
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Drowning. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Drowning. Kuva kõik postitused


Hunters Pub – Ancient Woods. Drunken Hags. (2012)

  • Post-metal
  • Drone metal 
  • Experimental metal 
  • Ambient 
  • Noise metal 
  • Avant-metal 
  • Ambient metal
Drowning on huvitav Taani leibel, mis on nullindate lõpust välja andnud rahutu loomuga metallmuusikat. Õigupoolest anti muusikat välja oma 3-4 aastat, pärast seda on pomo Danny Kreutzfeldt tõstnud albumid enam mitteeksisteerivalt kodukalt Bandcamp'i lehele. Selle üheloolise (26- minutilise) kompositsiooniga on asi veelgi keerulisem. Algselt lõi selle Dennis L. Hansen (koos venna Larsiga on edendanud projekti Wäldchengarten) 2007. aastal, ent plaadifirmaboss arranžeeris lood uuesti viis aastat hiljem (autoriteks on mõlemad märgitud). On kidraplõnnimist atmosfääriliseI taamal, mis omakorda on pinnapealselt ent mõjusalt varieeritud elektrooniliste efektidega. See on justkui liikumine ühest toast teisse, tuues endaga kaasa piisavalt huvitavaid muutumisi ja muundumisi – tüünusest saab ühtäkki raputav müraküllane kollaps, mis omakorda leiab väljapääsu geomeetrilises kujundlikkuses – jäädes ühelt poolt luupivaid kordusi imetlema, samas astudes minimalistlike sammukestega uuteIe mõjuväljadele. Loogika seisneb selles, et liigutakse vastandite vahel ehk pulseerivale mürale järgneb sügav ämbientulm, ja vastupidi. Ja kusagil sääl taamal mühiseb Jüüti tuulte jõud ja vägi. Parafraseerides klassikuid – müra ei hüüa tulles ning lüües kasvab meeleheide. Heited kuuluvad vägilastele ning sellega paratamatult kaasnevad tugevad helivõnked. Nii see helilahing enda kasuks kallutatakse. Efektselt ja efektiivselt. 

8.5 (7.5-9.0)


Dead Black Arms – Slow Burning Ocean (2010)

  • Drone doom metal 
  • Doom metal 
  • Post-metal 
  • Experimental metal 
  • Minimalism 
  • Avant-metal

Comment: this issue consists of one, long-running composition, which slightly embarks on from nothing, then stepwise evolves being cranked up in volume and added up with slamming drumming and distorted, warped hi-hats. Indeed, the result is craftily composed therefore it might be considered a mystified issue. However, it is feint. With regard to the title of the track it reminds me of horrendous sea catastrophes being caused by the human race and oil tankers. For example, the one what happened in the Gulf of Mexico 6 years ago. Because of this it is not fun at all. Fuck off, those droning doom chords resemble hundreds of thousands dying sea birds and fishes and mammals who are killed by the human being's brain as allegedly the most sophisticated object all around the Universe. The bad thing is this is just a little part of all the atrocities perpetrated by us against nature. No respect, no humbleness, just arrogance and exaggerated self-confidence mixed up with stupidity. It is both against the own species and other species as well. Just watch daily TV events to get proof against. All is being set up in flames directly and indirectly. There is no future. The only positive thing in relation to the human race is to create art in different appearances, which provides hope and some salvation. These 32 minutes created by Danish Claus Haxholm over there are thought for it. This is a great issue under the experimental metal imprint Drowning. 


nccptr – Antipodes (2013)

  • Post-metal 
  • Drone metal 
  • Doom metal 
  • Drone doom metal 
  • Avant-metal 
  • Post-rock
  • Electronic music 
  • Epic
  • Experimental metal

Comment: nccptr is an one-man-project with former metal music background from Portugal whose 27-minute opus is an instance of slowly droning metal and daringly loping post-rock interludes with unexpected interruptions and “errors”. By listening to it for the first time I checked out my music player to except erroneous bugs within it. However, this is still a case of faith. Given that I believe that the music playing system is ok and all is related to the album. Those “errors” are downrightly electronic and incisively sharp thereby remembering those that come from the tracker music scene and digital hardcore landscape. The purpose of the artist is to investigate disquietude and hopelessness with higher level of abstraction. Despite those tickling overthrows one could experience ennobling guitar progressions in a span of a couple of minutes, between the 19th and 21st minute, which is followed up by the climax of the final part through warped noises, crippled electronics and stereo effects and a powerful guitar noise outburst. At times one could perceive synaesthetic sensations as if listening to an colourful picture. All in all, the result is overwhelming and making highly sense. The issue is a part of the discography of Danny Kreutzfeldt-led imprint Drowning.      


Outer Gods - Ascend Unto The Seventh Throne (2015)

/Drone doom, Drone, Ambient, Post-metal, Avant-metal, Experimentalism, Spoken word, Minimalism, Field recording, Crossover/

Comment: this issue consists of two lengthy compositions at which drone music, doom metal, and ambient are three whales the Atlanta, Georgia, US-based combo used to draw on. Although those sounds represented over there are frequently austere and bleak ones with little changes the result is highly emotive and galvanizing. Guitar based drones are densely interwoven with electronic sounds resulting in thought-provoking outputs. For instance, there are up some snippets where gloomy yet picturesque church bells and ambiances create sensations of impending doom. It is intriguing to hear how the layers of the issue are interconnected with one another and used to minimally change throughout these two lengthy courses – at times with immense even squelchy gravitational power, at times decelerated to a more minimal extent. All of that seems to be highly convincing at its uncompromising hustling. Stylistically it is puzzling to discern is it either metal-related music or drone/ambient oriented experimentations. At least, it does not make sense. Consequently it can be said it is one of the best issues in 2015 so far. 


Morgue Of Saints – Sleep/Death (2013)

/Doom metal, Post-metal, Avant-metal, Funeral metal, Neoclassical/

Comment: Morgue Of Saints is an one-man project from Montrèal, Quebec, Canada whose three track debut album is loaded with heavy particles, punching energetic vectors and destructive riffs. The starting composition is delicately drenched with funeral vapour and neoclassical impulses, the other ones are stylistically more doom-laden and used to grind against the listener`s ears and soul with repetitive patterns of gravel-filled drones and ironic mud-eating. Furthermore, the artist`s music is almost tectonic in its slowness as if depicting the creation of the Earth many billions years ago. It is almost horrendous in a picturesque manner.         


SOL - And The Mouth Of Time Is Open (2013)

  • Doom metal
  • Drone metal
  • Ambient
  • Sludge metal
  • Post-metal
  • Avant-metal
  • Trance metal
  • Screamo
  • Epic
  • Experimental metal
Commentthis 47-minute release is filled with heavy, actually banging drumming, apocalyptic cathedral-coated organs which are accentuated with deeply desperate, sludgy vocal lines hovering atop. At times the collective`s sound renders into a wry, trancelike psychedelic realm or ambient-near still life (particularly at This Realm Is Free And Remains Eternal). It is meta-metal, isn`t? The concept is arrantly epic and apocalyptic – regarding SOL`s music, titles, and - of course - result. If you are born to be a music fan being keen to new sonic challenges or just adore thrilling nouveau metal eposes then this 5-track colossus is very exactly thought for you. It is issued under an experimental metal label,


nccptr - Antipodes (2013)

  • Post-metal
  • Post-rock
  • Noise rock
  • Avant-rock
  • Experimental rock
  • Crossover
Outstanding tracks:


Nonsun - Sun Blind Me (2013)

  • Drone doom
  • Doom metal
  • Post-metal
  • Avant-metal
  • Dark ambient
Outstanding tracks:
Forgotten Is What Never Was
Rain Have Mercy
Alphomega Part I: Sunlit Darkness


Aidan Baker & A-Sun Amissa – Scarpe Sensée (2013)


/Drone, Drone folk, Post-psychedelic electronica, Space folk, Avant-rock, Improvised music, Experimentalism/  

Comment: Aidan Baker, a Canadian experimental musician needs not to be introduced more closely due to his numerous solo works and having his predominant participation in Nadja. A-Sun Amissa is being known thanks to his involving in Glissando, The Rustle Of The Stars, Tomorrow We Sail). Anyway, their brand new one consists of one, 20-minute long composition exploring into a droning, spaced-out folk/rock terrain. Indeed, it is laid back and thought-provoking simultaneously lifting up its fist and pointing out to Universe. By kindred souls there can be drawn parallels upon the likes of Vibracathedral Orchestra, Natural Snow Buildings, Kemiälliset Ystävät, Vulcano The Bear, Spacemen 3, Flying Saucer Attack and many other ones.          


Moongazing Hare - The Sunderland Wreck (2012)


/Avant-folk, Drone folk, Neofolk, Dream folk, Electro-acoustic, Experimental folk, Sound art, Pagan folk/ 

Comment: behind this handful of compositions is David Folkmann Drost from Denmark. His album consists mainly of lengthy electro-acoustic infiltrated folk appearances embellished with angular, resonating droning, obscure vibrations, and uplifting buzzing. Furthermore, the release includes lots of hints at neofolk, faery jangles, and pagan flute whiffs thereby keeping up its otherworldly and genuinely dreamy and mixed aesthetics.


Wyrm - Paramount (2011)


/Doom metal, Post-metal, Experimental metal, Epic, Avant-metal/

Comment: this issue involves 4 long-running compositions by Bryan Ferguson who mixes up the aspects of epic, high-register-loaded doom metal with thick crackling and some innovative electronic progressions. Of course, below the clearly visible the listener can perceive suggestive minimal sonic piles which used to repeat and grow simultaneously.


[Vana ning oluline] Wäldchengarten Black Rabbit (Drowning)

Aarhus`ist pärit vennad Lars ja Dennis Hansen on projekti Wäldchengarten (eesti keeles “saluaed”) vedanud 10-11 aastat; 13 albumi/EP/7-tollise eest on nad saanud nii sees- kui väljapool piire soliidse tunnustuse osaliseks. Mulle meeldib bändi nime tagune paljutähenduslikkus. Salu (metsatukk) on midagi sellist, mis ühelt poolt puude olemasolu-koosluse kaudu sümboliseerib pimedamat poolt ning teisalt hõreduse-läbipaistvuse läbi heledamat (helgemat(?)) külge. See on koht, mida ilmestab varjuheitev valgus. Varjulisus. Poolpeidetus-poolnähtavus. Reaalsuse ning näivuse (ka fiktsiooni) koosmäng. Aed selle keskel on koht, kus Taani duo omi mänge mängib. Seda oskavad nad kaheldamatult hästi.

Albumil “Black Rabbit” (mis algselt oli reliisitud 2007. aastal Taani leibli 8KMob all) oli au - ja vastupidi - olla uue avangardmetal`i/doom/drone-leibli Drowning (asutajaks Saksa eksperimentaalmuusik Danny Kreutzfeldt) esimene pääsuke. Üllitis koosneb ühest loost, mis omakorda on jagatud kolmeks osaks - III Intentions; The Fields Are Covered With Blood; Black Rabbit. Esimene osa algab eepilise paisumisega (küllaltki sarnane Godspeed You! Black Emperor`i (GYBE!) lugude algustele), millesse vähehaaval paisatakse tumedat-musta-ülimusta mateeriat. Mustvisuaalne aegluubis esitatud arpeggio-muusika. Drone doom ning ruumi parameetreid nihutavad massiivsed kitarririfid. Sektsiooni viimane kolmandik koosneb üksteisest läbikasvanud helikihtide voost, mille “sulnidus” lõpuks sumbub digitaalsesse mürra. The Fields Are Covered With Blood põhineb müristaval doom-metal-passaažil, ning algabki Black Rabbit - madalsageduslik, justkui kilomeetrite tagant kõlav lõputu drone-põlemine. Kuulaja tajub nihkub, kohandub ning tundub, et maad on võtnud vaikus. Mingist hetkest alates hakkab helipilt tasahilju kitarride saatel valjenema. Mikrotonaalsus. Phaser-metal. Helind hakkab vibreerima, elektroakustilised efektid tekitavad assotsiatsioone, atmosfäärilised viivud hakkavad saundi läbistama. Ning 33 minutit ongi kiiresti möödunud.

Milline on üleüldse jumalik muusika? Küllap seesugune, milles on eepilisust, massiivsust, lõputust ning transtsendentaalset müstikat. Tõepoolest, õiged bläkkmetalistid ning vennad Hansen`id on Jumalale kindlasti lähemal kui näiteks ühed kristlastest kämplaulikud Eestimaal. Lugesin kunagi, et Max Cavalera pühendavat oma loomingu Jumalale. Esimesed kummardavad inimmõistuse manipulatsioonidest-haardest vaba ülimat (põhjuslikku) algjõudu, teised orjastatud ning absurdset valejumalat, millesse nad paljud isegi enam ei usu. Ühtedel on vägi, teistel mitte. Ka tuletage meelde raamatus “Põrgupõhja uus vanapagan” seda kohta, kus Jürka ja kirikupapp kohtuvad ning räägivad taevast.

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