
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Monster Jinx. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Monster Jinx. Kuva kõik postitused


Maria – Cor e Forma (2018)

  • Hip-hop 
  • Rap 
  • Breaks 
  • Urban music 
  • Electronic music 
  • Soul-hop 

Kummastav on kuulata hiphoppi ja räppi teistes keeldes väljaspool stiilile kodust inglise keelt. Eesti keeles on talutav Chalice ja Genka (võib-olla seetõttu, et tegu on pealtnäha muhedate tüüpide ja nende vaheda huumoriga naelapeade seinte tagumisega), aga nii-öelda karmide meeste joru tekitab hinges kohe trotslikku groteski. Teisalt ingliskeelsest maailmast tuleb põhiliselt rõlget autotune`tamist vinguva sõnumi edastamiseks, mis on kõike muud kui kutsuv (võib-olla hetkel enam ei tule – ei ole end uuendanud viimase aasta jooksul). Võib-olla on asi sügavalt isiklik, kuna hiphopp on stiilidest kõige sotsiaalsem – ja seeläbi antieskapistlik – keskendudes inim- ja sotsiaalsetele suhetele, mis hingele on mürk (enesepettus, kinnisideede sugereerimine, kahtlused, enese kallutamine ühes või teises suunas, manipuleerimine, egotripid, tundmuste võimendumine ja käitumuslik (üle)reageerimine)). Seetõttu esmajoones Flying Lotus`ega alguse saanud põhiliselt instrumentaalne, samas eksperimentaalne lohiseva biidiga hiphopp – mis omakorda on kahtlemata mõjutatud Boards Of Canada`st – on pigem vesi erakliku hinge veskile. Näiteks väga südamelähedane on Bulgaaria plaadifirma – mis hõlmab artiste üle ilma – Dusted Wax Kingdom`i pea viiesaja ühikuline diskograafia. Portugaallane maria (meessoost!) sama maa plaadifirma Monster Jinx`i all on loonud korraliku rütmide kaskaadi, milles on nii paitavat atmosfäärilisust kui kergelt söövitavat happelisust. Hea muusika on see, mis jätab hinge jälje; hea muusika on ka see, mis pärast kuulamist lahustub jääke jätmata. Käesolev 8-looline esindab pigem viimast kategooriat. Jäägid mürgitavad, jäägid takistavad apatheia poole püüdlemist. Tahad kulgeda kulgemata – ilmselt see album kaasa ei aita, kuna selle eesmärk on vallandada kuulajas värve, mustreid, kujundeid – esile kutsuda ja võimendada nende tajumist (kromesteesia). Intensiivne värvide tajumine pikaajaliselt tekitab hinges rahutust.


Roger Plexico – Where The Sidewalk Ends (2017)

  • Chilltronica 
  • Electronic pop 
  • Alternative pop 
  • Mood music 
  • Yacht rock 
  • Breaks 
  • Art pop 
  • Space pop

Comment: the Portuguese artist Roger Plexico's 6-notch issue is a special event for those who like to relax while listening to moody yet demanding music. Indeed, the artist's fourth release is thought to all the ardent music lovers. Roger Plexico's brand new one is meticulously designed and mixed up in the way to bring forth a synergistic essence within it. Elements of synth-pop, space pop, sophisti-pop, art pop, soft rock, yacht rock, and chillwave are added to the melting pot to get a bewildering thread. In the described, epic way it used to roll out. In an artsy way, orchestrated and slightly acidic yet certainly stellar synths combined with dusty reed organs do roll over the terrain of broken beat. It can be compared to Air's music though not in direct, compositional sense. With regard to the French duo you can draw parallels on both project's metaphysical desire to expand an inner space and then transcend its borders to get together with outer space. To crumble to cosmic dust ultimately which will be sad and ennobling simultaneously. It is a bit in the discography of Monster Jinx, a Portuguese imprint.


Monster Jinx – Payday Vol.01 (2016)

  • Downtempo 
  • Hip-hop 
  • Urban music 
  • Alternative dance 
  • Rnb 
  • Mood music 
  • Chilltronica 
  • Yacht pop 
  • Electronic pop 
  • Sampledelic

Comment: Monster Jinx is a Portuguese imprint which has been releasing music since 2009. The current one embraces 10 compositions which could loosely be categorised as urban music – from softened hip-hop and moody electro vibes to synthesised yacht pop and chemical rnb and restrained downtempo and careless sampledelic chugging. However, there are up more poignant and incisive and more tense moments as well which used to counterbalance the compilation's caressing nature. In a word, this is a crosscut of the imprint. It's sure anybody can find out something intriguing and relaxing for himself/herself. The more you listen to it the more it expands and the more it gets better. There are up such artists as Stray, J-K, Pulso, Taseh, OSEB, DarkSunn, Ghost Wavvves, NO FUTURE, pretochines, and dgtldrmr. Get it!


Monster Jinx - ORFANATO Quintanilha Rock 2015 (2015)

  • Hip-hop
  • World music
  • Breaks
  • Rap
  • Ethnotronica
  • Urban music

Comment: artists under the Portugal-based imprint Monster Jinx have expressed their feelings by using electronically processed rhythms, nu/acid jazz and hip-hop aesthetic. The current 3-track issue is produced by such artists as Taseh, dgtldrmr, NO FUTURE, DarkSunn and Ghost Wavvves and does stylistically adrift across the terrains of hip-hop and world music (the influences of ethnic music coming out from the Middle East and Celtic cultural area). Peregrino is the exception because of being predominant hip-hop outing by its nature in comparison to the rest of the two tracks where coherent hip-hop energy surfaces due to enchanting chanting and looping electronics flitting in around in a captivating way. One is sure the music could be a decent candidate to be added to the list of WOMAD, for instance. All in all, the result is an intriguing listening.                  


Taseh - Dekotora (2012)

  • Chill out
  • Breaks
  • Electronic pop
  • Hi-NRG
  • Electro pop
  • Acid
  • Chilltronica
Outstanding tracks: 
Honk Kong
Shiny Stainless Steel


DarkSunn - Mint EP (2011)

  • Breaks
  • Cinematic
  • Sampledelic
  • Nu jazz
  • Mood music
  • Sound collage
  • Hip-hop
  • Chill out
  • Alternative
Outstanding tracks:
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