
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Reverse Engine. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Reverse Engine. Kuva kõik postitused


gunctrl – Obituary Cocktail (2017)

  • Lo-fi 
  • American Primitivism 
  • DIY 
  • Krautrock 
  • Experimental rock 
  • Electronic 
  • Drone rock 
  • Art pop 
  • Americana

Comment: Joe Wozny and Dave Merson Hess spawned the idea to get together in music while having a strike as mattress sellers in Houston. As musicians they both did have a base from earlier times and therefore one should not surprise at all while hearing an adept and stylistically wide result. They play an impressive range of instruments on the 10-track debut album. From immersive acoustic guitar playing and epic Americana and ennobling drone rock progressions to lo-fi poppy electronic and convulsive kraut glimpses it can be considered their drive to come out and fulfill their need for new music. The solid outing is a bit in the discography of Reverse Engine.


The Blessed Cassettes – Errors And Omissions (2016)

  • Lo-fi 
  • DIY 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Indie rock 
  • Psych-rock 
  • Electronic 
  • Americana

Comment: the combo which were previously being known as The Litter come out of Houston, Texas, USA consisting of members of The Strangelet Disasters. Their 9-notch release is a tight mix of simplistic, even primitive chords and structure, rough harmonies and uncanny psychedelic sensitivity. First listening times of it may seem a bit inferior but the more you are listening to it the more you get the charm out of it. Especially good are those circling electronic/marimba progressions within the guitar noise thus reminding of such post-rock combos as The Dylan Group, and Tortoise but there are also up galvanised guitar-based dodges. And those hazy synth compartments as if coming out of the 80s yet chiming truly retro-futuristic and contemporary in a dreamy way (as if being produced by Daniel Lopatin, for instance). Although it is not an example of roots music it is somehow indirectly influenced by it so you can say it certainly comes out of the United States after hearing the first chords of it. The issue is a part of the discography of Reverse Engine.


The Starry Tides - One Lit Window EP (2006)

/Post-rock, Indietronica, Experimental rock, Mood music, Alternative rock, Art rock/

Comment:  The Starry Tides is the project of David Merson Hess who is also known as film music composer. It is a peculiar issue because of involving tracks being not longer than 3 minutes (the whole finishes off at 10.41). On the other side, it is a sort of post-rock music which tends to meander within many minutes from its starting point. Frequently guitar sounds are embellished with glitch electronic noises, vivid spoken samples (from the film scores?). By the way, the album is issued on his own record label Reverse Engine. In a word, the result is moody and revealing its abundant supply of fantasies.          


docks Ship EP (Revers Engine)

John Morgan Mitchell salvestas oma esimese albumi “ep” 2007. aastal pseudonüümi Morgan all, kasutades helide salvestamiseks, miksimiseks ning masterdamiseks ipod`i kõvaketast. Tollal 17aastane kalifornialane pakkus kuulajale positiivse annuse darkwave`iga segatud post-rock`i. Kõlas täpselt nii nagu üks seesugune asjandus kõlama pidi – massiivne, eepiline, monumentaalne. Rohmakas, maskuliinne kitarristrumming vaheldumas ja põimumas loodushelide, häälutuste ning elektroonikaga. Vaieldamatult etem kui Mogwai või Explosions In The Sky viimased albumid.

Pärast seda albumit-projekti muutis Mitchell oma artistinime, ning docks tungis uutele platoodele. Tõsi küll, uued hõivatud territooriumid ei erine kuigipalju eelmistest. Eksperimentaalroki elemendid on jätkuvalt paljuski esindatud. Digitaalelektroonika osakaalu suurenemine on jõujooni enim segi paisanud. Boreaalsed kummituslikud varjundid on helitekstuuri läbimas. Meeldiv dissonants peletab eemale igasugused mõtted võimalikust steriilsusest. Raske on seda albumit üheselt haarata. Siin on settimist, melanhooliat (gutter blue), aga ka majesteetlikku kaost (2001). Kui konsensust väga püüda leida, siis uue saundikontseptsiooni kvintessents võiks kehastuda imetabases loos annie. Kuulaja võib leida sarnasusi slept.`i, Max Richter`i ja Daniel Maze`i, Muhr`i ja Tim Hecker`iga. Loodushelid on albumi kontseptsioonile kohaselt esindatud - lained on hoogsalt veeremas-laksumas. Käesolev üllitis on mõeldud kõigile neile, kes peavad lugu emotiivsest elektroonikast/eksperimentaalrokist, korralikust kontseptsioonist ning selle lõpuleviidusest.

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