
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga 2000. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga 2000. Kuva kõik postitused


VOLKSWHALE – Our Finest Disasters (2000/2005)

  • Punk rock
  • Dada music 
  • DIY 
  • Post-punk 
  • Deconstructed pop 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Plunderphonics
  • Comedy pop 
  • Freeformfreakout 
  • Lo-fi 
  • Synth-punk 
  • Industrial music 
  • Electronic 
  • Psychedelic
  • Spoken word 

Punk on punk; veel pungim on laamendada pungi kallal; samuti punk on kaaperdada poplaulukesi, andes neile obstsöönse maigu või nende natuuri ja osutust rohkem või vähem moonutades. Efekt on tagatud igatahes. Võib põhjustada kõhulahtisust – nagu ühes loos hoiatatakse. Nagu ütleb pealkirigi, on tegu õnnetustega. Tahtlikult esile kutsutud õnnetustega, vääramaks hetkekski eksistentsiaalset tühjust, mis täidab inimhinge jõudehetkel ja keerulistes tingimustes (millest väljapääsu ei näikse olevat). Siin ei ole kohta maitsetusele ega maitsekusele; ei ole kohta kohatusele ja kohasusele – kõik tava ja moraaliga seotu on muusikalisse (meta)eeldusesse lisatud, mistõttu igasugune moraalne eristamine või selle varjundid on tasa lülitatud. Vastandus on välja lülitet. See vist ongi kokkuvõttes üks suur õnnetus. Aga kunstiakt ei saa olla õnnetus, kui see just ei ole (labase) propaganda, raha ja poliitika huvidesse rakendatud. Siin on erandeid juhul, kui labane šabloonide rakendamine on kõrvale heidetud. Kõike eelpoolkirjeldatut ja helilist provokatiivsust ning performance-aspekti arvesse võttes ei saa üle ega ümber Negativland'i, Big City Orchestra, The Residents'i ja COUM Transmissions'i mainimisest. Ning fragmenteeritud, hüplev absurditaju viitab Kanada legendile Bruce Haack'ile. Selle kolmekümne kaheksa loolise kogumikalbumi (mis võtab kokku pundi tegemised vahemikus 1989-2000) on üllitanud Wheelchair Full of Old Men ja Lost Frog Productions (viimase alla kuuluvad muuhulgas DIY-taadi R Stevie Moore'i kolm albumit). Muuseas selle albumi kohta on keegi öelnud, et see olevat halvim album, mis eales tehtud... . Täpsustaksin, et halvim muusikaalbum ei saa kunagi halvim olla.


Zanstones 80 – T T T T T T T T (2000)

  • Improvised noise 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Leftfield 
  • Electronic 
  • Psycho-acoustic 
  • Drone 
  • Acousmatic music

Comment: you are not wrong – indeed, you see 8 Ts in front of your sight. It is obviously the most laconic and uninformative title ever I have encountered since one album and artist's name of just consisting of one very long hyphen only (he or she was probably Japanese by having released a couple of issues on Rack And Ruin Records). Unlike as laconic as the title of it used to be this 31-minute album is speckled with different dots and spans, disparate intentions and blackish and grayish mixed shades. More profoundly, the main line is based on noisy improvisations and around it used to gravitate string-tinged plucks, gathered small noise smithereens, acrimonious autotune-alike vocal threads, bold drones and rough and acute electronic dodges towards. One can hear the pulsations at different frequencies like some kind of electricity permeating the main course. Most sonic blocks are deliberately discolourized and eroded to get stand into a classical noise music feel. Regarding this classic sense you can partake in the intermittent case of continuation and disruption. The mind-provoking and freeing outing is an authorised work in the discography of ZH27 (these are the initials of Zan Hoffman who has issued a noise and experimental music legacy under his own imprint since 1984). This is a bullshit collector of your thoughts. What does it mean? It does mean nothing.


Duesterheit - f3style (2000)

  • Funk
  • House pop
  • Alternative rock
  • Trance
  • Rave
  • Electro pop
  • Crossover
Comment: f3style was one of the first albums in the discography of  Duesterheit issued in 2000. Inspite of being highly eclectic one this 9-track whole includes lots of contrasts and interesting outcomes. At the beginning Duesterheit provides superficial house and funk-y frequencies, though, which seem to be influenced by post-punk mentality; later all of that will be traded for more gloomy electro explorations and even abstract rhythmic combinations (Bass, Damage). The most contrasty stylistic element on it are elliptically extended guitar chords which subsequently constitute the suggestive alternative rock example at Seven In Concert. The final track Confused is a crossover instance of guitar riff-driven layers and choppy cadences below it. Worth album by any means.      


Luarvik Luarvik - Baltic Sation Session (2000/2011)

  • Alternative rock
  • Fusion/Jazz rock
  • Psychedelic rock
  • Experimental rock
  • Mood music 
  • Progressive rock
  • Synth rock


Rabbit-O-Matic - Particles of a Comet (2000)


/Ambient, Soundscapes, Minimal/

Comment: indeed, my comment is about a comet (or track) which apparently hints at aspiration to get a trip in the outer space at least in the next 322 seconds. More concretely, the flight is a soothing and relieving one being surrounded with slightly resonating borders. In turn, these borderlines are composed of hissing vibrations and lofty dusty motion. In a word, in spite of being a heavily minimalist configuration it makes impact upon the listener.


A Beautiful Machine - Solar Winds, White Noise, Antigravity (2000)



/Shoegaze, Stonergaze, Psych-rock, Experimental rock, Epic, Avant-rock, Guitar ambient, Dream pop/

Comment: The Australian Skye Klein is known by his participations in such projects as Halo and Terminal Sound System, yet my favorite endeavour by him is A Beautiful Machine, an epic shoegaze project, which decently reflected upon the angst feeling of a pre-millennium change, and some new directions during the post-Slowdive/MBV era. Indeed, similarly to Slowdive`s Pygmalion (1995) it is heavily abstract and warm simultaneously, full of suggestive guitar manipulations and progressions, atmospheric yet psyched-out vocal howls, and mellow noise washes. Actually, the term shoegaze does mean way too little nowadays, so let`s complement the term, however, it is clustered with abrupt yet dreamy chasing along the midway of stoner visions and ambient . Aarghh, it is a majestic yet forgotten (actually undiscovered) shoegaze gem.