
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Camomille music. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Camomille music. Kuva kõik postitused


Line Noise -- Soul Clouds EP (2004)

Camomille Music

Balearic house/Easy listening/Electronic music/Organic electronica/Deep house/Chilltronica/ Ambient pop

Avastasin, et olen sellelt kolmelooliselt EP'lt valinud päevalugudeks välja kaks kolmandikku; ent arvustust veel kirjutanud ei ole. Väljaandjaks Kanada leibel Camomille Music, mille eestvedajaks oli samuti muusik (Vincent Fugère aka Muhr). Line Noise on ameeriklase Rudy Gonzalez'i ühemeheprojekt, kelle lõunamere päritolu annab helindis kahtlemata tooni. Paradoksaalsel kombel on ta omast ajast kümnendi võrra ees -- lähtudes tõdemusest, et see kõlab kui post-chillwave'ilik taies; sellal kui chillwave'i esilekerkimiseni kulus veel 4-5 aastat. Vahet ju väga ei ole, on see pärit Vahemere või Kariibi mere kallastelt. Ämbient, hauss, pärishelisid järelematkiv (või hoopiski moonutav) ripptooli elektroonika. Sügav ja pinnapealne, tulles esile lahutamatult ning käsikäes. Väärt meduusjas hõllandus Florida poolsaare tipust. Ei tea, kas saarlased-sõrvelased viljelevad ka neeme tipus Sõrve biiti.

8.5 (8.0-8.5)


Wouter Van Veldhoven – Muziek oorspronkelijk bedoeld voor twee piano's (2005)

  • Glitchtronica 
  • Avant-electronica 
  • Abstract 
  • Micronoise 
  • Art pop 
  • Experimental electronica 
  • Post-classical 
  • Musique concréte 
  • Improvised music
Tollase utrechtlasest bioloogiatudengi debüütalbum ilmselt ei püüdle ei müütide ega klišeede poole. Selleks on 6-looline teos salvestatud liiga õhinapõhiselt – palju ideid, palju helisid, palju võimalusi, mille vahelt tavalisest vabamalt valida. Kuigi jah, siin on nii nukrutsevat lauluvada ja kaunimeloodilisi arpedžosid kui teravatipulisi ja sakilisi mürakaskaade. Alati ei tundu helid olevat otse salvestatud – on tajutav teatud distants, mis lisab tervikule omapära ja võlu. Lisaks genereeritud helile võib siin-seal paralleelselt tajuda konkreethelisid, lisades tervikule orgaanilisust ja avarust. Samuti avardavad kõlapilti naturaalpillid, mis omandavad valentse kõlakambrites, mis on liikumine klassikajärgses traditsioonis; rõhutades seda järgsust veelgi mürapahvakutesse sukeldumisega. Tore kuulamine igati. 
8.0 (7.5-8.5)


Numbersix – Secret Journey (2005)

  • Synthwave 
  • Indie rock 
  • Art pop 
  • Alternative pop 
  • Sophisti-pop 
  • Ambient pop 
  • World fusion 
  • Crossover 
  • Synth-pop

Comment: in the last two weeks we have gotten sad news about Keith Flint, and Mark Hollis. The last of them was a legendary cult musician who did start with a synth-pop outfit but later progressed into an artsy outfit. The Rome, Italy-based Numbersix's 10-notch whole is something as if a crossover between the starting and finishing Talk Talk. At times the ghost of Ian Curtis appears to haunt us in a monotonous and laconic yet appealing way. Electronic elements are closely intertwined with ambient, even pristine space and sophisticated pop progressions which in turn are mixed up with concrete sounds and at times with the singing of indigenous people. At times the issue is getting into a lethargic dream based on buried improvisations and veiled lo-fi noodling. In a word, although it can be considered eclectic it is not a bad content at all. There is also up one track for reminding of Dark Side Of The Moon. Furthermore, it is inevitable and in the first place it is a decent crisscrossing. The release is an example within the discography of Camomille Records.


Stakka – Alone EP (2004)

  • IDM
  • Glitchtronica
  • Experimental electronica
  • Minimal techno
  • Glitch-hop
  • Experimental techno

Comment: this 6-track package is a fabulous mix of crunchy rhythms, synthesised wobbles and glitched-out noises flitting in around by the Polish producer Stakka. Given that the outing had been issued in 2004 this might be a quite ordinary practice to take on minimal techno/IDM rhythms, catchy melody lines and beautiful harmonies by following the influence of such labels as Mille Plateaux, and Morr Music then. However, the best time to test the quality of music is to do it many years after the release date of an issue (it is similar to be done with regard to historical events). Here we come in approximately 11 years later. I have no complains, I have no hints at something which could have done in a better way. All is equilibrated all is measured in a proper way. Furthermore, the Polish producer deviates from the aforementioned formula because of providing a couple of nervous hip-hop/glitch-hop compositions which truly make difference (Mosaik, Lucky People). In a word, get this gem which is a part of the discography of the Montrèal, Quebec, Canada based imprint Camomille which had been led by Vincent Fugère aka Muhr.   


Delaykliniken - Young (2012)


/New Wave, Synth pop, Electronic pop, Poptronica, Alternative, Dark pop/

Comment: this batch of 4 tracks is produced by the Swedish trio Delaykliniken comprising Johan Svenson (vocals, music), Mikael Fyrek (music), and Max Sokoleski (music). Their sound is heavily steeped in the syntheticness of the 80s (New Wave, synth pop, New Romanticism) and David Sylvian-esque tortured and gloomy reverie mixed vocal lines by Svensson. It might be a track , Failed, used to show up a more contemporary club dance-centered progression. Retrodelic? Indeed.


Das Hobos - Memphis Buchloe (2012)


/Experimental folk, Funk rock, Indie rock, Blues, Roots music, Dance rock, Soul, Alternative/

Comment: this set of 7 songs is a refreshing drift between folk-y and blues-y moods, between acoustic and electric, though, all of that is channelized in its own way by this German trio, called Das Hobos (also known as Rhythm Police, the indie version of Leroy Schlimm, Frank Nägele and Tom Simonetti). For instance, Harlem Master is still an indie-tinged, more concretely, a little indietronic jam. However, my favorite track is 888 which sounds like a modern version of American Primitivism tightly mixed up with Bowie-esque funk grooves and soul vibes In fact, the same can be said about Toy Of Toy. The issue is released on Montrèal-based label Camomille Records, headed by Vincent Fugère aka Muhr.


Makunouchi Bento - Rinbo (2012)


/Abstract, Film noir, Soundtrack, Avant-garde, Electro-acoustic, Chamber music, Experimentalism/ 

Comment: Makunouchi Bento is a Romanian duo who used to exploit film noir-esque seeds to fuse them into austere, barely discernible chamber music and electro-acoustic soundscapes. Inspite of these "suspicious" presuppositions the listener can perceive some weird kind of easiness at it. Although the album generally is very good on its own, the highly epic Jubokko jumps out as the outstanding track on it. By the way, the friends of MB had covered these pieces being available as the issue at Bandcamp. However, the original track seem to be better, though. And that`s ok.   


Herwig Holzmann - Has your anger really disappeared or have you just buried it so deep (2011)



/Modern classical, Organic electronica, Film noir, Mood music, Soundscape, Chamber music/

Comment: a legendary electronic musician (also known as Das Gritli Moser, and Macon Tights), from Graz, Austria provides a bewitching, 5-piece release of orchestrated fascination blended with discrete, organically loaded electronic undercurrents, chiming as a soundtrack for an imaginable film somewhere outside of perceptible reality. It is filled with highly doleful harmonies and more gleaming and murky shimmer to soothe your pain and desperation.


Lyndsie Alguire - Suspended In Light (2011)

/Modern classical, Organic electronica, Experimental electronica, Chamber music, Musique concrète, Crossover, IDM/

Comment: lone piano-driven (modern) classical/chamber music chords (with arpeggiated arrays sometimes) are varied with IDM-cadences and turbulent, lopsided electronics. Moreover, Montrèal, Quebec-based composer Lyndsie Alguire`s 15-piece debut issue is nicely balanced between concrete and composed sounds, between synthetic and organic segments, shifting between "closed" and "opened" environments. First of all, it is recommended for the fans of Max Richter, Muhr, Non Dolet, Bosques de mi Mente, adamned.age. Of course, for those people either who just intend to listen to beautiful yet slightly melancholic music.


Muhr - Everything Is Ok, We're Still Standing (2011)

/Post-rock, Modern classical, Ambient, Drone, Chamber music, Avant-garde/

Comment: Two tracks by the Montrèal-based legend Vincent Fugère for whom Muhr used to be just one of his many musical practices. Yet, the abovementioned nom du plume used to be the most well-known of them so far. Threatening drones, epic alternations in tones, shimmering string-relied magic, soundtrack-alike orchestrations, slowly evoking and progressing soundscapes in light and dark. All in all, a sequent masterpiece by Muhr.