
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Hisstology. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Hisstology. Kuva kõik postitused


Cosmic Analog Ensemble – Deltas Of Matacumbo (2013)

  • Breaks 
  • Cinematic 
  • Ambient pop 
  • Nu jazz 
  • Sampledelic
  • World fusion 
  • Psychedelic 
  • Electronic music 
  • Chilltronica 
  • Ethnotronica 

Eksisteerib tujuliigutav leibel nimega Hisstology, mille lõviosa üllitiste taga on liibanonlane Charif Megarbane. Ta ning tema koostöö- ja sooloprojektid, milledest ilmselt tuntuim on Cosmic Analog Ensemble. Kõlab justnagu Tangerine Dream teisiti nimetatuna. Ei ole Charif Megarbane teps Edgar Froese duplikaat; seda kindlasti mitte. Seekord tulenevalt oma päritolust lisab ta teatud lugudesse Araabia temaatikat, ent see on kindlasti vähem Araabia kaasus kui olid näiteks Muslimgauze'i teosed. Ta on pigem hedonist, möllates rütmide ning sfääriliste ja kinemaatiliste motiividega. Vahet ei ole, sõltuvalt tujust laenab ta nii Idast kui Läänest, vahel ka Aafrikast. Muideks, selle megaalbumi (kokku 34 lugu) salvestas ta Keenia pealinnas Nairobis; tehes seda laivis ainsa ülesvõttega. Eks mõnes loos võib taamal tajuda Aafrika öist müstikat – hõõguvaid silmapaare ja õõva sisendavaid poolvarje visalt taanduva leitsaku taamal. Nagu mahuka albumi nimi osutab lahkneb see erinevateks harudeks, samas säilitades terviklikkuse. Teisalt mahuka materjali eduka realiseerimise eeldusteks on stiililine mitmekesisus ehk võimalikkuse võimaldamine. Loomuldasa andekusest. Iseenesest mõista. Loomulikult. Siin on erilisi subliimseid hetki – näiteks vastupandamatult katkendlik "Interlude) (Pt. ii) (Side D)" ning vastupandamatult kruttiva orientaalsämpliga "New Hamra". Või kaugete merede ja aegade tagust eksootikat kummardav "Positive Space". "Somehows and Somewhats" kõlab kui nullindate tehnoloogia ja know-how omandanud Miles lendaks ajamasinas oma 50-60ndate loomingut töötlema. Ehtne kõrvauss. Kohati ta muusika kõlab kui library music, kostuvad siin-seal maestrod Morricone, Baxter, Nicolai, Paramor. 

8.0 (7.0-9.0)


Firach Enabragem – Walking Fast, Not Running (2015)

  • Afrofunk
  • Soul
  • Urban music
  • Afrofuturism
  • Psychedelic music
  • Dance music
  • Hip-hop
  • Funk
  • Mood music

Comment: although Walking Fast, Not Running is an afro-futurist issue it does not originate from the Black Continent but instead of it coming from Lebanon, Asia by a talented musician, Charif Megarbane who is also being known as the protagonist in Cosmic Analog Ensemble, another fabulous project. With regard to the recent issue he reversed his name to produce analogue based dusty sonic vibes drawn out from light-hearted reed organs and short brass bleeped toots and dynamic rhythmic rattles create an unforgettable, haunting event. The issue is based on two compositions clocking in at a 23-minute each. To differentiate it slightly from the classical tradition of afro-futurism the musician adds some hip-hop scratches and cut-up voice samples to the blend. As much as it used to be an example of dance music it is as much a chill out one as well. In a nutshell, it is a must-hear issue.


Cosmic Analogue Ensemble – Souffle Continu (2015)

  • Art pop
  • Post-pop
  • Baroque pop
  • Avant-pop
  • Alternative pop
  • Chamber pop

Comment: it happened some months ago when I discovered such label as Lebanon-based Hisstology and Cosmic Analogue Ensembele as a pre-eminent combo in the roster. Indeed, both of them are sources worth to be discovered. Souffle Continu is a fairly marvellous flicker of consisting of 13 notches. Stylistically it could be considered “art pop”, “chamber pop”, “baroque pop”, however, these styles could say much less if one lacks experience of having listened to the issue. Furthermore,I feel myself a little bit guilty by trying to tag such beauty. Cosmic Analogue Ensemble does not use synths here to extract predictable spacey sounds to hover over landscapes and penetrate through atmospheric spheres. You could hear sounds being similar because of coming out of the streets of Paris and searching for magnificent moments by tapping the keys of harmonium thereby reminding of Penguin Café Orchestra, for instance (Suite 3). The artist exploits orchestrations with very sublime turns and wide cinematic progressions which chime otherworldly in a way one could get stunned for sure. I was listening to it while it was snowing heavily. I felt myself to be sad and in pensive mood. Later on, while there was darkened outside the mood still continued to last. Although the artist exploits orchestrated sounds over there which are just bare instruments to bring forth something ulterior which might be unseen at first sight. Indeed, it is a sort of space pop due to the overwhelming beauty and bewildering, even holy aesthetical touch. It was one of the best albums in 2015. Thank you, Charif Megarbane,