenemine -- muusika on pealtnäha hõre ja passiivne. Kohustuslikud elemendid on küll esindatud, ent ühtne madalatele sagedustele toetuv rusikas on hajunud sõrmede piklikvarjudeks ja nukkide haloringideks. See ei ole negatiivne nending -- see on mänguväljaku rajamine huvitavale häälefantaasiale, mis luitunud pinnases võsub. Teisalt ilma kahtlusteta on taies mõjutatud seesugustest (eksperimentaal)häälutusgigantidest nagu Meredith Monk, Joan La Barbara ning Laurie Anderson.

8.0 (7.5-8.0)


Enoch D▲rk – Enoch Dark (2020)

  • Witch house
  • Drag house
  • Electronic music
  • Cover
  • Newbreed

Comment: it is dark-hued and ominous as if someone being crippled and exhausted after a black mass having then abandoned time capsule for the worse world. Here it is around with galvanized drones, reverb-laden drums running in the range of mid-tempo, and some occasional murky chanting. The best element within it are synthesised and a bit beeping sounds coming out from the flanks because of adding a more extraordinary touch. One of the tracks is a cover of a song by Christian Death (sounds good, isn't?). What else could be added but Christianity may have been the worst legacy for Europe and Western people to come from outside. There is little to do with God but a bunch of ideologically enslaving crap instead of having an adverse impact on the nature and consciousness of those human beings. The only feel you can perceive is being guilty about nothing (all this crap would start with the so-called ancestral sin concept). It is time to abandon the idol and go back to our Pagan roots and discover the true One. Set yourself free just as a member of one species among the other ones. The 8-track issue is a part of the discography of Witch Spectra.